Flood Alert Info - Severn estuary from Gloucester to Sharpness
Area Description
Severn estuary from Gloucester to Sharpness, including Sandhurst and Maisemore.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.
Area Covered by this Flood Alert
The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History
Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2025 13:04
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high spring tides are expected until after Monday morning's high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks.
Sandhurst 2.7 to 3.1m at 23:30 on 02/03/2025 and 2.7 to 3.2m at 12:00 on 03/03/2025.
Avonmouth Portbury 7.2 to 7.5m at 21:15 on 02/03/2025 and 7.3 to 7.7m at 09:30 on 03/03/2025.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge sites. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 3:00pm on 03/03/2025, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Mar 2025 12:18
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high spring tides are expected over the next 2 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks.
Sandhurst 3.1 to 3.4m at 23:00 on 01/03/2025 and 3.1 to 3.4m at 11:00 on 02/03/2025.
Avon mouth Portbury 7.3 to 7.6m at 20:30 on 01/03/2025 and 7.4 to 7.9m at 08:45 on 02/03/2025.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge sites. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 1:30pm on 02/03/2025, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Feb 2025 16:01
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high spring tides are expected over the next 3 days. Commencing from this evening’s high tide flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks.
Sandhurst 2.9 to 3.3m at 22:15 on 28/02/2025 and 2.9 to 3.4m at 10:30 on 01/03/2025.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge sites. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12:30pm on 01/03/2025, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Feb 2025 08:43
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected as a result of spring tides combined with flood water. Water levels will be at their highest between 11:30 and 12:30 this morning 02/02/25. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Morning tide predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m, 12:00 midday, 02/02/25. Other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
Evening tide:- all gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 03/02/25, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Feb 2025 09:21
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected as a result of spring tides combined with flood water. Water levels will be at their highest between 11:00 and 12:00 this morning 01/02/25. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 2 days.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Morning tide predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m, 11:15 this morning, 01/02/25. Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m, 11:30 this morning, 01/02/25. Other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
Evening tide predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.2m to 3.5m, 23:30 tonight, 01/02/25. Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m, 23:45 tonight, 01/02/25. Other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 02/02/25, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Jan 2025 09:38
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected as a result of spring tides combined with flood water. Water levels will be at their highest between 10:00 and 11:00 this morning 31/01/25. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 3 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Morning tide predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.7m, 10:15 this morning, 31/01/25. Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m, 10:45 this morning, 31/01/25. . Other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
Evening tide predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m, 23:00 tonight, 31/01/25. Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m, 23:15 tonight, 31/01/25. . Other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 01/02/25, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Jan 2025 15:49
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected as a result of spring tides combined with flood water. Water levels will be at their highest between 23:00 and midnight today 30/01/25. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 4 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m at 23:15 on 30/01, Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 23:30 on 30/01, all other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 31/01/25, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Jan 2025 09:28
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to overtop sea defences as a result of high spring tides combined with flood water. Water levels will be at their highest between 11:00 and 12:00 today 30/01/25. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 4 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 11:30 on 30/01, all other gauges to remain below flooding threshold.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 31/01/25, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Oct 2024 14:47
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.4m at 02:15 tomorrow 23/10/2024. Gloucester has now dropped below flood alert levels.
Tidal levels are now reducing and are expected to continue to fall over the course of the week. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12pm midday on Wednesday 23/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Oct 2024 14:31
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 01:00, tomorrow, 22/10/2024 and 3.2m to 3.4m at 13:15 tomorrow, 22/10/24. Sandhurst 3.6m to 3.8m at 01:30 tomorrow 22/10/2024 and 3.6m to 3.8m at 13:45 tomorrow, 22/10/2024.
Tidal levels are now reducing and are expected to continue to fall over the course of the week. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 15:00 on Tuesday 22/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2024 19:16
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.9m to 4.1m at 00:00, midnight today, 20/10/2024 and 3.8m to 3.9m at 12:30 on Monday 21/10/24. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.2m at 01:15 am on Monday, 21/10/2024 and 3.8m to 3.9m at 13:00 on Monday 21/10/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 15:00 on Monday 21/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2024 11:56
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.9m to 4.1m at 00:00, midnight today, 20/10/2024 and 3.8m to 3.9m at 12:30 on Monday 21/10/24. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 01:15 am on Monday, 21/10/2024 and 3.8m to 3.9m at 13:00 on Monday 21/10/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 15:00 on Monday 21/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Oct 2024 12:38
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.9m to 4.1m at 23:30 today, 19/10/2024 and 3.9m to 4.1m at 11:45 on Sunday 20/10/24. Sandhurst 4m to 4.25m at 00:00, midnight on Sunday, 20/10/2024 and 4m to 4.25m at 12:30 on Sunday 20/10/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12pm on 20/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 12:32
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next 2 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.6m to 3.9m at 23:00 today, 18/10/2024 and 3.8m to 4.1m at 11:00 on Saturday 19/10/24. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.2m at 22:45 today, 18/10/2024 and 4m to 4.3m at 11:45 on Saturday 19/10/2024. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated by 12pm on 19/10/2024, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 14:37
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next 3 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.6m to 3.8m at 22:00 today, 17/10/2024 and 3.6m to 3.8m at 10:30 on Friday 18/10/24. Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m at 22:15 today, 17/10/2024 and 3.5m to 3.8m at 10:45 on Friday 18/10/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated by 2pm on 18/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Oct 2024 18:10
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next 3 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 9:45am on 17/10/2024 and Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m at 10am on 17/10/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated by 2pm on 17/10/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Aug 2024 12:02
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next 2 days, peaking this evening Thursday 22/08/24. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks.
Sharpness 9.9 to 10.3m at 23:15 on 22/08/2024, and 9.3 to 9.9m at 11:30 on 23/08/2024.
This morning’s tide, 22/08/24, peaked at Sharpness at 10.1m.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge sites. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 2pm on 23/08/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Aug 2024 10:47
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a series of high tides are expected over the next 3 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks.
Avonmouth 7.7m to 7.9m at 21:30 on 21/08/2024, and 7.5m to 7.8m at 09:45 on 22/08/2024.
Sharpness 9.9m to 10.3m at 23:30 on 21/08/2024, and 9.8m to 10.2m at 10:45 on 22/08/2024.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge sites. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 2pm on 22/08/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Apr 2024 10:15
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Friday afternoon 12/04/24:- Gloucester 3.4m to 3.7m at 12:30. Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.8m at 12:45.
Predicted peaks tomorrow early Saturday morning 12/04/24:- Gloucester 3.0m to 3.3m at 01:00. Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.6m at 01:00.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Saturday afternoon 13/04/24:- Gloucester 2.4m to 2.7m at 13:45. Sandhurst 2.9 to 3.4m at 13:45.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11am on Saturday 13/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Apr 2024 13:48
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Thursday evening 11/04/24:- Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 23:00. Sandhurst 3.6m to 3.9m at 23:45.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Friday morning 12/04/24:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 11:30. Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.8m at 12:00.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 14:00 on Friday, 12/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Apr 2024 13:23
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Wednesday evening 10/04/24:- Gloucester 3.8m to 4.0m at 23:30. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 00:00.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Thursday morning 11/04/24:- Gloucester 3.7m to 3.9m at 11:45. Sandhurst 3.8m to 4.0m at 12:15.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 14:00 on Thursday, 11/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 13:15
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Tuesday night 09/04/24:- Gloucester 3.8m to 4.0m at 23:00. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 23:15.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Wednesday morning 10/04/24:- Gloucester 3.8m to 4.0m at 11:15. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 11:30.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 14:00 on Wednesday, 10/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 12:55
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks today Monday 08/04/24:- Gloucester 3.7m to 3.9m at 22:15. Sandhurst 3.8m to 4.0m at 22:30. Predicted peaks tomorrow Tuesday 09/04/24:- Gloucester 3.8m to 4.0m at 10:30. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 11:00. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated by 14:00 on Tuesday, 09/04/24, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 12:33
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Monday 08/04/24:- Gloucester 3.7m to 3.9m at 22:15. Sandhurst 3.8m to 4.0m at 22:30.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Tuesday 09/04/24:- Gloucester 3.8m to 4.0m at 10:30. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.1m at 11:00.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on Tuesday, 09/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Apr 2024 13:11
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Sunday 07/04/24:- Gloucester 3.5m to 3.6m at 21:30. Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.8m at 21:30.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Monday 08/04/24:- Gloucester 3.7m to 3.9m at 09:45. Sandhurst 3.8m to 4.0m at 10:00.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on Monday, 08/04/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Mar 2024 09:55
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high fluvial levels, river levels remain high at the Sandhurst river gauge. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.4m Sunday 13:30, 31/03/2024. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11:00 on 01/04/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Mar 2024 13:06
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high fluvial levels river levels are rising at the Sandhurst river gauge. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m Saturday afternoon, 30/03/24. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11:00 on 31/03/24, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 29 Mar 2024 11:56
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high fluvial levels river levels are rising at the Sandhurst river gauge. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.6m to 3.9m Saturday afternoon, 30/03/24. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11:00 on 30/03/24, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 28 Mar 2024 15:55
Severn Estuary
River levels at the Sandhurst gauge are rising as a result of high spring tides and high fluvial levels. Consequently, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tides at 23.15 tonight, 28/03/2024. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3 to 3.6mm at 23.15 tonight, 28/03/2024.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 29/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Mar 2024 09:46
Severn Estuary
River levels at the Sandhurst gauge are rising as a result of high spring tides and high fluvial levels. Consequently, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tides at 11.00 today. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3 to 3.6mm at 11am today, 28/03/2024.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Thursday, 28/03/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2024 13:25
Severn Estuary
As a result of high spring tides. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. High tides are now reducing. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- This evening, 14/03/24, Sandhurst 3.3 to 3.6m at 23:30pm, Gloucester 3.2 to 3.5m at 23:30pm, Sharpness 8.0 to 9.0m at 21:30pm. Tomorrow morning, 15/03/24, Sandhurst 3.1 to 3.5m at midday, Gloucester 3 to 3.4m at midday. Tide peaks this morning, 14/03/2024 at Sandhurst 3.53m, Gloucester 3.39m, Minsterworth 5.2m and Sharpness 8.56m. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 2pm on 15/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2024 13:16
Severn Estuary
As a result of high spring tides. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. High tides are now reducing. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- This evening, 13/03/24, Sandhurst 3.3 to 3.7m at 23:30pm, Gloucester 3.2 to 3.6m at 23:30pm, Sharpness 9.6 to 10.2m at 21:30pm. Tomorrow morning, 14/03/24, Sandhurst 3.1 to 3.5m at midday, Gloucester 3 to 3.4m at midday. Tide peaks this morning, 13/03/2024 at Sandhurst 3.81m, Gloucester 3.66m, Minsterworth 5.8m and Sharpness 10.6m. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 2pm on 14/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2024 13:32
Severn Estuary
As a result of ongoing high spring tides. Tides will be at their highest tomorrow morning, 13/03/24. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at this time, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- This evening, 12/03/24, Sandhurst 3.5 to 4m at 23:15, Gloucester 3.4 to 3.9m at 23:15, Sharpness 10.1 to 10.6m at 21:30. Tomorrow morning, 13/03/24, Sandhurst 3.6 to 4.1m at 11:30, Gloucester 3.5 to 4m at 11:30, Minsterworth 5.4 to 5.9m at 10:30, Sharpness 10.3 to 10.8m at 9:45am. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 2pm on 13/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Mar 2024 13:27
Severn Estuary
As a result of ongoing high spring tides, tides will be at their highest tomorrow morning, 12/03/24. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at this time, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- This evening, 11/03/24, Sandhurst 3.3 to 3.6m at 22:30, Gloucester 3.2 to 3.5m at 22:30, Sharpness 10.0 to 10.4m at 20:45. Tomorrow morning, 12/03/24, Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.8m at 11:00, Gloucester 3.4 to 3.8m at 10:45, Minsterworth 5.4 to 5.8m at 10:00, Sharpness 10.3 to 10.6m at 09:00. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 2pm on 12/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Mar 2024 18:20
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high fluvial levels Tides will be at their highest tomorrow at 08:15am, 11/03/24. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at this time, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 4 days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.1m to 3.6m at 10:15 on 11/03, Gloucester 3.3m to 3.8m at 10:00 on 11/03, Sharpness 10.1m to 10.4m at 08:15 on 11/03.
levels are rising and conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 2pm on 11/03/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Feb 2024 15:05
Severn Estuary
River levels are high at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Wednesday evening, 28/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.9m to 3.1m 12:00am midnight. Sandhurst, 3.0m to 3.3m from 12am midnight into Thursday morning 29/02/24.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 9am on Thursday, 29/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Feb 2024 16:38
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Tuesday evening, 27/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.9m to 3.2m from 11:30pm. Sandhurst, 3.3m to 3.5m from 12am midnight into Wednesday morning.
Wednesday morning, 28/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.8m to 3.0m from 11:45am. Sandhurst, 2.9m to 3.2m from 12pm midday.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Wednesday, 28/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Feb 2024 14:50
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Tuesday evening, 27/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.8m to 3.1m from 11:30pm. Sandhurst, 3.2m to 3.4m from 12am midnight into Wednesday morning.
Wednesday morning, 28/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.8m to 3.0m from 11:45am. Sandhurst, 2.9m to 3.2m from 12pm midday.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Wednesday, 28/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Feb 2024 14:22
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Monday evening, 26/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.2m to 3.5m from 11:00pm. Sandhurst, 3.6m to 3.9m from 11:45pm.
Tuesday, 27/02/2024 at Gloucester, 2.9m to 3.3m from 11:15am. Sandhurst, 3.2m to 3.7m from 12pm midday.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Tuesday, 27/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2024 17:08
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Sunday Evening 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.4m to 3.7m from 10:30pm. Sandhurst, 4.0m to 4.3m from 11:00pm.
Monday morning, 26/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.2m to 3.6m from 10:45am. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.2m from 11:45am.
Monday evening, 26/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.0m to 3.5m from 11:00pm. Sandhurst, 3.6m to 3.9m from 11:45pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Monday, 26/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2024 11:37
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Sunday Evening 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.6m to 3.8m from 10:30pm. Sandhurst, 4.0m to 4.3m from 11:00pm.
Monday morning, 26/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.2m to 3.6m from 10:45am. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.2m from 11:45am.
Monday evening, 26/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.0m to 3.5m from 11:00pm. Sandhurst, 3.6m to 3.9m from 11:45pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 1:00am on Monday, 26/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2024 23:46
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Sunday morning, 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.5m to 3.8m from 10:15am. Sandhurst, 4.0m to 4.3m from 10:45am.
Sunday Evening 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.4m to 3.7m from 10:30pm. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.2m from 11:00pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12:00pm on Sunday, 25/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2024 11:47
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Saturday evening, 24/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.6m to 3.8m from 10:15pm. Sandhurst, 4.1m to 4.3m from 10:45pm.
Sunday morning, 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.5m to 3.7m from 10:15am. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.1m from 10:45am.
Sunday Evening 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.3m to 3.5m from 10:30pm. Sandhurst, 3.8m to 4.1m from 11:00pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12:00am on Sunday, 25/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2024 11:08
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Saturday evening, 24/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.5m to 3.7m from 10:15pm. Sandhurst, 4.1m to 4.3m from 10:45pm.
Sunday morning, 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.5m to 3.7m from 10:15am. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.1m from 10:45am.
Sunday Evening 25/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.3m to 3.5m from 10:30pm. Sandhurst, 3.8m to 4.1m from 11:00pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12:00am on Sunday, 25/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2024 22:57
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Saturday morning, 24/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.4m to 3.7m from 10:00am. Sandhurst, 3.7m to 3.9m from 10:15am.
Saturday afternoon, 24/02/2024 at Gloucester, 3.3m to 3.6m from 10:00pm. Sandhurst, 3.8m to 4.0m from 10:15pm.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 12:00pm on Saturday, 24/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2024 10:25
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today, Friday 23/02/2024:- Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m at 10pm. Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m at 10pm.
Predicted peaks tomorrow, Saturday 24/02/2024:- Gloucester 3.4m to 3.7m at 10:15am Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m at 10:00am.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11pm on Friday, 23/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2024 17:11
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels. Conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks today Thursday 22/02/2024:- Gloucester 2.9m to 3.1m at 21:15. Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m at 22:00.
Predicted peaks tomorrow Friday 23/02/2024:- Gloucester 3m to 3.2m at 09:15. Sandhurst 3.55m to 3.75m at 10:15.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with local authorities. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11am on Friday, 23/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Feb 2024 17:23
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected in this location as a result of high tides and high river levels. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea & Stonebench, and river side of defences. The A48 at Minsterworth. The embankment at Corn Ham & Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Gloucester, 3.0m to 3.5m at 1:15am Friday morning, 16/02/2024, and 3m to 3.8m at 1.45pm Friday afternoon 16/02/2024. Sandhurst, 3.4m to 3.8m at 2am, Friday morning 16/02/2024 and 3.4m to 3.8m at 2.30pm on Friday afternoon 16/02/2024
Flood warning and alerts will be issued in advance based on the latest forecasts for the next 24 hours from that forecast. Updates will be issued at least every twenty-four hours.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Feb 2024 10:18
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected in this location as a result of high tides and high river levels. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea & Stonebench, and river side of defences. The A48 at Minsterworth. The embankment at Corn Ham & Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sharpness, 8.6m to 9m at 11:30am this morning, Thursday 15/02/24. Minsterworth, 4.3m to 4.7m at 12:30pm this afternoon, Thursday 15/02/24. Gloucester, 3.3m to 3.7m at 1pm this afternoon, Thursday 15/02/24, and 3m to 3.5m at 1.15am Friday 16/02/24. Sandhurst, 3.5m to 3.9m at 1.30pm this afternoon, Thursday 15/02/24, and 3.4m to 3.8m at 2am Friday 16/02/24.
This message will be updated by 6pm this evening, Thursday 15/02/24, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Feb 2024 13:48
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected in this location as a result of high tides and high river levels. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea & Stonebench, and river side of defences. The A48 at Minsterworth. The embankment at Corn Ham & Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Sharpness, 9.0m to 9.3m at 11:30pm tonight, Wednesday 14/02/24, and 8.7m to 9.1m at 11:30am on Thursday morning, 15/02/24.
Minsterworth, 4.7m to 4.9m at midnight tonight, Thursday 15/02/24, and 4.5m to 4.9m at 12:30pm on Thursday afternoon, 15/02/24.
Gloucester, 3.5m to 3.8m at 00:30am tonight, Thursday 15/02/24, and 3.3m to 3.7m at 1:00pm on Thursday afternoon, 15/02/24.
Sandhurst, 3.8m to 4.1m at 01:00am tonight, Thursday 15/02/24, and 3.6m to 4.0m at 1:00pm on Thursday afternoon, 15/02/24.
This message will be updated by 2:00pm on Thursday 15/02/24, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Feb 2024 14:15
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides & high river levels flooding is expected. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected; land at Lower Rea & Stonebench & river side of defences. The A48 at Minsterworth. The embankment at Corn Ham & Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness, 9.7m to 10.0m this evening at 10:30pm, Tuesday 13/02/24, & 9.8m to 10.1m at 10:45am on Wednesday 14/02/24. Epney, 6.3m to 6.5m this evening at 11:15pm Tuesday 13/02/24. Minsterworth, 5.4m to 5.7m this evening 11:30pm on Tuesday 13/02/24, and 5.4m to 5.7m at 11:45am on Wednesday 14/02/24. Gloucester, 3.8m to 4.2m tonight at midnight, 12am on Wednesday 14/02/24, & 3.8m to 4.2m at 12:15pm on Wednesday 14/02/24. Sandhurst, 3.9m to 4.2m overnight at 12:45am on Wednesday 14/02/24, & 3.9m to 4.2m at 1pm on Wednesday 14/02/24.
This message will be updated by 2pm on 14/02/24, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2024 16:25
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high river levels flooding is expected.Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea and Stonebench and areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A48 at Minsterworth may be impacted. The earth flood embankment at Corn Ham and Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping at some locations. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: Sharpness, 10.2m to 10.4m at 9:45pm Monday, and 10.2m to 10.4m at 10:15am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Epney, 6.8m to 7.0m at 10:15pm Monday, and 6.7m to 6.9m at 10:45am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Minsterworth, 5.9m to 6.1m at 10:45pm Monday, and 6.0m to 6.2m at 11:00am Tuesday 13/02/24; Gloucester 4.1m to 4.4m at 11:30pm Monday, and 4.0 to 4.3m at 11:45am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Sandhurst 4.1m to 4.4m at 10:30pm Monday, and 4.1 to 4.3m at midday, Tuesday 13/02/24;
This message will be updated by 2pm on 13/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2024 13:13
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high river levels flooding is expected. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea and Stonebench and areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A48 at Minsterworth may be impacted. The earth flood embankment at Corn Ham and Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping at some locations. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks: - Sharpness,10.2m to 10.4m at 9:45pm Monday, and 10.2m to 10.4m at 10:15am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Epney, 6.8m to 7.0m at 10:15pm Monday, and 6.7m to 6.9m at 10:45am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Minsterworth, 5.9m to 6.1m at 10:45pm Monday, and 6.0m to 6.2m at 11:00am Tuesday 13/02/24; Gloucester 4.1m to 4.4m at 11:30pm Monday, and 4.0 to 4.3m at 11:45am, Tuesday 13/02/24; Sandhurst 4.1m to 4.4m at 10:30pm Monday, and 4.1 to 4.3m at midday, Tuesday 13/02/24; This message will be updated by 1pm on 13/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2024 07:36
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high river levels flooding is expected. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea and Stonebench and areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A48 at Minsterworth may be impacted. The earth flood embankment at Corn Ham and Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping at some locations. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: - Sharpness, 10.4m to 10.7m at 9:30am, and 10.2m to 10.4m at 9:45pm, Monday 12/02/24; Epney, 6.9m to 7.1m at 10:00am, and 6.8m to 7.0m at 10:15pm, Monday 12/02/24; Minsterworth, 6.1m to 6.3m at 10:15am, and 6.0m to 6.2m at 10:45pm 12/02/24; Gloucester 4.1m to 4.3m at 11:15am, and 4.1 to 4.3m at 11:30pm, Monday 12/02/24; Sandhurst 4.4m to 4.6m at 11:15am, and 4.1 to 4.4m at 10:30pm, Monday 12/02/24;
This message will be updated by 1pm on 12/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2024 11:47
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and high river levels flooding is expected. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include land at Lower Rea and Stonebench and areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A48 at Minsterworth may be impacted. The earth flood embankment at Corn Ham and Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping at some locations. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: -
Sharpness, 9.9m to 10.2m at 9:00pm tonight, and 10.2m to 10.6m at 09:30am Monday, 12/02;
Epney, 6.5m to 6.9m at 9:45pm tonight, and 6.7m to 7.1m at 10:00am Monday, 12/02;
Minsterworth, 5.8m to 6.1m at 10:00pm tonight, and 5.7m to 6.1m at 10:15am Monday, 12/02;
Gloucester 3.9m to 4.2m at 10:30pm tonight, and 3.9 to 4.3m at 11:15am Monday, 12/02;
Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.2m at 10:45pm tonight, and 3.9 to 4.3m at 11:15am Monday, 12/02;
This message will be updated by 1pm on 12/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 10:44
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and rising river levels flooding is expected. Conditions may apply either side of high tide. Flooding may affect land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include low lying land at Lower Rea and Stonebench and areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A48 at Minsterworth may be impacted. The earth flood embankment at Corn Ham and Minsterworth Ham (west bank) may be overtopping at some locations. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: - Minsterworth 5.4m to 5.7m 9:15pm tonight, 10/02/24 and 5.7m to 6.1m 09:30 am Sunday, 11/02/24. Gloucester 3.9m to 4.2m 9:45 pm tonight, 10/02/24 and 3.9 to 4.3m 10:00 am Sunday, 11/02/24. Sandhurst 3.9m to 4.2m 9:45 pm tonight, 10/02/24 and 4.0m to 4.4 m 11:15am Sunday, 11/02/24.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by 1pm on 11/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 19:46
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides and rising river levels. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected, However conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks: - Gloucester 3.8m to 4.1m 9 pm tonight, 09/02/24 and 3.9 to 4.2m 09:30 am Saturday, 10/02/24. Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m 9 pm tonight, 09/02/24 and 3.8m to 4.1 m 10:15am Saturday, 10/02/24.
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11am on 10/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 15:43
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides today and rising river levels. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted Peaks on Friday evening, 09/02/24: Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m and Gloucester 3.7m to 3.9m. Predicted Peaks on Saturday morning, 10/02/24: Sandhurst 3.8m to 4.1m and Gloucester 3.8m to 4.1m.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 9:00am tomorrow, Saturday 10/02/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 09:32
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides today and rising river levels. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.4m at 8:30 am and 3.7m to 3.9m at 9 pm on, 09/02/24. Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 8:30 am and 3.7m to 3.9m at 9 pm on 09/02/24. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11 pm on 09/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 08:29
Severn Estuary
As a result of high tides today and rising river levels. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.4m at 8:30 am and 3.3m to 3.6m at 9 pm on, 09/02/24. Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 8:30 am and 3.3m to 3.6m at 9 pm on 09/02/24. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11pm on 09/02/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Jan 2024 08:35
Severn Estuary
River levels are expected to rise due to high tides and high fluvial levels, Consequently, flooding of property, roads and farmland is possible around the time of the high tides at approximately 11:30 and midnight today 14/01/2024.
We expect flooding to affect todays high tides. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore may be affected. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-
Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m at 11:30 today 14/01/2024,
Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m today 14/01/2024,
Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
This message will be updated by 17:00 today 14/01/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2024 19:35
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Sandhurst river gauge as a result of high spring tides coinciding with high river levels. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 4.5m to 4.8m Thursday afternoon, 04/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high, with further peaks likely later in the week. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11am tomorrow, 03/01/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2024 17:56
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Sandhurst river gauge as a result of high spring tides coinciding with high river levels. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 4.2m to 4.4m Thursday afternoon, 04/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high, with further peaks likely later in the week. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11am tomorrow, 03/01/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2024 09:49
Severn Estuary
River levels are rising at the Sandhurst river gauge as a result of high spring tides coinciding with high river levels. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.9 to 4.2m this afternoon, 02/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high, with further peaks likely later in the week. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated by 7pm today, 02/01/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Jan 2024 16:58
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.7m Monday evening 01/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high. We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 11am tomorrow, 02/01/2024, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Jan 2024 08:17
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.7m Monday evening 01/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 18:00 on 01/01/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Dec 2023 16:18
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.9m Monday evening 01/01/2024.
Further rainfall is forecast over the next few days and we expect river levels to remain high. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 01/01/24, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Dec 2023 08:24
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.9m Monday evening 01/01/2024.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 18:00 on 31/12/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Dec 2023 17:10
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peak:- Sandhurst 3.4 to 3.6m on this evenings tide, Saturday 30/12/23.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 31/12/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Dec 2023 09:11
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.35 to 3.45m on the next high tide.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 6pm on 30/12/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Dec 2023 12:36
Severn Estuary
A flood alert has been issued as a result of high tides and high fluvial levels.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m tonight
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with emergency services and or Local Authorities.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10 am on 31/12/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2023 12:35
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted Peaks: Sandhurst, 3.3m to 3.5m at 12:30 am on 17/12 and 3.1m to 3.3m at 12:45pm Sunday 17/12 during high tides. Gloucester, 3.1m to 3.3m at 12:15 am on 17/12 and 3.0m to 3.2m at 12:15pm Sunday 17/12, during high tides.
Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation.
This message will be updated by 1pm on Sunday, 17/12/2023, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2023 11:33
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted Peaks:
Sandhurst, 3.4m to 3.7m this evening, Friday 15/12/23, and 3.3m to 3.6m at midday tomorrow, Saturday 16/12/23 during high tides.
Gloucester, 3.3m to 3.5m this evening, Friday 15/12/23, and 3.2m to 3.4m at midday tomorrow, Saturday 16/12/23 during high tides.
Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated by 1pm on Saturday, 16/12/2023, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2023 11:46
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks: Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 10:45pm and 3.4m - 3.7m at 11:15 am on 15/12/2023; Gloucester 3.1m to 3.4m at 10:30pm on 14/12/2023 and 3.2m - 3.5m at 11am on 15/12/23. Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated by 12pm on 15/12/2023 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Dec 2023 10:57
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:
Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.8m at 10:15pm on 13/12/2023 and 3.4m to 3.9m at 10:30am on 14/12/2023;
Gloucester 3.2 to 3.6m at 9:30pm on 13/12/2023 and 3.2 to 3.8m at 10:00am on 14/12/2023.
Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation.
This message will be updated by 12pm on 14/12/2023 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Dec 2023 11:18
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks: Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 9:30pm on 12/12/2023 and 3.4m to 3.8m at 9:45am on 13/12/2023; Gloucester 3.2 to 3.5m at 8:45pm on 12/12/2023 and 3.2 to 3.6m at 9:15am on 13/12/2023. Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated by 11am on 13/12/2023 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Dec 2023 16:29
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is expected over the next few days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the River Severn from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks: Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.5m at 8:45pm on 11/12/2023 and 3.4m to 3.5m at 9am on 12/12/2023. Flooding is not currently expected in other gauge locations. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated by 11am on 12/12/2023 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2023 13:58
Severn Estuary
As a result of a high spring tide and strong winds, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tide this morning, 15/11/23. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 10:30am and at Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 10:30am on Wednesday 15/11/23, no flooding is expected at other gauge locations. Last nights high tide peaks, Tuesday, 14/11/23 were at Sandhurst 3.44m and at Gloucester 3.4m. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 5 pm on Wednesday, 15/11/23, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2023 07:49
Severn Estuary
As a result of a high spring tide and strong winds, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tide this morning, 15/11/23. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 10:30am and at Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 10:30am on Wednesday 15/11/23, no flooding is expected at other gauge locations. Last nights high tide peaks, Tuesday, 14/11/23 were at Sandhurst 3.44m and at Gloucester 3.4m. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 1pm on Wednesday, 15/11/23, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2023 13:01
Severn Estuary
As a result of a high spring tide and strong winds, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tide this evening, 14/11/23. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.8m at 9:45pm and at Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m at 9:45pm on Tuesday 14/11/23, no flooding is expected at other gauge locations. This mornings high tide peaks, Tuesday, 14/11/23 were at Sandhurst 3.45m and at Gloucester 3.44m. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 8am on Wednesday, 15/11/23, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2023 07:30
Severn Estuary
As a result of a high spring tide and strong winds, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tide this morning, 14/11/23. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 9:30am and at Gloucester 3.35m to 3.6m at 9:30am on Tuesday 14/11/23, no flooding is expected at other gauge locations. Last nights high tide peaks, Monday, 13/11/23 were at Sandhurst 3.43m and at Gloucester 3.47m. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 1:00pm on Tuesday, 14/11/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2023 12:59
Severn Estuary
As a result of a high spring tide and strong winds, flooding of roads and farmland is possible on the high tide this evening, 13/11/23. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m at 9:15pm and at Gloucester 3.5m to 3.7m at 8:45pm on Monday 13/11/23, no flooding is expected at other gauge locations.
This mornings high tide peaks, Monday, 13/11/23 were at Sandhurst 3.35m and at Gloucester 3.41m.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 8am on Tuesday, 14/11/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Oct 2023 14:21
Severn Estuary
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Oct 2023 04:43
Severn Estuary
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Sep 2023 11:18
Severn Estuary
As a result of high spring tides peaking tonight, Saturday 30/09/23. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected, however conditions may apply a few hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences, including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 10.3m to 10.6m tonight at 9:45pm, 30/09/23 and 9.8m to 10.1m at 10am tomorrow morning, 01/10/23. Flooding is not forecast at other gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 2pm on Sunday, 01/10/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Mar 2023 09:32
Severn Estuary
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Feb 2023 14:00
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high spring tides. Consequently, flooding of roads and farmland is possible tomorrow morning 22/02/2023, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
No tidal peaks above flood alert threshold are expected during this evenings tides.
Predicted peaks:-
Sharpness 10.1m to 10.4m at 09:15 on 22/02/23.
Peaks at Sandhurst, Gloucester, Minsterworth and Epney are not forecast to reach flood alert threshold during tomorrow mornings tide.
A series of high tides is due over the next 3 days.
Plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on 22/02/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Jan 2023 09:53
Severn Estuary
We expect flooding to affect high tide this morning only. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst below flooding threshold, Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 11:15 on 24/01, Minsterworth below flooding threshold, Epney below flooding threshold, Sharpness below flooding threshold. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please stay away from large waves as they are dangerous.
This message will be updated this evening on 24/01/23, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Jan 2023 00:14
Severn Estuary
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Jan 2023 22:03
Severn Estuary
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2022 15:48
Severn Estuary
High tides are due today Sunday 27/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 00:15 am Monday 28/11/22 and 3.1m to 3.3m at 12:30pm Monday. Gloucester 3.1m to 3.3m at midnight tonight and 2.8m to 3.0m at 12:30pm Monday. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 10am on 28/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2022 09:20
Severn Estuary
High tides are due today Sunday 27/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:- Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m at 11:30 this morning Sunday 27/11/22 and 3.4m to 3.6m at midnight tonight Sunday 27/11/22. Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 11:15 this morning Sunday 27/11/22 and 3.2m to 3.4m at 23:45 tonight Sunday 27/11/22. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 5pm on 27/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Nov 2022 15:30
Severn Estuary
High tides are due tonight Saturday 26/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:- Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m at 23:15 this evening Saturday 26/11/22. Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 23:00 this evening Saturday 26/11/2022. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 10am on 27/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Nov 2022 08:52
Severn Estuary
High tides are due today Saturday 26/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:- Sandhurst 3.7m to 3.9m at 10:30 this morning, 3.7m to 3.9m at 23:15 this evening Saturday 26/11/22. Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 10:15 this morning, 3.4m to 3.6m at 23:00 this evening Saturday 26/11/2022. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 5pm on 26/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Nov 2022 15:29
Severn Estuary
High tides are due this evening 25/11/22, and tomorrow morning 26/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted Peaks:- Sandhurst 3.7m to 4m at 22:45 this evening 25/11/22, 3.7m to 4m at 11:00 tomorrow morning 26/11/22. Gloucester 3.4m to 3.7m at 22:15 this evening 25/11/2022, 3.4m to 3.7m at 10:30 tomorrow morning 26/11/2022. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 10am on 26/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Nov 2022 08:02
Severn Estuary
High tides are due today 25/11/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.7m to 4m at 10:00 this morning 25/11/2022 and 3.7m to 4m at 22:30 this evening 25/11/22, Gloucester 3.6m to 3.8m at 9:45 this morning 25/11/2022 and 3.4m to 3.7m at 22:15 this evening 25/11/2022. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 4pm on 25/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2022 13:46
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next two days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.6m to 3.9m at 21:30 this evening 24/11/22 and 3.5m to 3.8m at 9:45 tomorrow morning 25/11/2022, Gloucester 3.5m to 3.7m at 21:15 this evening 24/11/22 and 3.4m to 3.6m at 9:45 tomorrow morning 25/11/2022.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 4pm on 25/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2022 10:08
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next two days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 21:45 this evening 24/11/22 and 3.5m to 3.8m at 10:15 tomorrow morning 25/11/2022.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 4pm on 24/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Nov 2022 15:43
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next three days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 20:45 this evening 23/11/22 and 3.4m to 3.7m at 09:15 tomorrow morning 24/11/22 and 3.4m to 3.7m at 21:45 tomorrow evening 24/11/2022 and 3.5m to 3.8m at 10:15 Friday morning 25/11/2022.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 4pm on 24/11/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Mar 2022 12:51
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial river levels will be at their highest between 23:30 Saturday, 05/03/22 and 00:30 Sunday, 06/03/22 and 12:00 and 13:00 Sunday, 06/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m 05/03/22 at 23:45 and 3.3m to 3.6m on 06/03/22 at 12:00, Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m 05/03/22 at 23:30 and 3.4m to 3.6m 06/03/22 at 12:00. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 14:00 on 06/03/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Mar 2022 13:18
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial river levels will be at their highest between 22:30 Friday, 04/03/22 and 00:15 Saturday, 05/03/22 and 11:00 and 12:00 Saturday, 05/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.6m to 3.8m 04/03/22 at 23:30 and 3.6m to 3.9m on 05/03/22 at 11:15, Gloucester 3.5m to 3.7m 04/03/22 at 22:45 and 3.5m to 3.7m 05/03/22 at 11:00. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 14:00 on 05/03/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2022 13:01
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial river levels will be at their highest between 22:00 and 23:00 this Thursday evening, 03/03/22 and 10:15 and 11:15 Friday morning, 04/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m 03/03/22 at 22:30 and 3.6m to 3.8m on 04/03/22 at 10:30, Gloucester 3.5m to 3.7m 03/03/22 at 22:15 and 3.6m to 3.8m 04/03/22 at 10:30. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 14:00 on 04/03/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2022 17:18
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial river levels will be at their highest between 21:45 and 22:00 this Wednesday evening, 02/03/22 and 10:00 and 10:15 Thursday morning, 03/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m 02/03/22 at 22:00 and 3.6m to 3.9m on 03/03/22 at 10:15, Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m 02/03/22 at 21:45 and 3.6m to 3.8m 03/03/22 at 10:00. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 14:00 on 03/03/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2022 09:02
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial river levels will be at their highest between 9:15 and 9:30 this morning and 21:45 and 22:00 tomorrow night, 03/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:30 on 02/03, Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:15 on 02/03. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated this evening, 02/03/22 by 18:00, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Mar 2022 14:12
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 9:15 and 9:30 tomorrow morning and 21:45 and 22:00 tomorrow night, 02/03/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected; low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:30 on 02/03, Gloucester 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:15 on 02/03. Flooding is not expected at other tidal gauge locations. We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded and avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated tomorrow morning 02/03/22 by 09:00, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Feb 2022 16:50
Severn Estuary
Tides are no longer expected to influence river levels at Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges. However, these locations are being affected by high fluvial levels as a result of river water flowing into the area following recent heavy rainfall upstream. A fluvial Flood Alert for the River Severn in Gloucestershire remains in force. No tidal flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by 7pm on Monday, 28/02/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Feb 2022 17:43
Severn Estuary
Tides are no longer expected to influence river levels at Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges. However, these locations are being affected by high fluvial levels as a result of river water flowing into the area following recent heavy rainfall upstream. The Flood Warning for the River Severn at Sandhurst and Maisemore and a fluvial Flood Alert for the River Severn in Gloucestershire remain in force. No tidal flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by 7pm on Sunday, 27/02/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2022 17:58
Severn Estuary
Tides are no longer expected to influence river levels at Gloucester and Sandhurst river gauges. These locations are though being affected by high fluvial levels as a result of river water flowing into the area following recent heavy rainfall upstream. The Flood Warning for the River Severn at Sandhurst and Maisemore and a fluvial Flood Alert for the River Severn in Gloucestershire remain in force. No tidal flooding is expected in other gauge locations. This message will be updated by 7pm tomorrow 26/02/22 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2022 17:58
Severn Estuary
Tides will be at their highest between midnight and 2am tomorrow, 25/02/2022. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected to continue and levels will rise two to four hours either side of the high tide due to the interaction of the tide with the already high river level. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.8mm at 00:45 on 25/02/2022, Gloucester 3.3m to 3.6m at 00:45 on 20/02/2022.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 10:00 on Friday, 25/02/2022, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2022 17:58
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest, Thursday, 24/02/22 between 2am and 4am.
Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Gloucester 3.6m to 3.8m and Sandhurst 3.7m to 4.1m on Thursday 24/02/22;
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10am on Thursday, 24/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2022 10:13
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest, Wednesday 23/02/22 between 1pm and 3pm.
Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-,
Gloucester 3.6m to 3.8m and Sandhurst 3.7m to 4.1m on Thursday 24/02/22;
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 6pm on Wednesday, 23/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2022 16:28
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest, Wednesday 23/02/22 between 1am and 3am. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-,
Gloucester 3.7 to 4.1m and Sandhurst 4.0m to 4.4m on Friday 25/02/22;
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 6pm on Wednesday, 23/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2022 07:51
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest today, 22/02/22 between midday and 2pm. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.3 to 3.5m and Sandhurst 3.5 to 3.7m at 1pm today, 22/02/22. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 6pm on Tuesday, 22/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2022 15:34
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest between 11 pm and midnight tonight, 20/02/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.4 to 3.6m at 11:45 pm and Sandhurst 3.6 to 3.8m at 11:45 pm on 20/02/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10 am on Monday, 21/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2022 08:54
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest between 11am and 1pm today, 20/02/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.4 to 3.6m at 11:45am and Sandhurst 3.6 to 3.8m at 11:45am on 20/02/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Sunday, 20/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Feb 2022 16:57
Severn Estuary
031WAT217 - Severn Estuary from Gloucester to Sharpness
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest between 21:15 and 23:30 tonight, 19/02/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.3 to 3.5m at 23:30 and Sandhurst 3.6 to 3.8m at 23:30 on 19/02/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 10am on 20/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Feb 2022 08:35
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest between 10:45 and 11:30 today, 19/02/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.3 to 3.5m at 11:00 and Sandhurst 3.6 to 3.8m at 11:15 on 18/02/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 5pm on 19/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2022 17:10
Severn Estuary
High tides combined with high fluvial levels will be at their highest between 10:30 and 11:30pm tonight, 18/02/22. Flooding to roads and farmland is expected at these times. However, conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:-, Gloucester 3.2 to 3.5m at 10:45pm and Sandhurst 3.4 to 3.7m at 11pm on 18/02/22.
The risk of flooding from Storm Eunice has now reduced.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 9am on 19/02/22, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Feb 2022 17:23
Severn Estuary
The arrival of Storm Eunice Overnight on Thursday has the potential to cause severe flooding with overtopping of defences, very strong winds and high waves. There is potential for record water levels along the Severn & Wye estuaries.
There is likely to be severe impacts to communities along the Severn & Wye, with people and property affected on Friday morning over the high tide period.
Please stay away from the Estuary and implement your flood plan. Please avoid low lying roads and footpaths during this time.
There is potential for high water levels between 7:30 and 11:30 am Friday morning
Please stay alert as flood warnings will be issued for your community tomorrow morning.
This message will be superseded by flood warnings.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2022 13:31
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due in the Severn Estuary until Wednesday evening the 5/1/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 2.9m to 3.3m at 23:45 on 05/01/22, flooding is not expected in other gauge locations.
Sandhurst 3.0m to 3.4m at 12:00 on 06/01/22, flooding is not expected in other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 17:00 on 06/01/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2022 23:17
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due in the Severn Estuary until Wednesday evening the 5/1/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m at 11:00 on 05/01/22, flooding is not expected in other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 12:30 on 05/01/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2022 10:50
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due in the Severn Estuary until Wednesday evening the 5/1/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m at 22:45 on 04/01/22.
Flooding is not expected in any other gauge locations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 23:30 on 04/01/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2022 22:40
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due in the Severn Estuary until Wednesday evening the 5/1/22. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore could be closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m at 10:15 on 04/01/22, Gloucester 3.2m to 3.5m at 10:00 on 04/01/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 11:00am on 4/1/2022 or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2022 10:37
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next few days in the Severn Estuary. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore could be closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.5m at 21:45 on 03/01/22, Gloucester 3.0m to 3.3m at 21:30 on 03/01/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 10:30pm on 3/1/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2022 08:01
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next few days in the Severn Estuary. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore could be closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 09:30 on 03/01/22, Gloucester 3.3m to 3.5m at 09:15 on 03/01/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 10:30am on 3/1/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2022 21:47
Severn Estuary
A series of high tides is due over the next few days in the Severn Estuary. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present. The A417 at Maisemore could be closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3m to 3.4mm at 09:30 on 03/01/22, Gloucester 3.2m to 3.6m at 09:15 on 03/01/22.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 10:30am on 3/1/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2022 12:06
Severn Estuary
High spring tides are expected this evening and for the next few days in the Severn Estuary.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 3m to 3.4m at 21:15 on 2/1/22. Flooding is not expected in any other gauge location this evening, however Gloucester is currently forecast to be affected on Monday morning’s tide at 9:15am.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 22:30 on 02/01/22, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2021 22:18
Severn Estuary
High spring tides and strong winds are expected over the weekend in the Severn Estuary. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. Fluvial tidal interaction may cause minor flooding during the high tide at Gloucester and Sandhurst. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. On the current forecast tomorrow mornings tide will not reach the threshold and will therefore be removed before the next high tide unless the situation changes. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2021 10:19
Severn Estuary
High spring tides and strong winds are expected this evening in the Severn Estuary.
Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present including Lydney Harbour. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may also be impacted. Fluvial tidal interaction may cause minor flooding during the high tide at Gloucester and Sandhurst. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks: Sharpness 10m to 10.3m at 20:45 on 06/11/21, Sandhurst 2.9m to 3.2m at 22:30 on 6/11/21, Gloucester 3m to 3.3m.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 22:00 on 06/11/21, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 27 May 2021 00:11
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge in union with elevated river levels are expected to affect the foreshore. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Predicted next tide peak:- 2.9m to 3.2m at 11:00am Thursday 27 May. Thresholds at other gauge locations are not expected to be crossed. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by midday 27 May 2021, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 26 May 2021 13:11
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge in union with elevated river levels are expected to affect the foreshore. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Predicted next 2 tide peaks:- Sandhurst 3.1m to 3.4m at 10:30pm Wednesday 26 May and 2.9m to 3.2m at 11:00am Thursday 27 May.
Thresholds at other gauge locations are not expected to be crossed.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by midnight tonight, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 May 2021 23:12
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge in union with elevated river levels are expected to affect the foreshore. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 2 days.
Predicted next 2 tide peaks:- Sandhurst 3.1m to 3.5m at 10am Wednesday and 3.1m to 3.4m at 10:30pm Wednesday, Gloucester 3m to 3.2m at 10am Wednesday and 3.0m to 3.3m at 10:15pm Wednesday, Minsterworth 4.2m to 4.4m at 9:30am Wednesday and 4.4m to 4.6m at 9:45pm Wednesday, Epney 5.2m to 5.4m at 9:15am Wednesday and 5.3m to 5.5m at 9:45pm Wednesday, Sharpness 8.9m to 9.1m at 8:15am Wednesday and 9.1m to 9.3m at 8:45pm Wednesday.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 1pm on 26/05/21, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 25 May 2021 15:21
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge in union with elevated river levels are expected to affect the foreshore. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 2 days.
Predicted next 2 tide peaks:- Sandhurst 3.1m to 3.4m at 9:45pm Tuesday and 3.1m to 3.5m at 10am Wednesday, Gloucester 2.9m to 3.2m at 9:45pm Tuesday and 3m to 3.2m at 10am Wednesday, Minsterworth 4.2m to 4.4m at 9pm Tuesday and 4.2m to 4.4m at 9:30am Wednesday, Epney 5m to 5.2m at 9pm Tuesday and 5.2m to 5.4m at 9:15am Wednesday, Sharpness 8.7m to 8.9m at 8pm Tuesday and 8.9m to 9.1m at 8:15am Wednesday.
We are closely monitoring the situation.
Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11:45pm on 25/05/21, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2021 08:48
Severn Estuary
High tides are expected this morning, 14/03/2021. Tides will be at their highest between 9:30am and 11:30am today, 14/03/21. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3m to 3.4m at 10:30am this morning, Sunday 14/03/2021. We are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated by 5pm on 14/03/2021, or as the situation changes
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2021 16:31
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to occur as a result of strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 9:30pm and 11:30pm today, 13/03/21. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 2.9m to 3.2m at 10:30pm today, Saturday 13/03/2021 and 3.1m to 3.4m at 10:30am tomorrow morning, Sunday 14/03/2021
We are closely monitoring the situation.
This message will be updated by 10am on 14/03/2021, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2021 08:51
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to occur as a result of strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 9am and 11am today, 13/03/21. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m at 9:30am on 13/03/2021, Gloucester 3.4m to 3.5m at 9:30am on 13/03/2021,
We are closely monitoring the situation.
This message will be updated by 5pm on 13/03/2021, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Feb 2021 08:20
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester & Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property & roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
A peak fluvial level at Sandhurst of 4.60m & at Gloucester 4.20m occurred on Monday, 01/02/2021.
High tides are now falling, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Light rainfall is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11am on Saturday, 06/02/21, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Feb 2021 07:49
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester & Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property & roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
A peak fluvial level at Sandhurst of 4.62m & at Gloucester 4.19m occurred on Monday, 01/02/2021.
Predicted tidal peaks at Gloucester of, 3.5 - 3.7m at 3pm this afternoon, Thursday 04/02/21.
High tides are now falling, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Light rainfall is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11am on Friday, 05/02/21, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Feb 2021 09:40
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester & Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property & roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
A peak fluvial level at Sandhurst of 4.62m & at Gloucester 4.19m occurred on Monday, 01/02/2021.
Predicted tidal peaks at Gloucester of, 3.8 - 3.9m at 1pm Wednesday 03/02/21 & 3.6 – 3.8m at 2am on Thursday, 04/02/21.
High tides are now falling, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Further rain is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 9am on Thursday 04/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Feb 2021 14:45
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester and Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property and roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
A peak fluvial level at Sandhurst of, 4.62m and at Gloucester of, 4.19m occurred on Monday, 01/02/2021.
A tidal peak of 4.16m occurred at Gloucester early this afternoon Tuesday, 02/02/21. High tides are now falling, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Further rain is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11am on Wednesday 02/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Feb 2021 01:34
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester and Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property and roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
Predicted fluvial peaks; Sandhurst 4.2 to 4.5m and Gloucester of 3.9 to 4.2m on Tuesday afternoon, 02/02/2021.
A tidal peak of 4.23m occurred at Gloucester early Tuesday morning, 02/02/21. High tides are beginning to fall, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Further rain is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 3pm on Tuesday 02/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Feb 2021 16:51
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester and Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property and roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
Predicted fluvial peaks are expected at Sandhurst of 4.5 to 4.7m and Gloucester of 4.1 to 4.25m on Monday evening, 01/02/2021.
A tidal peak of 4.28m occurred at Gloucester this afternoon Monday, 01/02/21, high tides are beginning to fall, but fluvial levels remain dominant at both gauges.
Further rain is forecast over the next 48 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 11am on Tuesday 02/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Feb 2021 11:26
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester and Sandhurst River gauges as a result of water coming down the River Severn. Levels at these locations may increase at time of high tides. Flooding is affecting land, property and roads in these locations. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded on the tide.
Predicted peaks at Gloucester are 4.25 to 4.40m this afternoon, 01/02/21. Sunday’s recorded tide level for Gloucester was 4.25m at 23:45, 01/02/21.
Due to the underlying fluvial levels dominating the river at Sandhurst, river levels will remain high between 4.6 and 4.8m on today’s noon tide. The river is forecast to peak between 4.6 and 4.8m this afternoon 01/02/21.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 5pm on Monday 01/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Jan 2021 17:43
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester river gauge as a result of a combination of high tides and recent rainfall. Flooding of low lying roads & farmland is possible for two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow & Sharpness. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded.
Predicted peaks: -Sandhurst 4.7 – 4.9m at 23:45 Sunday 31/1/21 and 4.7 – 4.9m at noon Monday 1/2/21. - Gloucester 4.25m to 4.4m at 23:45 on Sunday 31/01/21 and 4.3m to 4.45m at noon on Monday 01/02/21.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on Monday 01/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Jan 2021 12:20
Severn Estuary
River levels remain high at the Gloucester river gauge as a result of a combination of high tides and recent rainfall. Flooding of low lying roads & farmland is possible two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow & Sharpness. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded.
Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 4.5 to 4.7m Monday at 00:15am, and 4.5 to 4.7m on Monday 12.25pm, 01/02/21. Gloucester 4.1 to 4.2m at midnight on Sunday, 31/01/21 and 4.1 to 4.3m on Monday at 12:10pm, 01/02/21.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on 01/02/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Jan 2021 13:11
Severn Estuary
River levels have risen at the Gloucester river gauge as a result of a combination of high tides and recent rainfall. Flooding of low lying roads & farmland is possible two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow & Sharpness. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded.
Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 4.1 to 4.5m Saturday evening at 23:00, 30/01/21, and 4.1 to 4.5m on Sunday morning at 11:30am, 31/01/21. Gloucester 3.9 to 4.2m at 23:30 Saturday evening, 30/01/21 and 3.9 to 4.2m on Sunday midday, 31/01/21.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on 31/01/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Jan 2021 12:00
Severn Estuary
River levels have risen at the Gloucester river gauge as a result of a combination of high tides and recent rainfall. Flooding to low lying roads & farmland is possible two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow & Sharpness. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded.
Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 3.9 to 4.2m Friday evening at 24:00, 29/01/21, and 4.1 to 4.4 m on Saturday morning at 11am, 30/01/21. Gloucester 3.6 to 3.9m at 23:00 Friday evening, 29/01/21 and 3.7 to 4.0m on Saturday morning at 11am, 30/01/21.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on 30/01/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Jan 2021 19:00
Severn Estuary
River levels have risen at the Gloucester river gauge as a result of a combination of high tides and recent rainfall.
Flooding to low lying roads & farmland is possible two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow & Sharpness. The A417 at Maisemore is closed due to flooding. Low lying land at Lower Rea and Elmore Lane West may be flooded.
Predicted peaks: Sandhurst 3.8 to 4.m Thursday evening at 22:00, 28/01/21, and 4 to 4.3m on Friday morning at 11am, 29/01/21. Gloucester 3.4 to 3.6m at 22:00, 28/01/21 and 3.5 to 3.8m on Friday morning at 11am, 29/01/21. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on 29/01/21 or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Dec 2020 23:57
Severn Estuary
High spring tides & strong winds have caused high tidal peaks in the Severn Estuary. Current levels for the next 2 tides are below the flood alert threshold. However, fluvial and tidal interaction may cause Sandhurst to exceed the flood alert threshold on Saturday 19/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Gloucester 2.7 to 2.9m at 12pm, 19/12/20 & 2.5 to 2.7m at 1.30am, 20/12/20.
Sandhurst 3.2 to 3.4m at 12.30pm, 19/12/20 & 3.1 to 3.3m at 1.45am, 20/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 6pm on 19/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Dec 2020 12:37
Severn Estuary
High spring tides & strong winds have caused high tidal peaks in the Severn Estuary. Current levels for the next 2 tides are below the flood alert threshold, however, fluvial and tidal interaction may cause Sandhurst to exceed the flood alert threshold on Saturday 19/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Gloucester 2.7 to 2.9m at 00:15, 19/12/20
Sandhurst 2.9 to 3.2m at 00:30, 19/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 01:30 on 19/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Dec 2020 23:41
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides from 11:45, 18/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 11:45 on 18/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 13:00 on 18/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Dec 2020 11:20
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides from 23:30, 17/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 23:30 on 17/12/20 & 3.3m to 3.5m at 11:45 on 18/12/20.
Gloucester 3.1m to 3.3m at 23:30 on 17/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 00:30 on 18/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2020 22:32
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides from 10:45, 17/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 11:00 on 17/12/20 & 3.5m to 3.6m at 23:30 on 17/12/20.
Gloucester 3.1m to 3.4m at 10:45 on 17/12/20 & 3.1m to 3.3m at 23:30 on 17/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 12:30 on 17/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2020 10:45
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides from 22:30, 16/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.7m at 22:45 on 16/12/20 & 3.5m to 3.7m at 11:00 on 17/12/20.
Gloucester 3.2 to 3.4m at 22:30 on 16/12/20 & 3.2 to 3.4m at 10:45 on 17/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 23:45 on 16/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2020 23:13
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides at 10:00 in the morning, 16/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.5m to 3.7m at 10:00 on 16/12/20 & 3.4 m to 3.7m at 22:45 on 16/12/20.
Gloucester 3.4m to 3.5m at 10:00 on 16/12/20 & 3.1 to 3.4m at 22:30 on 16/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 12:00 midday on 16/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2020 11:20
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides at 21:00 on 15/12/20 & 10:00 tomorrow morning 16/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.4 m to 3.7m at 21:45 on 15/12/20 & 3.5m to 3.7m at 10:00 on 16/12/20.
Gloucester 3.2m to 3.4m at 21:00 on 15/12/20 & 3.4m to 3.5m at 10:00 on 16/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 23:45 on 15/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2020 23:13
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding is expected on the high tides at 08:45 tomorrow morning 15/12/20 & 20:00 on 15/12/20. High tides are expected until Friday 18/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:30 on 15/12/20 & 3.4m to 3.6m at 21:00 on 15/12/20.
Gloucester 3.4m to 3.5m at 08:45 on 15/12/20 & 3.2m to 3.4m at 20:00 on 15/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 11:45 on 15/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2020 14:18
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge caused by high spring tides & strong winds is expected to overtop sea defences. Flooding of roads & farmland is expected on the high tides at 20:00 tonight, 14/12/20 & 08:45 tomorrow morning. High tides are expected to cause impacts until 17/12/20.
Flooding may affect low lying land & roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness, as well as areas river side of defences where defences are present. Low lying land at Lower Rea & Elmore Lane West may be flooded. Watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary may also be affected.
Predicted peaks-
Sandhurst 3.2m to 3.4m at 21:00 on 14/12/20 & 3.4m to 3.6m at 09:30 on 15/12/20.
Gloucester 3.0m to 3.2m at 20:00 on 14/12/20 & 3.4m to 3.5m at 08:45 on 15/12/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation & our staff are checking defences. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 23:45 on 14/12/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2020 08:50
Severn Estuary
High tides are expected until Tuesday 17/11. Monday mornings tide will be at its highest between 7:45 am and 8:45 am on 16/11. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present,Lydney Harbour and low lying land at Purton on the east bank. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 9.8m to 10.0m at 8:00 am on 16/11, Sandhurst 3.2 to 3.5m. We are closely monitoring the situation and checking defences. Please stay away from large waves and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers. This message will be updated by 10:00 am on 16/11, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 20:08
Severn Estuary
High tides are expected until Tuesday 17/11. Monday mornings tide will be at its highest between 7:45 am and 8:45 am on 16/11. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present,Lydney Harbour and low lying land at Purton on the east bank. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 9.8m to 10.0m at 8:00 am on 16/11.
We are closely monitoring the situation and checking defences.
Please stay away from large waves and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers.
This message will be updated by 10:00 am on 16/11, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 09:35
Severn Estuary
High tides, a tidal surge and strong winds are expected over the next few days. Sunday evenings tide will be at its highest between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm 15/11. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present,Lydney Harbour and low lying land at Purton on the east bank. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 9.8m to 10.2m at 7:30 pm on 15/11.
We are closely monitoring the situation and checking defences.
Please stay away from large waves and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers.
This message will be updated by 9:30 pm on 15/11, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2020 19:15
Severn Estuary
High tides, a tidal surge and strong winds are expected over the next few days. Sunday mornings tide will be at its highest between 6:45 am and 7:45 am 15/11. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present,Lydney Harbour and low lying land at Purton on the east bank. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 9.9m to 10.2m at 7:15 am on 15/11.
We are closely monitoring the situation and checking defences.
Please stay away from large waves and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers.
This message will be updated by 10:30 am on 15/11, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2020 12:20
Severn Estuary
High tides, a tidal surge and strong winds are expected over the next few days. Tonights tide will be at its highest between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm 14/11. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations affected include areas river side of defences where defences are present,Lydney Harbour and low lying land at Purton on the east bank. High tides may affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary. Predicted peaks:- Sharpness 9.8m to 10.1m at 6:45 pm on 14/11.
We are closely monitoring the situation and checking defences.
Please stay away from large waves and activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers.
This message will be updated by 10:00 pm on 14/11, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2020 12:15
Severn Estuary
High tides and a tidal surge due to strong winds are expected over the next few days. Tonights tides will be at their highest between 6:00 and 7:00 pm today, 14/11/20. Flooding to roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next four days. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Wye Estuary from Redbrook to Chepstow. Predicted peaks:- Avonmouth 14.2m to 14.5m at 6:30 pm on 14/11, Newport 7.2m to 7.4m at 6:15 pm on 14/11.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please activate any property flood protection products you may have, such as flood barriers and air brick covers and stay away from large waves as they are dangerous.
This message will be updated by 9:00 pm on 14/11/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Oct 2020 11:01
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 22:00 and 23:00 this evening 19/10/2020. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next day. Flooding may affect low lying land adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may be impacted.
The tide peaked this evening at Sharpness 9.85m.
Predicted peaks for this evening: Sharpness 9.9m to 10.1m at 22:45 on 19/10/2020.
Predicted peaks for Tuesday morning: Sharpness 9.8m to 10.0m at 11:00 on 20/10/2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 23:30 on 19/10/2020, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2020 22:38
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 10:00 and 11:00 tomorrow morning 19/10/2020. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next day. Flooding may affect low lying land adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may be impacted.
The tide peaked this evening at Sharpness 10.15m.
Predicted peaks for Monday morning: Sharpness 10.0m to 10.2m at 10:30 on 19/10/2020.
Predicted peaks for Monday evening: Sharpness 9.9m to 10.1m at 22:45 on 19/10/2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 12:00 midday on 19/10/2020, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2020 10:37
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 21:00 and 23:00 this evening 18/10/2020. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next day. Flooding may affect low lying land adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may be impacted.
The tide peaked this morning at Sharpness 10.02m.
Predicted peaks for Sunday evening: Sharpness 10.2m to 10.4m at 22:00 on 18/10/2020.
Predicted peaks for Monday morning: Sharpness 10.0m to 10.2m at 10:30 on 19/10/2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 23:30 on 18/10/2020, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2020 22:04
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 9:00 and 11:00 tomorrow morning 18/10/2020. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 2 days. Flooding may affect low lying land adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences. Low lying land at Purton on the east bank may be impacted.
The tide peaked this evening at Sharpness 10.07m.
Predicted peaks for Sunday morning: Sharpness 10.0m to 10.2m at 9:45 on 18/10/2020.
Predicted peaks for Sunday evening: Sharpness 10.2m to 10.4m at 22:00 on 18/10/2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 11:00 on 18/10/2020, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2020 11:02
Severn Estuary
A tidal surge is expected to affect the foreshore as a result of high tides. Tides will be at their highest between 21:00 and 22:00 this evening 17/10/2020. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. A series of high tides is due over the next 3 days. Flooding may affect low lying land adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. Locations that may be affected include areas river side of defences. Low lying land at Purton on east bank may be impacted.
Predicted peak for tonight: Sharpness 10.0m to 10.2m at 21:15 on 17/10/2020.
Predicted peak Sunday morning: Sharpness 10.0m to 10.2m at 21:15 on 17/10/2020.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
Please activate any property flood protection products you may have.
This message will be updated by 23:00 on 17/10/2020, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Oct 2020 08:51
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads due to a combination of high river levels and high spring tides. Tides will be at their highest at approximately 12:30pm today, 05/10/20, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide.
The period of high tides is expected for the next 24 hours. Highest river levels between tides are expected tomorrow, 06/10/20. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 2.9m to 3.3m at 12:30pm today, 05/10/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with emergency services.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 4pm today, Monday 05/10/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Oct 2020 15:24
Severn Estuary
Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads due to a combination of high river levels and high spring tides. Tides will be at their highest at 12:15am tomorrow, 05/10/20, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide.
The period of high tides is expected for the next 3 days. Highest river levels between tides are expected on 06/10/20. Flooding may affect low lying land and roads adjacent the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness. High tides may also affect watercourses draining into the Severn Estuary.
Predicted peaks:- Sandhurst 3.3m to 3.5m at 12:15am tomorrow, 05/10/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with emergency services.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 9am on Monday 05/10/20, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Aug 2020 22:35
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness: 9.7 to 10.1 metres at 11:15am on Saturday 22/08/20
The period of high tides is expected to last up to and including Saturday evening.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 12:30 pm on Saturday 22/08/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Aug 2020 10:35
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness: 10.1 to 10.2 metres at 10:45pm on Friday 21/08/20
The period of high tides is expected to last up to and including Saturday evening.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 11:30 pm on Friday 21/08/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Aug 2020 21:58
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness: 10.7 to 10.9 metres at 10:15am on Friday 21/08/20.
The period of high tides is expected up to and including Saturday evening.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 11am on Friday 21/08/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Aug 2020 09:48
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness: 10.2 to 10.3 metres at 10:00pm on Thursday 20/08/20 and 10.7 to 10.9 metres at 10:15am on Friday 21/08/20.
The period of high tides is expected to last for the next 3 days; up to and including Saturday evening.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 11pm on Thursday 20/08/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Aug 2020 18:31
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
Predicted peaks:
Sharpness: 10.3 to 10.5 metres at 8:45am on Thursday 20/08/20 and 10.2 to 10.4 metres at 9:00pm on Thursday 20/08/20.
The period of high tides is expected to last for the next 3 days; up to and including Saturday evening.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 10am on Thursday 20/08/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Apr 2020 23:23
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 9.7 and 9.9 metres is expected to occur at around 11 am Saturday morning, 11/4/20.
Unless the forecast changes, this flood alert is likely to be removed in sociable hours tomorrow before the morning tide. Standing water and debris may still remain so please avoid contact with flood water.
This message will be updated by 10 am Saturday, 11/04/20.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Apr 2020 11:49
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 10 and 10.2 metres is expected to occur at around 10:45 pm Friday night, 10/4/20. For Saturday morning, 11/4/20, a tide level of between 9.9 and 10.1 metres is expected to occur at around 11 am.
Please avoid using low lying footpaths and roads near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by midnight Friday, 10/04/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2020 22:48
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by 1pm Friday, 10/04/20, or if the situation changes.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 10.2 and 10.4 metres is expected to occur at around 10:30 am Friday morning 10/4/20. For Friday night, 10/4/20, a tide level of between 9.9 and 10.2 metres is expected to occur at around 10:45 pm.
The period of high tides is expected until Friday, 10/04/20.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2020 12:00
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by midnight Thursday, 9/04/20, or if the situation changes.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 10.2 and 10.4 metres is expected to occur at around 10:15 pm Thursday evening, 9/4/20. For Friday morning, 10/4/20, a tide level of between 10.1 and 10.3 metres is expected to occur at around 10:30 am.
The period of high tides is expected until Friday, 10/04/20.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2020 22:32
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by noon Thursday, 9/04/20, or if the situation changes.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 10.2 and 10.4 metres is expected to occur at around 9:45 am Thursday morning, 9/4/20. For Thursday evening, 9/4/20, a tide level of between 10.1 and 10.3 metres is expected to occur at around 10:15 pm.
The highest tide levels are expected on Thursday, 9/4/20.
The period of high tides is expected until Friday, 10/04/20.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2020 11:54
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sharpness. Currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations.
This message will be updated by 11:30pm Wednesday, 8/04/20, or if the situation changes.
At Sharpness; a tide level of between 10.1 and 10.3 metres is expected to occur at around 9:30 pm Wednesday evening, 8/4/20. For Thursday morning, 9/4/20, a tide level of between 10.2 and 10.4 metres is expected to occur at around 9:45 am.
The highest tide levels are expected on Thursday, 9/4/20.
The period of high tides is expected until Friday, 10/04/20.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2020 17:16
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Further rainfall is forecast overnight tonight, Saturday 14/03/20, which may cause river levels to remain high. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Tidal peaks:
Gloucester peaked at 3.45m at 12:45 pm Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak again between 2.6 to 3.0m at 1:15 am on 15/03/20;
Sandhurst peaked at 3.56m at 1:00 pm on Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak again between 3.0 to 3.5m at 1:30 am on 15/03/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 10 am on Sunday 15/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2020 09:52
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Further rainfall is forecast over the weekend which will cause river levels to remain high. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Tidal peaks:
Gloucester peaked at 3.78m at 12:30pm on Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak again between 3.4 to 3.6m at 1pm on 14/03/20;
Sandhurst peaked at 3.85m at 12:30pm on Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.7 to 3.8m at 1:15pm on 14/03/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences.
This message will be updated by 6 pm Saturday 14/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2020 00:58
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Further rainfall is forecast over the weekend which will cause river levels to remain high. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Tidal peaks:
Gloucester peaked at 3.56m at 12:30am on Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak again between 3.4 to 3.6m at 1pm on 14/03/20;
Sandhurst peaked at 3.82m at 12:30am on Saturday 14/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.5 to 3.7m at 1:15pm on 14/03/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 10am Saturday, 14/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2020 13:21
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Further rainfall is forecast over the weekend which will cause river levels to remain high. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Tidal peaks: Gloucester peaked at 3.78m at midday on Friday, 13/03/20 and is expected to peak again between 3.5 and 3.7m at midnight on 14/03/20; Sandhurst peaked at 3.85m at midday on Friday, 13/03/20 and is expected to peak between 3.5 to 3.8 at midnight on 14/03/20.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 2am Saturday, 14/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2020 00:56
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Gloucester peaked at 3.88m at midnight 12/03/20, and is expected to peak again between 3.7 and 3.9m at midday on 13/03/20.
Sandhurst peaked at 3.91m at midnight on 12/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.7 to 4m at 12:15pm on 13/03/20.
High tides are expected until Saturday 14/03/20.
Underlying river levels are currently rising slowly between tides. Further rain is forecast over the next few days, which could cause river levels to rise further.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated at 1:30pm on Friday 13 March 2020 or if the situation
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2020 13:01
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Gloucester peaked at 3.96m at 11am on 12/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.8 to 4m at 11:30pm on 12/03/20.
Sandhurst peaked at 3.95m at 11.15am on 12/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.8 to 4m at 11:45pm on 12/03/20.
High tides are expected until Saturday 14/03/20.
Underlying river levels are currently rising slowly between tides. Further rain is forecast over the next few days, which could cause river levels to rise further.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 1am Friday 13/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2020 08:58
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Gloucester peaked at 3.97m at 11pm on 11/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.9 to 4.2m at 11am on 12/03/20.
Sandhurst peaked at 3.96m at 11.15pm on 11/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.9 to 4.2m at 11:45am on 12/03/20.
High tides are expected until Saturday 14/03/20.
Underlying river levels are currently rising slowly between tides. Further rain is forecast over the next few days, which could cause river levels to rise further.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 1pm on 12/03/20, or if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2020 00:38
Severn Estuary
This message contains gauge information for Sandhurst and Gloucester, currently no flooding is expected in other gauge locations. Flooding is expected to affect low lying land and roads adjacent to the Severn Estuary from Sandhurst to Chepstow and Sharpness.
Gloucester peaked at 3.97m at 11.15pm on 11/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.8 to 4m at 11:30am on 12/03/20.
Sandhurst peaked at 3.96m at 11.30pm on 11/03/20, and is expected to peak between 3.8 to 4m at 11:45am on 12/03/20.
High tides are expected until Saturday 14/03/20.
Underlying river levels are currently rising slowly between tides. Further rain is forecast over the next few days, which could cause river levels to rise further.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.
This message will be updated by 1pm on 12/03/20, or if the situation changes.