Flood Warning Info - River Ritec at Tenby
Area Description
Kiln Park caravan site, the B4318 road at Clicketts Lane, Gumfreston Road and the minor road Trefloyne Lane.
This is a Flood Warning Area. For this area, you may receive Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings.
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There are no Flood Warnings currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.
Area Covered by this Flood Warning
The red highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Warning.
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Flood Warning History
Number of historic Flood Warnings that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Warnings for this Area
Flood Warning issued on 17 Mar 2024 11:00
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 24 Feb 2024 07:25
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until 08:30 AM on Saturday the 24th February. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 23 Feb 2024 18:22
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 08:30 PM on Friday 23rd February. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area, however blustery showers are forecast throughout the day. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 23 Feb 2024 06:25
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 08:15 AM on Friday 23rd February. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area, however blustery showers are forecast throughout the day. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 22 Feb 2024 18:51
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 08:00 PM on Thursday 22nd February. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 11 Feb 2024 18:51
South West
The river level at the River Ritec in Tenby continues to be high and is rising with each high tide towards warning level. This pattern is likely to continue until enough water has escaped the system during low tide. Between high tides, the water leaving the system is enough to keep the River Ritec from rising further. There is no significant rain forecast over the coming days, although some showery outbursts are possible. The highest tide from these set of spring tides is Monday morning, 12th February. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 10 Feb 2024 16:40
South West
The river level at the River Ritec in Tenby continues to be high and is rising with each high tide to warning level and falling as the water recedes during low tide. This pattern is likely to continue until enough water has escaped the system during low tide. There is no significant rain forecast over the coming days, although some showery outbursts are possible. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 9 Feb 2024 21:01
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the areas with no significant rain currently forecast for the area over the coming weekend. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise with each tide until at least 10:00 AM on Monday 12th February. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 4 Jan 2024 16:31
South West
The level of the River Ritec is no longer rising but remains significantly high, and will remain high for several days. The Severe Flood Warning has been removed as evacuation of the Kiln Park caravan park has taken place and road closures are in force. Flooding is extensive within Kiln Park and some roads in this area are closed or affected by floodwater. There have been reports of raw sewage in the floodwater and cautions should be taken to avoid contact with the water. Although the weather forecast shows an improving situation, the saturated catchment of the River Ritec will take several days to drain and therefore further disruption is to be expected. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Severe Flood Warning issued on 3 Jan 2024 10:51
South West
The level of the River Ritec has been rising steadily since 8:00 AM on Tuesday the 2nd of January and is likely to remain very high for several days. Flooding has become very extensive within Kiln Park and there is the risk of severe disruption to the community, with significant risk to life. Please comply with directions from the emergency services and staff at the holiday park. Be aware that some roads in this area may already be closed or affected by floodwater. There have been reports of raw sewage in the floodwater and cautions should be taken to avoid contact with the water. Although the weather forecast shows an improving situation, the saturated catchment of the River Ritec will take several days to drain and therefore further disruption is to be expected. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Severe Flood Warning issued on 2 Jan 2024 13:54
South West
The level of the river Ritec has been rising steadily since 8:00 AM on Tuesday the 2nd of January. Flooding has become very extensive within Kiln Park and there is the risk of severe disruption to the community, with significant risk to life. Please comply with directions from the emergency services and staff at the holiday park. Be aware that some roads in this area may already be closed or affected by floodwater. There have been reports of raw sewage in the floodwater and therefore precautions should be taken to avoid contact with the water. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each subsequent high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at 1:00 AM on Wednesday the 3rd of January. The continued trend of an increasing river level is anticipated. Access to and from the Kiln Park caravan site may be affected. Further disruption in the area is possible. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 2 Jan 2024 10:06
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby have continued to rise. Flooding has becoming more extensive at the Kiln Park Caravan site, conditions in the camping areas of this site will be dangerous, water is expected to surround some static caravans and the lowest lying roads in this area, such as Clicketts lane, may be affected. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, due to the rain on Monday the 1st of January and the rainfall forecast for Tuesday the 2nd of January, a continued general trend of increasing river level is anticipated. We are regularly monitoring the river outfall grids on the to ensure these remain clear. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message on Floodline and on our website as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 2 Jan 2024 08:15
South West
The rainfall is forecast to continue until 3:00 PM on Tuesday the 2nd of January. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 11:00 AM on Tuesday the 2nd of January. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 1 Jan 2024 10:03
South West
Rainfall is forecast on Monday the 1st of January. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 31 Dec 2023 09:50
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 2:00 PM on Sunday the 31st of December. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 30 Dec 2023 21:43
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 11:00 PM on Saturday the 30th of December. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each tidal high water. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 19 Nov 2023 13:23
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 11 : 00 PM on Sunday 19th November. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. The rainfall is forecast to ease by 04 : 00 AM on Monday 20th November. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 18 Nov 2023 22:29
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the areas. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 11 : 00 PM on Saturday 18th November. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 7 Nov 2023 17:33
South West
River levels are decreasing and the situation is improving. Some roads in this area remain closed and we advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur 2:30 am, on the 8th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 7 Nov 2023 08:59
South West
River levels are decreasing and the situation is improving. Some roads in this area remain closed and we advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur 2:00 pm, on the 7th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 6 Nov 2023 17:00
South West
River levels are decreasing, and the situation is improving. Some roads in this area remain closed and we advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur 1:30 am, on the 7th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 6 Nov 2023 09:35
South West
River levels remain extremely high. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur 1:00 pm, on the 6th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 5 Nov 2023 17:11
South West
River levels remain extremely high. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur 00:15, on the 6th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 5 Nov 2023 09:21
South West
River levels remain extremely high. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at midday today, Sunday 5th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 4 Nov 2023 17:29
South West
River levels remain extremely high and are currently just below the highest ever recorded for the Ritec. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at 1:00am, Sunday 5th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 4 Nov 2023 08:50
South West
River levels remain extremely high and are currently just below the highest ever recorded for the Ritec. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at 12:30pm, Saturday 4th November. We will update this message as the situation changes. Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 3 Nov 2023 16:47
South West
River levels remain extremely high and are currently just below the highest ever recorded for the Ritec. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed and likely to remain so for several more days, with further disruption in the area possible. We advise vehicles not to attempt access. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall water levels may remain high for several days, and will rise over the period of each high tide. The next high tide is 9:39 PM Friday 3rd November. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Advice is that the public should avoid this area until such time as the Flood Warning has been removed. There remains a risk of flooding to low-lying properties. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Severe Flood Warning issued on 3 Nov 2023 10:31
South West
Significant risk to life and disruption to the community is expected. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan Site and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. The next high tide is 9:39 PM Friday 3rd November. The level of the River Ritec is currently at its highest ever recorded. Further disruption in the area is possible. We will update this message as the situation changes. .
Severe Flood Warning issued on 2 Nov 2023 18:55
South West
Significant risk to life and disruption to the community is expected. Flooding is extensive at Kiln Park Caravan Site and the site has been evacuated. Some roads in this area are closed. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. The next high tide is 8:58 PM Thursday 2nd November. The level of the River Ritec is currently at its highest ever recorded. Further disruption in the area is possible. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Severe Flood Warning issued on 2 Nov 2023 07:22
South West
Significant risk to life and disruption to the community is expected for the next high tides. Flooding has become more extensive at the Kiln Park Caravan site. Residents at Kiln Park have been asked to leave site. Be aware some roads in this area may be closed. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at 11:30am, Thursday 2nd November. Water levels will fluctuate due to the rain overnight from Storm Ciaran. A continued trend of increasing river level is anticipated. It is possible river levels could reach the highest on record. Access to and from the Kiln Park caravan site may be affected. Further disruption in the area is possible. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Severe Flood Warning issued on 1 Nov 2023 14:25
South West
Significant risk to life and disruption to the community is expected for the next high tides. Flooding has become more extensive at the Kiln Park Caravan site. Residents at Kiln Park may be asked to leave site. Comply with directions from the emergency services. Be aware some roads in this area may be closed . Strong winds are expected later this evening and this is also likely to cause disruption. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. The next peak is expected to occur at 11pm this evening, Wednesday 1st November. Water levels will fluctuate due to the rain overnight and the arrival of Storm Ciaran. A continued trend of increasing river level is anticipated. It is possible river levels could reach the highest on record. Access to and from the Kiln Park caravan site may be affected. Further disruption in the area is possible. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 1 Nov 2023 08:14
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby have continued to rise. Flooding has become more extensive at the Kiln Park Caravan site, conditions in the camping areas of this site will be dangerous and water is expected to surround some static caravans. The lowest lying roads in this area, such as Clicketts lane, may also be affected. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, due to the rain overnight and the arrival of Storm Ciaran this evening on Wednesday evening the 1st of November, a continued general trend of increasing river level is anticipated. We are regularly monitoring the river outfall grids on the to ensure these remain clear. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message on our website and on Floodline as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 31 Oct 2023 14:35
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby continue to rise and will remain high this week. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, a general trend of increasing river level is still possible. Further isolated showers are possible overnight into Wednesday 1st November and impacts from Storm Ciaran are possible on Thursday 2nd November. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 30 Oct 2023 17:12
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby continue to rise and river levels will remain high this week. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, a general trend of increasing river level is still possible. Further isolated showers are possible overnight into Tuesday 31st October. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 29 Oct 2023 10:19
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby have continued to rise. Flooding is becoming more extensive at the Kiln Park Caravan site, conditions in the camping areas of this site will be dangerous. River levels will remain high into next week. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, a general trend of increasing river level is still possible. The rainfall forecast indicates further isolated showers are possible through Sunday 29th October, these may become more prolonged and heavier though the afternoon and into the evening. We are regularly monitoring the river outfall grids on the to ensure these remain clear. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 28 Oct 2023 13:11
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to continue to remain high over the weekend and into next week. Due to the restriction of the tidal outfall, water levels will rise over the period of each high tide. Although water levels will fluctuate, a general trend of increasing river level is anticipated. The rainfall forecast indicates further isolated showers are expected to continue through Saturday, before a more persistent band of rainfall arrives later in the afternoon. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 27 Oct 2023 19:51
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to continue to remain high through Saturday the 28th of October. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide, a gradual overall increase in levels is possible. The rainfall forecast indicates further isolated Showers are expected to continue through to Saturday, before a more persistent band of rainfall arrives later in the afternoon. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 26 Oct 2023 20:04
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby remain steady and are expected to remain steady through Friday the 27th of October. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. Further showers are expected through Friday, these could become heavy at times. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 26 Oct 2023 08:03
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain steady through the day on Thursday 26th October. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the areas with isolated showers expected through the day. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 25 Oct 2023 15:01
South West
The heaviest rainfall has cleared the area, but further isolated showers are possible. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain steady until at least 8:00 AM on Thursday the 26th of October. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 25 Oct 2023 05:48
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the areas. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise slowly until at least 12:00 PM on Wednesday 25th October. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 15 Oct 2023 14:03
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise several hours before high tide, and until at least 9:30 PM today Sunday 15th October. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. Mondays high tides at Tenby are 7:40 AM, and 7:54 PM. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 14 Oct 2023 15:31
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 9:30PM today Saturday 14th October 2023. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide for several hours. High tides on Sunday are 7:09 AM and 7:22 PM at Tenby. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 13 Oct 2023 17:49
South West
The rainfall has now cleared the area, today Friday 13th October. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 8:30 PM on Friday 13th October. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide for several hours. High tides on Saturday 14th October are 06:39 AM and 06:52 PM. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 2 Apr 2023 08:49
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby continue to recede slowly. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. The rainfall has cleared the area and conditions are expected to be predominantly dry for the next few days. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our 'River Levels, rainfall and sea data' pages on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 1 Apr 2023 20:08
South West
Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. The situation is expected to improve. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 1 Apr 2023 09:53
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise approximately 06 : 30 PM on the Saturday 01/04/2023. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 24 Mar 2023 11:08
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the areas. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise with each high tide to warning level until at least 08:30 PM on Saturday 25th March . Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 22 Mar 2023 18:39
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise with each high tide until at least the 07:00AM Tide on Friday 24th March. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 22 Mar 2023 05:23
South West
The heaviest rainfall has cleared the areas, but river levels remain high due the tidal influence on the catchment. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until approximately 09:00 AM, after the next high tide on the Wednesday 22nd March. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. The lowest lying areas of Kiln Park Holiday Park will be affected. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our free 'check river levels, rainfall and sea data' service on our website. We will update this message on our website and on Floodline with further information as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 7 Jan 2023 17:46
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area, but showers are expected to continue through Saturday the 7th of January and early hours of Sunday the 8th of January the 2023. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 11:00PM on Saturday the 7th of January 2023. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 2 Nov 2021 08:37
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain high until at least 9 AM on Wednesday 3rd November. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. Natural Resources Wales will monitor the situation and issue further updates as required. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 1 Nov 2021 08:20
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain high until at least 9 AM on Tuesday 2nd November. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. Natural Resources Wales will monitor the situation and issue further updates as required. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 31 Oct 2021 15:30
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area, although further heavy showers are forecast throughout Sunday 31st October . River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to slowly rise until at least 9AM on Monday 1st November. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 24 Jan 2021 19:53
South West
Levels in the River Ritec at Tenby will remain high through the next few days due to restriction of flow from the tidal outfall. Water levels will rise slightly over the period of each high tide, but levels will gradually reduce. Storm Christophe brought a lot of rainfall to the Ritec catchments. The current forecast is for a dry cold spell overnight and for Monday 25th January with more unsettled weather from Tuesday. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 23 Jan 2021 18:39
South West
Levels in the River Ritec at Tenby will remain high through the next few days due to restriction of flow from the tidal outfall. Water levels will rise slightly over the period of each high tide, but levels will gradually reduce. Clicketts Lane and the B4318 road to Gumfreston may still be affected by surface water issues. Storm Christophe brought a lot of rainfall to the Ritec catchments. The current forecast is dry and cold with an expectation for wintry showers for a period on Sunday 24th January. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 22 Jan 2021 19:25
South West
Levels in the River Ritec at Tenby will remain high through the next few days due to restriction of flow from the tidal outfall. Water levels will rise slightly over the period of each high tide, but levels will gradually reduce. Clicketts Lane and the B4318 road to Gumfreston will be affected by surface water issues and are closed to traffic. Storm Christophe brought a lot of rainfall to the Ritec catchments. The forecast for rain is much improved but showers are expected over the next couple of days. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 21 Jan 2021 19:30
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain high through the next few high tides. Water levels will remain high for several days due to restriction flow from the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. Clicketts Lane and the B4318 road to Gumfreston will be affected by surface water issues and are closed to traffic. . The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area but showers are expected over the next couple of days. . You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. .
Flood Warning issued on 21 Jan 2021 07:37
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to remain high through this morning's high tide on Thursday 21st January. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high tide. Clicketts Lane and the B4318 road to Gumfreston will be affected by surface water issues and are closed to traffic. The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. .
Flood Warning issued on 20 Jan 2021 19:03
South West
The rainfall is forecast to continue until 10:00 PM on Wednesday 20th January and then ease. There are some intense showers expected for the next couple of hours. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise through this evening of 20th January and overnight. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall and there will be level rises and fall in relation to the tidal cycle. Roads at Clicketts Lane and the B4318 road to Gumfreston will be affected by surface water issues. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 29 Dec 2020 12:03
South West
The level of the River Ritec is expected to fall below the flood warning threshold later today, but fluctuations caused by the tidal locking are predicted to raise the river above this level following the next high water at Milford Haven. There remains a general downward trend and this is expected to continue for the remainder of this week, with only low rainfall totals expected. The level of the River Ritec will periodically fluctuate in response to the tidal regime at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 28 Dec 2020 12:41
South West
The level of the River Ritec is steadily falling between tidal peaks and is expected to fall below the flood warning threshold by Wednesday the 30th of December. This prediction is dependent on the rainfall arriving over the next 24 to 36hrs. The level of the River Ritec will periodically fluctuate in response to the tidal regime at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 27 Dec 2020 14:32
South West
The rainfall produced by Storm Bella during Boxing Day evening and the early hours of Sunday the 27th of December has slightly checked the downward trend of the River Ritec, observed over recent days. There will be no major impact and the level is expected to continue to decline over the next few days. The level of the River Ritec will also periodically fluctuate in response to tidal conditions at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 26 Dec 2020 12:28
South West
The level of the River Ritec in the Salterns area of Tenby has been steadily falling over the last 48 hours and this trend is expected to continue into the early part of Boxing Day evening. A band of rain is forecast to track eastwards across South Wales from about 10:00 PM on Saturday the 26th of December and rainfall is expected to occur until the early hours of Sunday morning. This rain may reverse the downward trend of the River Ritec during Sunday the 27th of December. The level of the River Ritec will also periodically fluctuate in response to tidal conditions at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 24 Dec 2020 15:09
South West
The level of the River Ritec in the Salterns area of Tenby remains very high, but the level has now stabilised and there is expected to be a very gradual decline over the next 24 to 36 hours. Further rainfall is expected during Saturday the 26th of December and Sunday the 27th of December. There is unlikely to be a substantial improvement in conditions prior to the next band of rainfall and conditions may worsen with the additional rain, forecast for the weekend. The level of the River Ritec will also periodically fluctuate in response to tidal conditions at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 23 Dec 2020 11:35
South West
River levels in the Salterns area of Tenby remain exceptionally high. The gradual reduction to the level of the River Ritec at Tenby, exhibited between Sunday the 20th of December and Tuesday the 22nd of December, has now been reversed due to the occurrence of persistent rain during Tuesday evening and the early hours of Wednesday morning. The level of the River Ritec has now stabilised, but additional rain bands, forecast to occur during Wednesday the 23rd of December, are expected to produce further level increases as flows from the upper catchment reach the Salterns area of Tenby. The level of the River Ritec will also periodically fluctuate in response to tidal conditions at the Ritec outfall. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 20 Dec 2020 11:15
South West
River levels in the Salterns area of Tenby are exceptionally high. Due to restrictions at the tidal outfall, river levels are likely to remain very high into next week. You may notice river levels rising slightly as each high tide arrives, but a more general dropping trend is expected over the next few days. Please take extra caution in this area. NRW will be monitoring the situation and will provide updates as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 19 Dec 2020 08:34
South West
Whilst the heaviest rainfall has cleared leaving only isolated showers for the weekend. River levels are still responding and have now reached exceptionally high levels. Levels are still expected to rise further this morning on Saturday the 19th December as the high tide approaches at approximately 09:20 am (Milford Haven) and again this evening with the high tide at approximately 21:40 pm (Milford Haven). Water levels are likely to remain high into next week due to restriction of the tidal outfall. Extreme care is advised in all low-lying areas including Clicketts Lane. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. We will update this message as the situation changes.
Flood Warning issued on 18 Dec 2020 17:08
South West
The rainfall is expected to continue until midnight tonight on Friday 18th December. River levels are already high but are expected to rise back to very high levels for this evenings high tide and through the weekend. Extreme care is advised in all low-lying areas including Clicketts Lane. Water levels are very high in this area and will remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 17 Dec 2020 17:52
South West
Further rainfall is expected to arrive in the catchment tonight on Thursday 17th December and will continue until the early hours on Friday 18th December. A further band of heavy rain will arrive Friday morning and continue overnight to Saturday 19th December. River levels are already high but are expected to rise back to very high levels on Friday and through the weekend. Extreme care is advised in all low-lying areas including Clicketts Lane. Water levels are very high in this area and will remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 16 Dec 2020 15:17
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby will remain high into the weekend due to the restriction of the tidal outfall. Extreme care is advised in all low-lying areas including Clicketts Lane. Water levels are very high in this area and will remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 15 Dec 2020 17:19
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby will remain high for the next few days due to the restriction of the tidal outfall. Further rainfall is forecast from midnight tonight until midday tomorrow, Wednesday 16th December 2020. High tides peak tomorrow morning at 7:01am, 7.35m at Milford Haven. Extreme care is advised in all low lying areas including Clicketts Lane. Water levels will remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 15 Dec 2020 07:50
South West
River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby have remained high overnight due to the restriction of the tidal outfall. Further showers are forecast for today (Tuesday 15th December). Extreme care is advised in all low lying areas including Clicketts Lane.Water levels will remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website. .
Flood Warning issued on 14 Dec 2020 06:15
South West
Although the heavy rain of yesterday has now cleared, river levels in the Ritec have increased overnight due to the restriction of the tidal outfall. Heavy showers are forecast for today (Monday 14th December). Extreme care is advised in the Clicketts Lane area of Tenby. Water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.
Flood Warning issued on 13 Dec 2020 18:05
South West
The heaviest rainfall has now cleared the area. River levels in the River Ritec at Tenby are expected to rise until at least 7PM on Sunday 13th December. The water levels may remain high for several days due to restriction of the tidal outfall. This is likely to result in water levels rising over the period of each high. You can monitor the situation in your area by using our River Levels Online Service on our website.