Flood Warning Info - North and East Hayling at Northney, Tye and Selsmore

Area Description

Tidal areas of North and East Hayling from Northney to Selsmore, including Tye.
This is a Flood Warning Area. For this area, you may receive Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings.
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There are no Flood Warnings currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Warning

The red highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Warning.
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Flood Warning History

Number of historic Flood Warnings that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Hayling Island area

Historical Flood Warnings for this Area

Flood Warning issued on 15 Apr 2024 11:05
Langstone Harbour
Tides are now moving towards their neap cycle (lowest Wednesday 17/04/24 and Thursday 18/04/24) and the weather is forecast to remain stable through to Friday (19/04/2024). Therefore the risk of additional coastal flooding continues to remain very low. However, flooding at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and Mengeham Rythe sailing club, Selsmore, is ongoing. In order to reduce flood water levels, constrained by the coastal defences, the Environment Agency began a 24/7 over pumping operation on Friday (12/04/2024). The removal of flood water is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. We will continue to monitor the forecast and will update this message by 11:00 on Friday 19/04/2024, or sooner if required.

Flood Warning issued on 12 Apr 2024 11:12
Langstone Harbour
Tides are now moving towards their neap cycle and the weather is forecast to remain stable through to Monday (15/04/2024). As a result, the risk of coastal flooding has reduced significantly. However, flooding at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and Mengeham Rythe sailing club, Selmore, is ongoing. The Environment Agency will begin over pumping flood water, constrained by the coastal defences, on Friday (12/04/2024). The removal of flood water is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. We continue to monitor the forecast and will update this message by 11:00 on 15/04/2024 or sooner if required.

Flood Warning issued on 11 Apr 2024 10:12
Langstone Harbour
Thursday afternoon's high tide (13:45 11/04/24) and Friday's early morning tide (02:15 12/04/24) are below the level which could cause additional coastal flooding. However, tides will remain high over today and early tomorrow morning (Thursday 11/04/24 and Friday 12/04/24), so please remain vigilant when walking or driving in coastal areas. Flooding at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and Mengeham Rythe sailing club, Selmore, is ongoing. The Environment Agency will begin over pumping flood water constrained by the coastal defences on Friday (12/04/24). The removal of flood water is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. We continue to monitor the forecast and will update this message by 10:00 on 12/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 10 Apr 2024 17:28
Langstone Harbour
Thursday's early morning tide (00:30 on 11/04/24) is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with South Westerly Force 4 winds. The total forecast tide is 4.98 metres Chart Datum (2.25 mAOD) at Portsmouth. Property flooding at Northney and Tye is not expected. We are still experiencing the impacts from Tuesday's record high tide (09/04/24), which caused property and road flooding at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and near to the Sailing Club. Thursday’s afternoon tide (13:45 on 11/04/24) is forecast to be around 10cm lower. We continue to monitor the forecast and have sent officers to assess the situation. We will update this message by 10:00 on 11/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 10 Apr 2024 10:03
Langstone Harbour
Wednesday's afternoon tide at 13:15 on 10/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.2 m. The total forecast tide is 5.19 metres Chart Datum (2.46 mAOD) at Portsmouth. Property and road flooding caused by Tuesday's early morning tide at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and near to the Sailing Club will continue, and may increase during tonight's high tide. Property flooding at Northney and Tye is not expected. Thursday’s early morning tide (01:30 on 11/04/24) is forecast to be around 20cm lower. Flooding impacts caused by this tide will be reduced. We continue to monitor the forecast and have sent officers to assess the situation. If you have it, please install flood protection 1 hour before high tide. We will update this message by 18:00 on 10/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 9 Apr 2024 16:45
Langstone Harbour
Wednesday's early morning tide at 00:45 on 10/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.24 m. The total forecast tide is 5.25 metres Chart Datum (2.52 mAOD) at Portsmouth. Property and road flooding caused by Tuesday's early morning tide at Marine Walk, Seaview Road and near to the Sailing Club will continue, and may increase during tonight's high tide. Property flooding at Northney and Tye is not expected. Wednesday's tide at 13:15 on 10/04/2024 is forecast to be around 20cm lower. Flooding impacts caused by this tide will be reduced. We continue to monitor the forecast and have sent officers to assess the situation. If you have it, please install flood protection 1 hour before high tide. We will update this message by 18:00 on 10/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 8 Apr 2024 13:18
Langstone Harbour
Tuesday's early morning tide at 00:15 on 09/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.76 m. The total forecast tide is 5.75 metres Chart Datum (3.02 mAOD) at Portsmouth. The tide will be the highest ever recorded. For 1 hour either side of high water, property at Northney Road, Gutner Lane, Chichester Road, Mill Rythe, Selsmore Road, Holiday Park and Marine Walk, Selsmore will flood. Water levels in the North and North East part of the island could reach depths of 0.5m. After this tide the weather becomes more settled but minor impacts could continue until Thursday (11/04/2024). We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have it, please install flood protection 1 hour before high tide. We will remove this message by 16:00 on 09/04/2024.