Flood Warning Info - Tidal area at Newgale

Area Description

The A487 road and property in the vicinity of the Duke of Edinburgh public house and Newgale campsite.
This is a Flood Warning Area. For this area, you may receive Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings.
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There are no Flood Warnings currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Warning

The red highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Warning.
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Flood Warning History

Number of historic Flood Warnings that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Haverfordwest area

Historical Flood Warnings for this Area

Flood Warning issued on 23 Mar 2023 02:17
South West
The wind is forecast to be force 5 from a South Westerly direction. High tide at Newgale is expected to occur at approximately 06:30 AM today, Thursday morning 23rd March. Be careful on beaches, coastal footpaths, roads, low lying land, close to the estuary. Be careful as sea spray and waves could be dangerous and could contain debris.

Flood Warning issued on 17 Feb 2022 16:49
South West
The arrival of Storm Eunice overnight on Thursday brings the potential for very stormy conditions. The combination of high tide, forecast winds and wave heights gives a risk of flooding leading up to and around the high tide at Milford Haven at 7:20am (8:57am Aberystwyth) on the morning of Friday 18th February. Current forecasts indicate that a storm surge associated with Storm Eunice could cause significant tide level increase. There is still much uncertainty about the extent of the possible impacts from the storm but they could be significant, we are monitoring the situation very closely. This message will be updated if the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 7 Dec 2021 16:20
South West
This Flood Warning is for this evening's tide on Tuesday 7th December. The storm force winds are forecast to be from a South Westerly direction, and gusts of up to force 10 are possible. Offshore waves are expected to be very large. High tide at Milford Haven is expected to occur at approximately 8:30 PM this evening. Be careful on beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths, roads and low lying land. Be careful as sea spray and waves could be dangerous and could contain debris.

Flood Warning issued on 14 Nov 2020 14:22
South West
This Flood Warning is for the high tides on Saturday the 14th November and Sunday the 15th November. The winds are forecast to be force 6 from a south-westerly direction swinging to a more westerly direction during Sunday. Offshore waves are expected to be large which will bring wave action to the pebble bank. The is uncertainty in the forecast but wave overtopping is possible, this may cause the accumulation of water on the landward side of the pebble bank and potentially the movement of pebbles onto the road. Caution should be taken in this area for the next 2 days. We will update this message if the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 20 Aug 2020 12:02
South West
This Flood Warning is for tides between Thursday evening's tide at 21:15, Friday morning tide at 09:30 and Friday nights tide at 22:00. The peak of the tidal risk is expected to be on Thursday Nights tide and Friday mornings tide. The tidal risk will improve into the weekend. The winds is forecast to be force 8 from a South Westerly direction. Offshore waves are expected to be large. Be careful on beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths, roads, low lying land. Extra care should be taken at the camp sites at Newgale. Be careful as sea spray and waves could be dangerous and could contain debris. The situation will be monitored and we will update this message accordingly.