Flood Alert Info - North Cornwall coast from Lands End to Chapel Porth
Area Description
Lands End to Chapel Porth including Sennen, St Ives, Carbis Bay, Lelant, Portreath and Porthtowan.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.
Area Covered by this Flood Alert
The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History
Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Hayle area
Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 30 Mar 2025 14:25
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Monday morning. High water at St Ives is at 7:15am, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 3.86 mAOD, with a surge of 0.180m above astronomical tide level.
Possible wave overtopping could occur within St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the causeway at Hayle.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2024 12:16
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Sunday evening due to high spring tides and forecast strong winds and waves.
High water at St Ives is at 7:58pm on Sunday evening, times of high water vary along the coast, flooding is possible up to 1 hour either side of high tide.
Following some minor flood impacts over Sunday morning’s high tide, tide levels are lower and weather conditions are expected to ease by Sunday evening’s high tide. However, flooding to low lying land and roads is still possible, and a flood alert remains in force.
Conditions will ease for Monday morning’s high tide.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information by 11am on Monday morning or if the situation changes.
St Ives forecast tidal information for Sunday evening: tide level 3.51m AOD, 0.25m above tide table level. Force 7 south-westerly winds, offshore wave heights up to 4.9m.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Oct 2024 12:24
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tides on Saturday evening and Sunday morning due to high spring tides and forecast strong winds and waves on Sunday.
High water at St Ives is at 7:15pm on Saturday evening and 7:34am on Sunday morning, times of high water vary along the coast, flooding is possible up to 1 hour either side of high tide.
Flooding to low lying coastal land and roads is possible on Saturday evening. On Sunday Morning exposed coastal communities are more at risk due to forecast wind and wave conditions, flood warnings may be issued.
Conditions will ease for Sunday evening’s tide, however minor flooding is still possible.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information by 11am on Sunday morning or if the situation changes.
St Ives Forecast tidal information
Saturday: tide level 4.08m AOD, 0.25m above tide table level. Force 4 south-westerly winds, offshore wave heights up to 2.9m.
Sunday: tide level 4.13m AOD, 0.51m above tide table level. Force 7 southerly winds, offshore wave heights up to 2.8m.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 11:54
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Friday evening. High water at St Ives is at 6:33pm, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Spring tides are peaking on Friday evening and are forecast to cause flooding between 5:33pm and 7:33pm.
Locations particularly at risk include low lying coastal communities. Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
Tide levels are lower for Saturday’s high tides, however, flooding to low lying land and roads is still possible and a flood alert remains in force.
Unsettled weather conditions are expected to cause further flooding over Sunday morning’s high tide; flood warnings will be issued where required.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information by 11am on Saturday, or sooner if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 3.96m AOD. Expect tide levels along the coast to be between 0.2 and 0.3m above tide table level. Force 6 southerly winds and offshore wave heights of over 2m are forecast over the high tide.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 11:23
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Thursday evening. High water at St Ives is at 5:50pm, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Spring tides are forecast to cause flooding between 4:50pm and 6:50pm.
Locations particularly at risk include low lying coastal communities.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
Coastal conditions should ease for Friday morning's high tide; however, spring tides and unsettled weather conditions are expected to cause further flooding over the weekend, particularly over the high tides on Friday evening and Sunday morning, flood warnings will be issued where required.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information by 11am on Friday, or sooner if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 4.04m AOD. Expect tide levels along the coast to be between 0.1 and 0.2m above tide table level. Moderate Force 4 westerly winds and offshore wave heights of 2.9m are forecast over the high tide.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Sep 2024 14:05
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Friday 20th of September. High water at St Ives is at 19:39, times of high water will vary along the coast.
These are some of the biggest tides of the year. Sea conditions are expected to be calm due to high pressure, however still water conditions may still cause flooding to low lying roads and quaysides.
Locations impacted include St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information; The forecast high tide level at St Ives on Friday 20th September 4.17 mAOD. Expect tide levels along to coast to be up to 0.24 metres above tide table level.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Sep 2024 14:15
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Thursday 19th September. High water at St Ives is at 18:57, times of high water will vary along the coast.
These are the biggest tides of the year, peaking on Thursday evening. Sea conditions are expected to be calm due to high pressure, however still water conditions may still cause flooding to low lying roads and quaysides.
Locations impacted include St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Do not walk or drive through flood water or waves.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information; The forecast high tide level at St Ives on Thursday 19th September is 4.02 mAOD. Expect tide levels along to coast to be up to 0.02 m above tide table level.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Aug 2024 12:52
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Thursday 22 August.
High water at St Ives is at 8.00pm, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Force 5 south westerly winds and offshore wave heights of 2.7m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio.
We are monitoring the situation and will update this information by 12pm on Friday 23 August, or earlier if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 3.92m AOD. Expect tide levels along the coast to be around 0.12m - 0.16m above the tide table level.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Apr 2024 11:32
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Wednesday the 10th of April.
High water at St Ives is at 19:20 on Wednesday. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect tides to be higher than predicted due to the weather conditions.
On Wednesday, up to force 6 south-westerly winds and wave heights of up to 3m are forecast to cause overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour and Portreath Harbour. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions.
From Thursday morning onwards tide heights start to reduce and generally more settled conditions are expected. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue an update by midday on Thursday the 11th of April.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; the astronomical tide level at St Ives is 3.45mAOD, but expect levels to be up to 200mm higher than published.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 11:18
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning and evening high tides on Wednesday 10th April.
High water at St Ives is at 07:01 and 19:20 on Wednesday. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect tides to be around 230mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
On Wednesday, force 6 south to south-westerly winds and wave heights of up to 3m are forecast to cause overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour and Portreath Harbour. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions.
Coastal conditions should ease for Thursday morning's high tide. However, we will continue to monitor the situation and issue an update by midday on Wednesday 10th April.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 4.08 m AOD on Wednesday morning and 3.87 m AOD on Wednesday evening, 0.23 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 11:38
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening tide on Monday 8th April, and the morning tides of Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th.
High water at St Ives is at 17:58 on Monday, 06:18 on Tuesday, and 07:01 on Wednesday. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect tides to be around 300mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
This Monday evening's high tide coincides with force 7 southerly winds that rapidly switch to northerly winds overnight, with wave heights of over 2m. Overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour and Portreath Harbour is possible.
On Tuesday, force 8 north westerly winds with waves over 5m will coincide with peak tide levels. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions.
We will continue to monitor the situation and issue an update by 11am on Tuesday 9th April.
Detailed tidal information; The forecast high tide level at St Ives this Monday evening is 3.83m AOD, 0.3 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Apr 2024 14:33
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over both high tides on Monday 8th April, and the Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th morning tides.
High water at St Ives is at 05:35 and 17:58 on Monday, 06:18 on Tuesday, and 07:01 on Wednesday. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect tides to be around 330mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
On Monday, force 6 south to south-easterly winds and wave heights of over 2.5m are forecast to cause overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour.
On Tuesday, force 8 north westerly winds with waves over 5m will coincides with peak tide levels. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions.
We will continue to monitor the situation and issue an update by 11am on Monday 8th April.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at St Ives on Monday morning is 3.97mAOD, 0.33 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2024 12:15
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Tuesday 12th March, and the morning high tide on Wednesday 13th March.
High water at St Ives is at 18:47 on Tuesday, and 07:08 on Wednesday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
High spring tides coinciding with low pressure and moderate south-westerly winds on Tuesday could cause flooding to quay sides and low-lying coastal areas. This could result in overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be up to 200mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Tuesday evening is 5.21m AOD, this is 0.12m above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Mar 2024 11:16
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning and evening high tides on Tuesday 12th March, and the morning high tide on Wednesday 13th March.
High water at St Ives is at 06:27 and 18:47 on Tuesday, and 07:08 on Wednesday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
High spring tides coinciding with low pressure and moderate south-westerly winds on Tuesday could cause flooding to quay sides and low-lying coastal areas. This could result in overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be up to 0.15m higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Tuesday morning is 5.56m AOD, this is 0.15 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Mar 2024 10:52
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tides on Monday 11th March, Tuesday 12th March and Wednesday 13th March.
High water at St Ives is at 05:44 on Monday morning, 06:27 on Tuesday morning, and 07:08 on Wednesday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
High spring tides coinciding with low pressure and moderate north-westerly winds on Monday could cause flooding to quay sides and low-lying coastal areas. This could result in overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be up to 0.11m higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Monday morning is 5.39m AOD, this is 0.11 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2024 11:31
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Tuesday 13th February.
High water at St Ives is at 07:33 on Tuesday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
A significant high spring tide is expected due to low pressure, and will be accompanied by Force 6 southerly winds and wave heights of up to 1.70m on Tuesday morning. The tide height is expected to be similar to Monday mornings tide and could result in significant overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be around 210mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Tuesday morning is 5.33m AOD, this is 0.21 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2024 11:30
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tides on Monday 12th February and Tuesday 13th February.
High water at St Ives is at 06:49 on Monday morning and 07:33 on Tuesday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
A significant high spring tide is expected due to low pressure, and will be accompanied by Force 4 north-westerly winds and wave heights of up to 1.9m on Monday morning. This is expected to be the highest tide of this series and could result in significant overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be around 210mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Monday morning is 5.41m AOD, this is 0.21 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 11:42
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tides on the morning of Sunday 11th February, Monday 12th February, and Tuesday 13th February.
High water at St Ives is at 06:05 on Sunday morning and at 06:49 on Monday morning. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
A significant tidal surge is expected due to low pressure, and will be accompanied by Force 6 north-westerly winds and wave heights up to 3.7m on Sunday morning. This could result in overtopping of low-lying land and quaysides within 1-2 hours either side of high tide.
Expect tides to be up to 0.15m higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Sunday morning is 5.16m AOD, this is 0.12 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Nov 2023 15:16
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Monday Morning. High water at St Ives is at 4.45am, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Spring tides combined with force 8 south westerly winds and offshore wave heights of 3-4m are forecast to cause wave overtopping and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect tides to be up to 0.4m higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates by midday on Monday or earlier if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Padstow is 3.8 mAOD, this is 0.4 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Oct 2023 06:13
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Sep 2023 16:43
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Saturday evening.
High water at St Ives is at 6.43pm, flooding is possible one hour either side of high tide. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
Very high spring tides, accompanied by force 6 southerly winds and offshore wave heights of over 2m, could cause overtopping of quays and flooding to low-lying roads, car parks and footpaths.
The communities most at risk include Sennen, St Ives, Carbis Bay, Lelant, Portreath and Porthtowan.
People are advised to take care near the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio.
We will continue to monitor the situation and will update this information by midday on Sunday.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Newlyn is 3.13 mAOD, this is 0.09 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Aug 2023 06:59
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Aug 2023 15:20
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over high tide on the morning of Wednesday 2nd of August due to low pressure and high winds. High tide is at 06:16am at St Ives and times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong force 6 westerly winds and low pressure are predicted to increase tide heights by around 240mm higher than predicted.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Mar 2023 18:38
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2023 14:10
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Friday 10th March. High water at St Ives is at 06:46, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong north westerly winds up to force 8 and offshore wave heights exceeding 5m are forecast and could cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour, and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update this information by 11am on Friday.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Newlyn on Friday morning is 2.47mAOD.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Feb 2023 10:37
North Cornwall Coast
This is an update to the flood alert issued on Monday 20th February.
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Wednesday 22nd February. High water at St Ives is at 06:35am on Wednesday, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong winds of up to force 6 from the Northwest and offshore wave heights of up to 3 metres are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Wednesday morning is 5.28 mAOD, this is 0.03 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2023 14:57
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tides on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February. High water at St Ives is at 05:51am on Tuesday and 06:35am on Wednesday, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Winds of up to force 5 from the South veering to Northwest and offshore wave heights of up to 2 metres are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at Ilfracombe on Tuesday morning is 5.21 mAOD, this is 0.09 metres above astronomical tide level, and on Wednesday morning is 5.30 mAOD, this is 0.05 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Nov 2022 15:33
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Tuesday morning 22nd November. High water at St Ives is at 03.33am, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong force 7 north westerly winds and offshore wave heights of over 8m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect tides to be around 390mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required. Further flood alerts may be issued later this week due to astronomical tide levels increasing and the unsettled weather continuing.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; The forecast high tide level at St Ives is 3.24 mAOD, this is 0.4 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2022 10:18
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over this evening’s high tide, Sunday 20th February. High water at St Ives is at 7:45pm, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong force 9 west-north-westerly winds and offshore wave heights up to 8m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour, and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio.
We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; the forecast high tide level at St Ives on Sunday evening is 3.00 mAOD.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Feb 2022 10:21
North Cornwall Coast
High tide on the morning of Saturday 19th February has now passed and the immediate risk of flooding has reduced. However, although the worst of the weather has passed, tide levels on Saturday evening and Sunday morning are forecast to remain high and be accompanied by up to force 8 southwesterly winds. This could cause a surge of up to 340mm under the current forecast and present a risk of flooding to locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour, and the Causeway at Hayle.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update if further flooding is expected a Flood Alert will be re-issued this afternoon, Saturday 19th February.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; the observed high tide level at Ilfracombe this morning, Saturday 19th February, was 4.62 mAOD. This was 0.21m above the astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2022 15:42
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Friday 18th and the morning high tide on Saturday 19th February. High water at St Ives is at 6.34pm and 6.48am respectively, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Storm Eunice has passed however spray overtopping is still possible due to forecast wind and wave conditions. Force 8 north westerly winds are forecast over Friday evenings high tide with 7m offshore waves, dropping to force 7 south westerly winds and 5m offshore waves over Saturday mornings high tide. Locations at risk include St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour, and the Causeway at Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and update this information on Saturday morning or if the situation changes.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; the forecast high tide level at St Ives on Friday PM is 3.11 mAOD and 3.30 mAOD on Saturday AM.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Feb 2022 12:10
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning and evening high tides on Friday 18th February. High water at St Ives is at 6.14am and 6.34pm respectively, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Storm Force 10 west-southwest winds and offshore wave heights up to 9m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour, and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect the high tide on Friday morning to be around 480mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions. Coastal conditions are expected to ease slightly for Friday evening’s high tide, but remain above flood alert criteria.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required. Further flood warnings may be required.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it; the forecast high tide level at St Ives on Friday morning is 3.72 mAOD, this is 0.48 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2021 10:24
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tides on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. High water at St Ives is at 19:19 Tuesday 7th December and 07:44 Wednesday 8th December, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong Force 8 westerly winds, veering north westerly, and offshore wave heights of 6-10m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect tides to be around 700mm higher than predicted because of forecast weather conditions.
With strong wind and large waves seafront areas will be dangerous. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
This message will be updated on the morning of Wednesday 8th December.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2021 17:17
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tides on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. High water at St Ives is at 19:19 on Tuesday 7th December and 07:44 on Wednesday 8th December, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong Force 8 south westerly winds, veering north westerly, and offshore wave heights of over 7m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect tides to be around 600mm higher than predicted because of forecast weather conditions.
With strong wind and large waves seafront areas will be dangerous. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
This message will be updated by 4pm on Tuesday 7th December.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Dec 2021 12:53
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Saturday morning and evening. High water at St Ives is at 04:28 and 16:51, times of high water will vary along the coast.
Strong force 7 to 8, north westerly winds and offshore wave heights of over 4m are forecast to cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle.
Expect tides to be around 200mm higher than predicted because of forecast weather conditions.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
This message will be updated on Sunday morning. There is a possibility that further alerts may be required for Monday morning’s high tide.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2021 17:04
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Saturday 13th March.
Force 7, west-north-westerly winds are forecast to coincide with a spring tide and offshore wave heights of around 7m. This may cause localised wave over-topping of defences and spray in exposed coastal areas.
Locations at risk include Porthmeor and Portreath. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
The time of the high tide at St Ives on Saturday morning is 05:09. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide.
This message will be updated by midday on Saturday 13th March or earlier if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Jan 2021 16:15
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Friday 29th January. Time of high tide at St Ives on Friday morning is 05:22. Times of high water will vary along the coast.
Force 7 to 8, occasional Force 9 westerly winds will combine with a spring tide and offshore wave heights in excess of 4 metres. This may cause localised wave overtopping of defences and spray in exposed coastal areas. Peak water levels may be up to 400mm higher than published tides.
Locations at risk include Porthmeor and Portreath. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
This message will be updated by the afternoon of Friday 29 January or earlier if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2020 12:52
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide tomorrow morning, Wednesday 16th December. Force 8 Southerly winds and up to 6m offshore waves are forecast to coincide with high spring tides.
This may cause spray over-topping, and minor flooding of low-lying land in certain coastal locations including St Ives Harbour, Portreath Harbour and the Causeway at Hayle. High water at St Ives is at 5:47am, times will vary along the coast and flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide.
Peak tide levels could be up to 450mm higher than published.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We will continue to monitor the situation.
This message will be updated on Wednesday morning or earlier if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2020 12:01
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide this afternoon, Monday 16 November and Tuesday morning’s tide, 17 November.
Force 6 south westerly winds and offshore wave heights exceeding 3m are forecast to coincide with high spring tides.
High tides at St Ives are Monday at 17:39 and on Tuesday morning at 06:01. These times vary for other locations along the coast. Due to the weather forecast, peak tide levels may be 200mm higher than published
Tide levels are falling; however, the weather will remain unsettled. It will be windy at times with large waves. There is a small risk of spray and wave overtopping, and minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land in certain coastal locations.
Locations which may be affected include St Ives, Portreath and Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
We will continue to monitor the situation and update on Tuesday morning.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 12:37
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide this afternoon, Sunday 15 Nov and Monday 16 Nov mornings tide. Flood Alerts maybe required for Monday evenings tide. Force 7 west north westerly winds and offshore wave heights exceeding 5m are forecast to coincide with high spring tides. This may cause spray and wave overtopping, and minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land in certain coastal locations. High tides at St Ives are Sunday at 16:54 and Monday at 05:16. These times vary for other locations along the coast. Due to the weather forecast, peak tide levels may be 150mm higher than published. Locations which may be affected include St Ives, Portreath and Hayle. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Following this evening’s high water, tide levels will drop over the next few days, however weather will remain unsettled with large waves and strong winds expected. We will continue to monitor the situation and update on Monday morning
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2020 16:33
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over all high tides from tomorrow afternoon, Saturday 14 Nov to Monday 15 Nov early evening tide
Force 7 south westerly winds and offshore wave heights exceeding 3m are forecast to coincide with high spring tides. This may cause spray, wave overtopping and minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land in certain locations
Saturday afternoon’s high tide at St Ives is 16:11 and Sunday at 04:35 and 16:54. These times vary for other locations along the coast. Peak tide levels may be 350mm higher than published
Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide
Locations which may be affected include St Ives, Portreath and Hayle
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast
During Sunday, Force 8 west north westerly winds and 6.5m offshore waves are forecast. Tides peak on Sunday evening. Flood warnings may be issued
We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required
Flood Alert issued on 1 Nov 2020 10:32
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the evening high tide on Sunday 1st November. High water at St Ives is at 17:30; times of high water will vary along the coast.
Force 7 south westerly winds and offshore wave heights exceeding 4m are forecast to coincide with spring tides. These conditions may cause wave overtopping of sea defences and sea spray in exposed coastal locations. Expect tides to be around 400mm higher than predicted due to weather conditions. Be prepared to take action with individual property protection measures. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide.
Locations which may be affected include St Ives and Portreath.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Oct 2020 16:42
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the morning high tide on Thursday 29th October. Large offshore wave heights, approximately 7 metres are forecast, together with Force 6 westerly winds.
Spray and overtopping due to powerful waves impacting on coastal structures, as well as wave run-up at slipways and beaches may cause minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land. Be prepared to take action with individual property protection measures.
High water at St Ives is at 03:45 on Thursday; times of high water will vary along the coast. Peak tide level may be up to 350mm higher than published. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Locations which may be affected include St Ives and Portreath.
Conditions in exposed locations are likely to be hazardous and people are advised to take care next to the coast. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Oct 2020 11:31
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the afternoon high tide on Wednesday 28th October and the morning high tide on Thursday 29th October. Large offshore wave heights, aproximately 7 metres are forecast, together with Force 6 westerly winds.
Spray and overtopping due to powerful waves impacting on coastal structures, as well as wave run-up at slipways and beaches may cause minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land. Be prepared to take action with individual property protection measures.
High water at St Ives is at 15:24 on Wednesday and 03:45 on Thursday; times of high water will vary along the coast. Peak tide level may be up to 350mm higher than published. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Locations which may be affected include St Ives and Portreath.
Conditions in exposed locations are likely to be hazardous and people are advised to take care next to the coast. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2020 15:41
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over all high tides from Sunday evening 18/10/20 through to Tuesday morning 20/10/20, inclusive. High spring tides may cause minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land in certain coastal locations. From Monday, unsettled weather will bring increased wave heights and wind speeds, raising tide levels. However, due to the south east to south west wind direction the expected impacts are minimal.
High tide at St Ives on Sunday is at 18:58, Monday at 7:21 and 19:42 and Tuesday at 8:05. Tide times vary for other locations along the coast. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Locations which may be affected include St Ives, Lelant and Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Oct 2020 16:38
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over high tides on Saturday 17/10/20 and Sunday 18/10/20, particularly the evening tides. The highest spring tides of 2020 occur over this weekend which may cause minor flooding of quaysides and low-lying land in certain coastal locations. However, waves will remain small and winds mostly light and from the south-east during this period, helping to minimise any impacts.
Evening high tide at St Ives on Saturday is at 18:15, and on Sunday at 18:58. These times vary for other locations along the coast. Flooding is possible 1–2 hours either side of high tide. Locations which may be affected include St Ives, Lelant and Hayle.
People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast.
On Monday and Tuesday the weather may turn more unsettled. Tides peak on Sunday but remain high into the early part of the week. Therefore we will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Sep 2020 11:29
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible around high tide this evening, Saturday 19th September. High water at St Ives is at 19:22 this evening. Times of high water vary along the coast. High spring tides, which peak today, along with force 5 north easterly winds and associated waves are forecast. This can result in flooding of quay edges, low lying car parks and roads. There is particular emphasis on the low lying coastal areas of St Ives and Portreath. Install flood protection products, such as flood barriers and air brick covers. People are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We will monitor the situation and update this message if the situation changes. Tidal levels are lower tomorrow and we currently expect no Flood Alerts will be required for tides on Sunday.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Aug 2020 10:37
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over the high tide on Friday evening, 21st August. High spring tides, strong winds and large waves may cause flooding to low lying coastal areas. High water at St Ives on Friday is at 19:45. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Force 6 south westerly winds and large waves could result in wave overtopping and sea spray in exposed locations. High numbers of visitors in locations that may flood brings an increased risk. People are advised to avoid low lying and exposed coastal areas. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Aug 2020 13:39
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over all high tides from the evening of Thursday 20th August until Friday 21st August. High Spring tides, strong winds and large waves are expected to cause flooding, particularly over the high tide on Thursday evening.
High water at St Ives on Thursday is 19:00 and Friday at 07:26 and 19:45. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Storm Ellen is forecast to bring force 5 to 7 south to south westerly winds and large waves which is expected to cause tides to be higher than predicted along the coast and could result in wave overtopping and sea spray in exposed locations.
High numbers of visitors in locations that may flood brings an increased risk. People are advised to avoid low lying and exposed coastal areas. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Aug 2020 16:59
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over all high tides from evening of Thursday 20th August until Friday 21st August. High Spring tides, strong winds and large waves are expected to cause flooding, particularly over the high tide on Thursday evening.
High water at St Ives on Thursday is 19:00 and Friday at 07:26 and 19:45. Flooding is possible 2 hours either side of high tide. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Tide levels are rising towards spring tides which peak on Friday 21st August. Storm Ellen is forecast to bring force 5 to 7 south westerly winds and large waves which is expected to cause tides to be higher than predicted along the coast and could result in wave overtopping and sea spray in exposed locations.
High numbers of visitors in locations that may flood brings an increased risk. People are advised to avoid low lying and exposed coastal areas. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update by 1pm on Thursday or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2020 16:15
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over all high tides from the evening high tide on Wednesday 8th April through to and including the morning high tide on Friday 10th April. High water at St Ives on Wednesday evening is at 18:23. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect peak water levels to be up to 100mm higher than published.
Tide levels over this period will be the joint second highest tides of the year. Generally calm conditions with slight winds and small waves are predicted, therefore, no risks associated with wave overtopping of exposed seafronts, quays and promenades are expected. The main areas of concern are flooding of low lying land and roads on the coast and along estuaries associated with high water levels.
People are advised to stay away from flooded areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Apr 2020 12:43
North Cornwall Coast
Flooding is possible over both the high tides on Wednesday 8th April and the morning tide on Thursday 9th April. High water at St Ives on Wednesday is at 06:00 and 18:23 and Thursday at 06:43. Times of high water will vary along the coast. Expect peak water levels to be up to 100mm higher than published.
Tide levels over this period will be the joint second highest tides of the year. Generally calm conditions with slight winds and small waves are predicted, therefore, no risks associated with wave overtopping of exposed seafronts, quays and promenades are expected. The main areas of concern are flooding of low lying land and roads on the coast and along estuaries associated with high water levels.
People are advised to stay away from flooded areas and take care next to the coast. Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue updates as required.