Flood Alert Info - Beaulieu estuary
Area Description
Beaulieu estuary and the coast from Thorns Marsh to Needs Ore Point.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History
Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2024 08:42
The Solent
Sunday afternoon's tide at 13:30 on 20/10/2024 and 15:26 on 20/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.3 m. The total forecast tide is 3.94 metres Chart Datum (2.21 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 20/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Oct 2024 09:49
The Solent
Saturday afternoon's tide at 12:45 on 19/10/2024 and 14:45 on 19/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.13 m. The total forecast tide is 4.06 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 12:43 19/10/2024‚ the tide level remains a little elevated. The alert will likely be removed for the night tide tonight, but we will reissue further advice tomorrow morning 20/10/2024 for the Sunday afternoon tide at 13:00. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 17:30 on 19/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 15:31
The Solent
Saturday's early morning tide at 00:15 on 19/10/2024 and 02:23 on 19/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.17 m. The total forecast tide is 4.05 metres Chart Datum (2.20 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. Tide levels are a little elevated until Monday. The highest tide will be on Sunday at 13:30. This may cause some minor impacts. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 10:00 on 19/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 09:18
The Solent
Friday afternoon's tide at 12:00 on 18/10/2024 and 14:00 on 18/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Easterly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.13 m. The total forecast tide is 4.12 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The tide levels will remain a little elevated over the next 3 days. This may cause some minor impacts at each high water until Monday. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 18:30 on 18/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 15:44
The Solent
Thursday evening's tide at 23:30 on 17/10/2024 and 01:37 on 18/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 2 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.21 m. The total forecast tide is 4.05 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The tide level is a little elevated over the next 4 days. This may cause some minor impacts at each high water until Monday. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 09:30 on 18/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 08:46
The Solent
Thursday morning's tide at 11:15 on 17/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.29 m. The total forecast tide is 4.06 metres Chart Datum (2.32 mAOD) at Beaulieu. A flood warning is in place. The tide levels are a little elevated over the next 4 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water until Monday. We will update this message by 16:00 on 17/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Oct 2024 15:32
The Solent
Wednesday evening's tide at 23:00 on 16/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.31 m. The total forecast tide is 3.91 metres Chart Datum (2.19 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The high tide level will be elevated over the next 5 days. This may cause some minor impacts, increasing until Sunday's high tides which may require the pond to be drained in advance. We continue to monitor the forecast and will send further guidance. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 08:00 on 17/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 15:07
The Solent
Wednesday's early morning tide at 00:30 on 10/04/2024 and 02:30 on 10/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.29 m. The total forecast tide is 3.91 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 12:45 on Wednesday 10/04/24 the tide level will remain elevated. Currently it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ but we may issue further advice tomorrow morning. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 18:00 on 10/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 08:40
The Solent
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 12:00 on 09/04/2024 and 14:15 on 09/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.38 m. The total forecast tide is 4.06 metres Chart Datum (2.29 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 1 hour either side of high water, the tide will flood the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. It will also flow across Palace Lane and the B3056 (Hatchet Lane), making it temporarily more difficult for traffic to access the village. Flood water in Palace Lane could be up to 0.2m deep. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood roads quickly. At Hatchet Lane, driving through flood water increases flood risk to property. Please avoid using this road. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 09/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 16:38
The Solent
Tuesday's early morning tide at 00:30 and 02:00 on 09/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with strong Southerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.82 m. The total forecast tide is 4.44 metres Chart Datum (2.67 mAOD) at Beaulieu. The tide is exceptionally high. For 1 hour either side of high water, depths of water in the road will make the village impassable to traffic. Palace Lane, the B3056 (Hatchet Lane), the Mill House, Abbey Mill, Northern Cottages, Mill Studio, and Shepherds Mead Cottages, will flood. The tide is high enough to also affect property on the upstream side of the pond. After this tide, the weather becomes more settled but minor impacts could continue until Thursday (11/04/2024). We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have it, please install flood protection 2 hours before high tide. To reduce flood risk to property, avoid driving through Beaulieu. Flood depths in the road will be significant. We will update this message by 16:00 on 09/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 08:21
The Solent
Monday morning's tide at 11:15 on 08/04/2024 and 13:15 on 08/04/2024 is higher than normal, with light South Easterly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.4 m. The total forecast tide is 4.02 metres Chart Datum (2.21 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 00:15 on 09/04/2024 the tide is forecast to be higher. We'll issue further advice this afternoon. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 20:00 on 08/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Apr 2024 12:55
The Solent
Monday's early morning tide at 00:00 on 08/04/2024 and 01:03 on 08/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.43 m. The total forecast tide is 4.23 metres Chart Datum (2.23 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 00:15 on 09/04/2024 the tide and flood impacts will be higher than tonight. We will issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 16:00 on 08/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Apr 2024 13:49
The Solent
Saturday evening's tide at 22:30 on 06/04/2024 and 00:07 on 07/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.69 m. The total forecast tide is 4.25 metres Chart Datum (2.25 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. Sunday morning the forecast tide is less than tonight's, at 4.09 metres Chart Datum (2.09 mAOD). On Sunday night (07/04/24) and both high tides Monday (08/04/24) levels will be higher than tonight's. Currently It is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ we may issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 16:00 on 07/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2024 18:37
The Solent
Monday afternoon's tide at 12:30 on 12/02/2024 and 14:40 on 12/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.32 m. The total forecast tide is 4.39 metres Chart Datum (2.39 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The tide levels are elevated over the next 2 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 18:00 on 12/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2024 15:35
The Solent
Monday's early morning tide at 00:15 on 12/02/2024 and 02:30 on 12/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.33 m. The total forecast tide is 4.37 metres Chart Datum (2.37 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The tide levels are elevated over the next 2 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 10:00 on 12/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 19:32
The Solent
Sunday morning's tide at 11:45 on 11/02/2024 and 14:00 on 11/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m. The total forecast tide is 4.40 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. The tide levels are elevated over the next 3 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 18:00 on 11/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 14:14
The Solent
Saturday evening's tide at 23:30 on 10/02/2024 and 01:45 on 11/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.5 m. The total forecast tide is 4.48 metres Chart Datum (2.48 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 1 hour either side of high water, the tide will flood the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. It will also flow across Palace Lane and the B3056 (Hatchet Lane), making it temporarily more difficult for traffic to access the village. Flood water in Palace Lane could be up to 0.2m deep. The tide levels are elevated over the next 4 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood roads quickly. At Hatchet Lane, driving through flood water increases flood risk to property. Please avoid using this road. We will update this message by 10:00 on 11/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2023 17:13
The Solent
Tuesday morning's tide at 11:03 on 14/11/2023 and 13:20 on 14/11/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.47 m. The total forecast tide is 4.24 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 16:00 on 14/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Nov 2023 16:09
The Solent
Monday morning's tide at 10:30 on 13/11/2023 and 12:42 on 13/11/2023 is higher than normal, with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.47 m. The total forecast tide is 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. High tide at 22:45 on 13/11/2023 will cause no impact. At 11:03 on 14/11/2023 the tide and flood impacts should be similar. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 14:00 on 13/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Oct 2023 22:28
The Solent
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Aug 2023 18:13
The Solent
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Aug 2023 17:46
The Solent
Thursday's early morning tide at 00:20 on 03/08/2023 and 02:32 on 03/08/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.5 m. The total forecast tide is 4.20 metres Chart Datum (2.20 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 09:00 on 03/08/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Aug 2023 16:03
The Solent
Wednesday afternoon's tide at 12:03 on 02/08/2023 and 14:15 on 02/08/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.63 m. The total forecast tide is 4.24 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the Mill House on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 00:20 on Thursday (03/08/2023)‚ the tide level remains elevated. Currently it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ but we will issue further advice tomorrow (02/08/2023). We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 18:00 on 02/08/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Mar 2023 23:39
The Solent
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2023 19:59
The Solent
The forecast tide level for Friday's early morning tide at 00:18 on 10/03/2023 and 02:36 on 10/03/2023 has increased. This increase is due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.66 m. The total forecast tide is 4.20 metres Chart Datum (2.20 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 10:00 on 10/03/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2023 08:23
The Solent
Thursday morning’s tide at 11:57 on 09/03/2023 and 14:15 on 09/03/2023 is not expected to cause flooding impacts. The forecast tide is 4.04 metres Chart Datum (2.04 mAOD) at Beaulieu. Friday’s very early morning tide at 00:18 and 02:36 on 10/03/2023 will be higher than today and minor impact flooding to roads may occur. We continue to monitor the forecast. Please remain prepared for the possibility of further minor flood impacts. This Flood Alert will be updated with information for Friday morning’s tide this afternoon by 16:00 on 09/03/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Mar 2023 14:06
The Solent
Wednesday evening's tide at 23:47 on 08/03/2023 and 02:07 on 09/03/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Easterly Force 1 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.69 m. The total forecast tide is 4.20 metres Chart Datum (2.20 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. High tide at 11:57 on Thursday 09/03/2023 is unlikely to cause impacts. At 00:18 on Friday 10/03/2023 the tide and flood impacts should be slightly increased. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 09:00 on 09/03/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2022 23:23
The Solent
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Nov 2022 16:35
The Solent
Wednesday morning's tide at 09:59 on 23/11/2022 and 12:14 on 23/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.42 m. The total forecast tide is 4.26 metres Chart Datum (2.26 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the Mill House on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 22:18 on Wednesday (23/11/2022)‚ the tide and flood impacts will be similar to Wednesday morning. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 15:30 on 23/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Nov 2022 14:44
The Solent
Tuesday morning's tide at 10:30 on 08/11/2022 and 12:31 on 08/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m. The total forecast tide is 4.23 metres Chart Datum (2.23 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor road flooding at Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ and for the rest of the week, tide levels will begin to reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 17:00 on 08/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2022 18:36
The Solent
Monday morning's tide at 09:53 on 07/11/2022 and 11:40 on 07/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.41 m. The total forecast tide is 4.27 metres Chart Datum (2.27 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 1 hour either side of high water, the tide will flood the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. It will also flow across Palace Lane and the B3056 (Hatchet Lane), making it temporarily more difficult for traffic to access the village. Flood water in Palace Lane could be up to 0.2m deep. At 22:06 on Monday (07/11/2022)‚ the tide and flood impacts will be similar to Monday morning. We'll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood roads quickly. At Hatchet Lane, driving through flood water increases flood risk to property. Please avoid using this road. We will update this message by 14:00 on 07/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Oct 2022 19:24
The Solent
Wednesday afternoon's tide at 12:04 and 14:24 on 26/10/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.38 m. The total forecast tide is 4.29 metres Chart Datum (2.29 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 1 hour either side of high water, the tide will flood the garden of the Mill House on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. It will also flow across Palace Lane and the B3056 (Hatchet Lane), making it temporarily more difficult for traffic to access the village. Flood water in Palace Lane could be up to 0.2m deep. After this tide, the weather becomes more settled, so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. For safety, please take care if walking through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood roads quickly. At Hatchet Lane, driving through flood water increases flood risk to property. Please avoid using this road. We continue to monitor the forecast. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 26/10/2022
Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2022 14:58
The Solent
Saturday afternoon's tide at 12:32 on 19/02/2022 and 14:33 on 19/02/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with Gale Force 8 South Westerly winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.54 m. The total forecast tide is 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor flooding of the road at Palace Lane is also expected. After this tide‚ no further coastal impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 19/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2022 09:07
The Solent
Tuesday morning's tide at 11:42 on 04/01/2022 and 13:36 on 04/01/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Northerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.35 m. The total forecast tide is 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of the first high water, the tide may flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Some shallow flooding may affect Palace Lane, which will make road access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ levels are reducing and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 17:00 on 04/01/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2021 16:09
The Solent
Wednesday's early morning tide at 01:18 on 08/12/2021 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.48 m. The total forecast tide is 4.14 metres Chart Datum (2.14 mAOD) at Beaulieu. The tide will be much lower than it was this afternoon, but the residual impacts from Storm Barra may still cause some very minor impact flooding. For 30 minutes either side of high water, it is possible that some road flooding may occur at Palace Lane. The tide may also flood into the garden of the Mill House on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. After this tide‚ the weather is more settled, and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 11:00 on 08/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2021 14:27
The Solent
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 12:41 and 14:34 on 07/12/2021 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with strong South Easterly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.6 m. The total forecast tide is 4.24 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. The tide is highest at the time of second high water. For 1 hour either side of high tide, water will flood into the garden of the Mill House on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Palace Lane will also flood, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 01:18 on 08/12/2021‚ the tide may be slightly higher in magnitude. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will update this message by 19:00 on 07/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Dec 2021 15:18
The Solent
Saturday morning's tide at 10:23 on 04/12/2021 and 12:24 on 04/12/2021 is higher than normal, due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.12 m. The total forecast tide is 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 15 minutes either side of high water, the tide may flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Very minor flooding of Palace Lane is also possible. This could make accessing the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide‚ no further impacts are expected, although a tide of a similar magnitude is currently forecast on Tuesday (07/12/2021). We may issue further advice on Monday (06/12/2021). We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide may flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 16:00 on 04/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2020 14:57
The Solent
Tuesday morning's tide came in a little lower than expected. Therefore, it is less likely that the impacts we described when we issued the message yesterday occurred. However, on Wednesday morning (16/12/2020), the tide at 11:38 and 13:25 is also forecast at 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. The wind strength increases to a Southerly Force 5. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide may flood into the garden of the Mill House and cause minor impact flooding to Palace Lane. After this tide, levels are reducing and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide can flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 16:00 on Wednesday 16/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2020 15:43
The Solent
Tuesday morning's tide at 10:54 and 12:46 on 15/12/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.23 m. The total forecast tide is 4.18 metres Chart Datum (2.18 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor flooding of Palace Lane is also expected, which may make access to the village temporarily more difficult. At 11.38 on Wednesday 16th December 2020‚ the tide may be a similar height and cause similar minor impacts. As a result, we may need to issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide can flood the main road quickly. We will update or remove this message by 16:00 on Tuesday 15/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 14:58
The Solent
Sunday evening's tide at 22:46 on 15/11/2020 and 01:00 on 16/11/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.32 m. The total forecast tide is 4.24 metres Chart Datum (2.24 mAOD) at Beaulieu. Impacts will be similar to those experienced on Sunday morning. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor flooding of Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. Tide levels remain elevated until Tuesday 17/11/2020, but the situation is now improving. We continue to monitor the forecast. The incoming tide will flood the main roads quickly. Please plan driving routes to avoid Beaulieu at high tide. Driving through flood water can cause flooding to property. We will remove this message by 12:00 on 16/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2020 08:58
The Solent
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 13:57 on 20/10/2020 and 16:09 on 20/10/2020 is higher than normal, due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.32 m. The total forecast tide is 4.20 metres Chart Datum (2.2 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high water, the tide will flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor flooding of Palace Lane is also expected, making access to the village temporarily more difficult. After this tide, tide levels are reducing. However heavy rain on Wednesday 21/10/20 will raise Mill Pond levels over the Wednesday afternoon high tide at 14:46 and 16:30. Minor flooding is possible and we will issue further advice as necessary. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking or driving through Beaulieu. The incoming tide will flood the main road quickly. We will remove this message by 19:00 on 20/10/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Aug 2020 17:51
The Solent
Friday afternoon's tide at 13:18 on 21/08/2020 and 15:33 on 21/08/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m (surge). The forecast tide is 4.2 metres Chart Datum (2.2 mAOD) at Beaulieu. For 30 minutes either side of high tide, water may flood into the garden of the mill house on the downstream side of the Mill Pond. Minor flooding of Palace Lane and Hatchet Lane (B3054) is also likely to occur. After this tide‚ the weather is more settled and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. For safety, please take care if walking through the village at high tide. The incoming tide will flood the main roads quickly. We will remove this message by 17:00 on 21/08/2020.