Flood Alert Info - Lower Test

Area Description

River Test and tributaries from Romsey to Totton.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Alert

The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History

Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area

Flood Alert issued on 29 Mar 2024 13:54
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high but stable. In the last 48 hours, over 27 mm of rain was recorded at Romsey. Currently (29/03/2024) there remains a significant amount of water flooding land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Some footpath flooding may be affecting Rivermead Close and the Memorial Park. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also be in flood. Scattered showers are forecast today (29/03/2024) but will not produce significant amounts of rainfall. The forecast for the rest of the weekend is to be fairly dry. While water levels in the river will begin to reduce, they will remain higher than normal over the next few weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operation. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on 30/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 28 Mar 2024 12:38
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and continue to rise. In the last 48 hours, over 35 mm of rain was recorded at Romsey. Currently (Thursday 28/03/2024) there is a significant amount of water flooding land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Some footpath flooding may affect Rivermead Close and the Memorial Park. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. Heavy showers will continue to affect the area over the next 24 hours with up to 30mm possible and flood impacts may increase throughout this period. Conditions remain unsettled into the weekend although less rain is forecast after Friday 29/03/2024. While water levels in the river will begin to reduce, they will remain higher than normal over the next few weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operation. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on 29/03/2024

Flood Alert issued on 10 Mar 2024 12:56
River Test
A flood alert remains in force. At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high but stable. Water may continue to flood land from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. In the last 48 hours, there has been 1.89mm of rainfall recorded in Romsey, and 4.34mm at Testwood. The forecast for today (Sunday 10/03/2024) is for scattered showers, which may bring 5mm of widespread rainfall with some isolated showers of higher totals (10mm). Monday (11/03/2024) is forecast to bring 0-2mm of rainfall. Given the saturated catchment conditions, the River Test and its tributaries will respond to further rainfall. Flood impacts to low lying land between Romsey and Testwood may remain over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through Romsey. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 11/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2024 12:37
River Test
A flood alert remains in force. At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high but stable. Water may continue to flood land from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. In the last 48 hours, there has been 0.26mm of rainfall recorded in Romsey, and 7mm at Testwood. The forecast for today (09/03/2024) is for scattered showers, which may bring 2-6mm of rainfall. Sunday (10/03/2024) is forecast to bring 5-10mm of widespread rainfall, and potentially some heavier isolated totals (15-20mm). Given the saturated catchment conditions, the River Test and its tributaries will respond to further rainfall. Flood impacts to low lying land between Romsey and Testwood may remain over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through Romsey. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 10/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 8 Mar 2024 13:21
River Test
A flood alert remains in force. At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. Water may continue to flood land from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. There has been no rainfall in the last 24 hours. Today (08/03/2024) the forecast is for dry weather. A rainfall event from Saturday evening (09/03/2024) will bring widespread totals of 2-5mm. Sunday (10/03/2024) will see similar rainfall totals, with the potential for isolated showers of 10mm. Water levels will remain high. Flood impacts to low lying land between Romsey and Testwood may remain over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through Romsey. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 09/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 7 Mar 2024 12:15
River Test
A flood alert remains in force. At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. No rainfall has been recorded in Romsey in the past 24 hours. However, water may continue to flood land from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. Today (Thursday 07/03/2024) and tomorrow (Friday 08/03/2024) the forecast is for dry weather. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through Romsey. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 08/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 6 Mar 2024 14:15
River Test
A flood alert remains in force. At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. No rainfall has been recorded in Romsey in the past 24 hours. However, water may continue to flood land from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. It will mostly be dry today (Wednesday 06/03/2024) and tomorrow (Thursday 07/03/2024), though there could be isolated showers. Water levels remain high and flood impacts could continue. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 07/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Mar 2024 10:04
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. In the last 24 hours, 14mm of rainfall has been recorded in Romsey. Water may continue to flood land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. Small amounts of rain are forecast for today (05/03/24) and tomorrow (06/03/24) if this affects the area minor flood impacts could occur. The water levels will remain high and flood impacts could increase. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 06/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Mar 2024 10:18
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. In the last 24 hours, virtually no rainfall has been recorded in Romsey. Water may continue to flood land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. Small amounts of rain are forecast for today (Monday 04/03/2024). If this rain affects the area, minor flood impacts could occur. Tomorrow (Tuesday 05/03/2024), up to 20mm of rainfall is forecast. If the rain affects the river, this will cause water levels to remain high and flood impacts could increase. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on 05/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2024 10:03
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and stable. In the last 24 hours, virtually no rainfall has been recorded in Romsey, but this follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. Water may continue to flood land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood may continue to flood. Today (03/03/2024) no rainfall is forecast, giving the river a chance to recover. Further rainfall is forecast to affect Hampshire on Monday (04/03/2024) and Tuesday (05/03/2024). Flood impacts will remain throughout this period. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on Monday 04/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2024 07:38
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and continue to rise. In the last 48 hours, 23mm has been recorded in Romsey and follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. Currently (02/03/2024), there is a significant amount of water flooding land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. For the rest of today (02/03/2024) and tomorrow (03/03/2024), the weather is forecast to be more settled. However, further rain is forecast for Monday (up to 15mm) with showers over the coming week. Flood impacts will remain throughout this period. Land at Romsey and Testwood may remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operations. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on Sunday 03/03/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 14 Jan 2024 09:12
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. The updated weather forecast is mainly dry for the next 5 days, so river levels will remain stable, and may begin to fall very slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 16/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Jan 2024 10:00
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. The weather forecast is mainly dry for the next 4 days, so river levels will remain stable, and may begin to fall very slowly during this period. There is currently some uncertainty over the forecast on Wednesday (17/01/2024), but there is a possibility of rainfall. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 14/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 11 Jan 2024 09:56
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. The weather forecast is mainly dry for the next 5 days, so river levels will begin to fall very slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 13/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Jan 2024 11:17
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. Currently, the weather forecast indicates no rain over the next 5 days, so river levels will begin to fall slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 11/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 8 Jan 2024 15:04
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. Currently, the weather forecast indicates no rain over the next 5 days, so river levels will begin to fall slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 09/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 7 Jan 2024 12:59
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. Currently, the weather forecast indicates no rain over the next 5 days, so river levels will begin to fall slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 16:00 on 08/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2024 14:04
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high but stable. Currently, the weather forecast indicates no rain over the next 5 days, so river levels will begin to fall slowly during this period. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Some footpath flooding may affect Rivermead Close and the Memorial Park. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. Currently, the weather forecast indicates no rain over the next 5 days. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This Flood Alert will be updated by 16:00 on 07/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2024 15:41
River Test
Water levels in the River Test are high, but stable, following yesterday’s rain when 33 mm was recorded at Romsey. This is a significant amount of rain in a short period of time. This is in addition to the prolonged rainfall over the last few months. The weather is now fairly dry for the next 5 days. We expect water levels to fall slowly over the next few days. The river will remain higher than normal and will be sensitive to any further rainfall over the next few weeks. Flooding will continue to affect low lying land, and there will be flooding of land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Some footpath flooding may affect Rivermead Close and the Memorial Park. At Romsey Industrial Estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. We will continue to monitor the river and weather forecast information. This message will be updated by 16:00 on 06/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2024 00:06
River Test
At Romsey and Testwood, levels in the River Test are high and continue to rise. Prolonged and heavy rainfall has affected the area over the last few months with 33 mm in the last 24 hours recorded at Romsey. This is a third of the normal monthly average rainfall. Currently (05/01/2024) there is a significant amount of water flooding land and fields from Timsbury to Romsey. Some footpath flooding may affect Rivermead Close and the Memorial Park. At Romsey Industrial estate, water may be ponded on land near to Greatbridge Road. Land at Broadlands and Testwood will also flood. Over the next 5 days the weather is more settled, with no further rain forecast. River levels will begin to fall but land will remain flooded over the next 2 to 3 weeks. We are managing sluices to balance water levels through the town. We recommend private sluice owners undertake regular sluice operation. Flooded land at Testwood may require livestock to be moved. This Flood Alert will be updated by 16:00 on Friday 05/01/2024.