Flooding Can Happen to Anyone!
There are over 5.2M properties in the UK that are at risk of flooding yet
many property owners are unaware of the risk that they face. You are
actually more likely to be flooded than you are to be burgled!
Being aware of your flood risk is your first step in managing it. Whilst
flood insurance can compensate you for the loss of your possessions,
nothing can compensate you for the emotional stress and upheaval that you
face when your property is flooded.
I don't live near a river or the sea, so how can I be at risk of flooding?
You don't have to live near a river or the sea to be at risk of flooding.
Flooding can occur in a number of ways, and it's also possible for your
property to be flooded from more than one source at the same time.
Types of Flooding
Surface water (pluvial) flooding
Surface water flooding occurs when there are prolonged heavy downpours of
rain. The ground may become saturated and drainage systems are unable to
cope with all the rain or may become blocked, in addition the land itself
can't cope with the rainfall. Surface water flooding is hard to predict,
however it will flow downwards and can often collect in low lying areas, so
if your property is at the bottom of a slope or a low-lying basin you may
be at an increased risk of flooding.
River (fluvial) flooding
River flooding occurs when following a large or prolonged amount of rain
causing rivers to burst their banks. Flood Assist offer maps to
check your risk of floods from rivers.
Coastal and tidal flooding
Tidal or coastal flooding happens as a result of high tides coinciding with
stormy conditions which leads to the sea and tidal water levels being raised
and breaching any costal defences. Flood Assist offer maps to
check your risk of coastal flooding.
Groundwater flooding
Flooding occurs as a result of the water levels in the ground rising above
the surface, and typically occurs in low lying areas underlain by porous
rocks or where there is a general high-water table
Sewer flooding
Sewer flooding can happen as a result of sewers being overwhelmed as a
result of heavy rainfall or when sewers become blocked. As a result, sewage
escapes either through a manhole or drain or back up through toilets, sinks
and baths.
Burst water mains
Burst water mains can result in a significant amount of water flooding
streets and adjacent properties, although the depth of the water will be
low and the length of time flood water is likely to be in a property is
short the damage can be significant especially to properties that have a
basement or cellar.
Reservoir or dam failure
There are over 400 reservoirs and damns in England alone that are of a size
that means that they have to be registered with the Environment Agency
there are thousands that aren't. Although the risk of a dam or reservoir
failing are low the consequences of this could be devastating and would
likely effect a large area.
How Can Flood Water Enter my Home?
It's a common misconception that if your home or business floods that water
will enter through doors and windows, the reality is that water can enter
your property in many different ways. If you are considering making your
home flood resilient then you will need to consider a range of products and
ways in which to do this.
Common ways in which water can enter your property are:
Doorways and windows and their seals
Airbricks and vents
Brickwork, external walls, cracks and pointing
Waste water pipes
Cable and pipework holes
Backflow from toilets, sinks and baths
Through the floor via rising groundwater
How Can I Find Out If I am at Risk of Flooding?
It is easier to predict some types of flood risk than others, here at Flood
Assist Insurance we have developed Flood Maps using data from The
Environment Agency and
Natural Resources Wales to help you understand what
your flood risk is. Our UK flood maps will show you your
risk of river and sea flooding.