Flood Alert Info - Mansbridge and Riverside Park
Area Description
River Itchen Mansbridge and Riverside Park.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 29 Jan 2025 16:11
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen remain high. In the last 3 days, 30mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is over a third of the monthly rainfall for January. The next high tide at Southampton is Wednesday night (29/01/2025) at 23:15, and is forecast at 4.54 metres Chart Datum (1.80 mAOD). The Thursday morning high tide (30/01/2025) is at 11:15 and is forecast at 4.72 metres Chart Datum (1.98 mAOD). Heavy rain is possible Wednesday evening (29/01/2025) with potentially 20mm affecting southern Hampshire. If heavy rain affects the catchment, river levels will rise again and may flood the access road and the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge over high tide. We continue to monitor the river and weather forecast. We recommend closing defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 30/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Jan 2025 15:38
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen remain high. In the last 12 hours, just 3mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. The next high tide at Southampton is expected at 22:30 on 28/01/2025, and 00:30 on 29/01/2025 and is forecast at 4.66 metres Chart Datum (1.93 mAOD). Tomorrow morning (Wednesday 29/01/2025), high tide is expected at 10:45 and 12:30 and is forecast at 4.69 metres Chart Datum (1.96 mAOD). Flooding impacts are unlikely to occur on either high tide. However, further rain is expected tomorrow afternoon (29/01/2025). There is a possibility that this could be heavy, bringing up to 35mm of rainfall. If heavy rain affects the Lower River Itchen, the river may flood the access road and could affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge during tomorrow evening's high tide, forecast at 23:15 on 29/01/2025. Footpath flooding could also affect Riverside Park. We continue to monitor the river and weather forecast. We recommend closing defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on Wednesday 29/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Jan 2025 13:43
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen remain high. Forecast tide levels at Southampton remain elevated, however are reducing. The next high tide at Southampton is expected at 22:00 and 23:45 tonight (Monday 27/01/2025) and is forecast at 4.8 metres Chart Datum (2.06 mAOD). While flows and tides remain elevated, further minor impact flooding is possible. Showers are forecast for today and tomorrow (28/01/2025). We continue to monitor the river and weather forecasts. This Flood Alert will be updated by 16:00 on Tuesday 28/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Jan 2025 20:37
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 12 hours, 15 mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. Monday morning's high tide at 09:30 and 10:48 on 27/01/25 in Southampton, is higher than normal due to unsettled weather increasing tide table values by 1.02 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall is expected overnight and into the early hours of tomorrow morning (27/01/25). Flows in the river will remain high over the next few days, and impacts could occur at each high tide. We continue to monitor the forecast. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 14:00 on Monday 27/01/25.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2025 10:14
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen remain high, but tide levels are now reducing. In the last 12 hours, 5mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. High tide at Southampton is expected at 15:45 and 17:00 this afternoon (06/01/2025) and is forecast at 4.55 metres Chart Datum (1.82 mAOD). Flooding impacts are not expected during this tide. High tide at 04:00 and 05:00 on Tuesday morning (07/01/2025) is expected to be 30cm higher. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Property flooding is not currently expected. Only a very small amount of rain is expected to affect Hampshire during Monday (06/01/2025) and Tuesday (07/01/2025). This will give the flows a chance to reduce. We continue to monitor the forecast. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on Tuesday 07/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2025 19:21
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen remain high. In the last 24 hours, 41mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. Monday's early morning tide at 03:15 on 06/01/2025, and 04:30 on 06/01/2025 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with strong Southerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.88 m. The total forecast tide is 5.27 metres Chart Datum (2.53 mAOD) at Southampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, levels in the Lower River Itchen will rise as the incoming tide prevents water flowing out to sea. At Mansbridge, the pub car park will flood. Footpaths will flood throughout Riverside Park. In some places, it will be very difficult to see the edge of the river bank. Monday afternoon's tide at 15:30 on 06/01/2025 is forecast to be 70 cm lower (1.83 mAOD). We continue to monitor the forecast. Please consider closing the defence gates at the pub, 1 hour before high tide. Please avoid flooded areas in Riverside Park. We will update this message by 12:00 on 06/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2025 07:54
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 14 hours, 22mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. High tide at Southampton is expected at 14:30 and 16:15 on 05/01/2025 and is forecast at 4.85 metres Chart Datum (2.11 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 15mm) is expected throughout Sunday 05/01/2025. Flow in the river will remain high and may increase after high tide and could cause flooding impacts over the next high tide forecast at 03:00 on Monday 06/01/2025. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 21:00 on Sunday 05/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2024 07:27
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 24 hours, 35 mm of rain has been recorded at Otterbourne, which is almost half a month’s rain. It is currently high tide at Southampton, which is preventing the river from flowing to the sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Today (Sunday 24/11/24) Storm Bert brings further rainfall with at least another 20-30mm expected. Water levels in the river will remain much higher than normal until at least Tuesday 26/11/24, especially for 3-4 hours around each high water - which is expected today at 17:50 and on Monday at 06:54 and 19:14. We continue to monitor the forecast and are actively working with Southampton City Council, who now manage the gates at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before and after each high tide until Tuesday as a precautionary measure. This Flood Alert will be updated by 17:00 on Monday 25/11/24.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2024 08:34
River Itchen
Sunday afternoon's tide at 13:30 on 20/10/2024 and 15:26 on 20/10/2024 is higher than normal, due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.3 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 20/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 09:19
River Itchen
Friday afternoon's tide at 12:00 on 18/10/2024 and 14:00 on 18/10/2024 is higher than normal, due to unsettled weather with light South Easterly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.13 m. The total forecast tide is 5.17 metres Chart Datum (2.43 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. The tide levels will remain a little elevated over the next 3 days. This may cause some minor impacts at each high water until Monday. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 18:30 on 18/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 15:37
River Itchen
Thursday evening's tide at 23:30 on 17/10/2024 and 01:37 on 18/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 2 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.21 m. The total forecast tide is 5.17 metres Chart Datum (2.43 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. The tide level is a little elevated over the next 4 days. This may cause some minor impacts at each high water until Monday. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 09:30 on 18/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 09:12
River Itchen
Thursday morning's tide at 11:15 on 17/10/2024 and 13:20 on 17/10/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.29 m. The total forecast tide is 5.26 metres Chart Datum (2.52 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. Thursday will be a dry day. The tide level is a little elevated over the next 4 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water until Monday‚ but where impacts do occur‚ they will be minor. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will update this message by 16:00 on 17/10/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Apr 2024 09:21
River Itchen
Wednesday's afternoon tide at 12:45 on 10/04/2024 and 15:00 on 10/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.25 m. The total forecast tide is 5.01 metres Chart Datum (2.31 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. Following tides are forecast to be lower than this. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 12:00 on 11/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 15:10
River Itchen
Wednesday's early morning tide at 00:30 on 10/04/2024 and 02:30 on 10/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.29 m. The total forecast tide is 5.17 metres Chart Datum (2.43 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 12:45 on Wednesday 10/04/24‚ the tide level remains elevated. Currently, it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ but we may issue further advice tomorrow morning. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 18:00 on 10/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 08:27
River Itchen
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 12:00 on 09/04/2024 and 14:15 on 09/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.38 m. The total forecast tide is 5.22 metres Chart Datum (2.48 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 09/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 16:39
River Itchen
Tuesday's early morning tide at 00:30 on 09/04/2024 and 02:00 on 09/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.82 m. The total forecast tide is 5.64 metres Chart Datum (2.90 mAOD) at Southampton. The tide is very high and close to previous historical maximum levels. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will rise as the incoming tide prevents water flowing out to sea. The car garage and pub will flood if flood protection is not installed. Large areas of Riverside Park will also be affected. It will be difficult to see the edge of the river bank and the park should be avoided. After this tide the weather becomes more settled, but minor impacts could continue until Thursday (11/04/2024). We continue to monitor the forecast. Please consider closing defence gates at the pub 1 hour before high tide. Please avoid flooded areas in Riverside Park. We will update this message by 16:00 on 09/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 08:15
River Itchen
Monday morning's tide at 11:15 on 08/04/2024 and 13:15 on 08/04/2024 is higher than normal, with light South Easterly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.4 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 00:15 on 09/04/2024 the tide is forecast to be higher. We'll issue further advice this afternoon. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 20:00 on 08/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Apr 2024 12:52
River Itchen
Monday's early morning tide at 00:00 on 08/04/2024 and 01:03 on 08/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.43 m. The total forecast tide is 5.16 metres Chart Datum (2.42 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 00:15 on 09/04/2024 the tide and flood impacts will be higher than tonight. We will issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 16:00 on 08/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Apr 2024 14:02
River Itchen
Saturday evening's tide at 22:30 on 06/04/2024 and 00:07 on 07/04/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The total forecast tide is 5.18 metres Chart Datum (2.44 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. Sunday morning the forecast tide is 5.01 metres Chart Datum (2.27 mAOD). On Sunday night (07/04/24) and both high tides Monday (08/04/24) levels will be higher than tonight's. Currently it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ we may issue further advice tomorrow. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 16:00 on 07/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Mar 2024 10:08
River Itchen
Flow in the River Itchen remains high but is stable and a flood warning remains in force for this location for today’s lunchtime tide (29/03/2024). In the last 48 hours, 34 mm of rain was recorded at Portswood, and follows months of prolonged wet weather. Today’s lunchtime tide at 12:49 and 14:57 (29/03/2024) is slightly higher than normal due to unsettled weather. The weather increases tide table values by 0.4 m. The total forecast tide is 4.79 metres Chart Datum (2.05 mAOD) at Southampton. To help lower water levels in the river, we have operated the sluices at Woodmill. As river flows will continue to increase there is a risk of flooding on the tide but the risk is diminishing into the weekend. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will update or remove this message by 18:00 on 29/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Mar 2024 20:18
River Itchen
Flow in the River Itchen remains high and a flood warning is now in force for this location. In the last 48 hours, 35 mm of rain was recorded at Otterbourne, this is over half a month’s average rainfall and follows months of prolonged wet weather. Friday's early morning tide at 00:45 on 29/03/2024 and 03:05 on 29/03/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.64 m. The total forecast tide is 5.06 metres Chart Datum (2.32 mAOD) at Southampton. To help lower water levels in the river, we have operated the sluices at Woodmill. As river flows will continue to increase there is a risk of flooding on each elevated spring tide into the weekend. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will update or remove this message by 18:00 on 29/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Mar 2024 20:09
River Itchen
Thursday afternoon's tide at 12:30 on 28/03/2024 and 14:50 on 28/03/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.91 m. The total forecast tide is 5.31 metres Chart Datum (2.57 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled‚ so levels will reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 28/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Mar 2024 15:00
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high, following a long period of prolonged wet weather. River levels are still generally falling, although they rise during high tide periods when tide locked. Light rain is forecast for today (Thursday 14/03/24) and into the weekend. Next high tide at Southampton is at 02:15 on Friday morning (15/03/24). The tide level is forecast to be 4.85 metres Chart Datum (2.11 mAOD). For 2 hours either side of high tide, the river may come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Parts of Riverside Park may also be flooded. This may be the last tide in this cycle where the river comes out of bank. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 15/03/24.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Mar 2024 15:07
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high, following a long period of prolonged wet weather. River levels have been raised over high tide periods in response. The forecast for today (13/03/24) and Thursday (14/03/24) is largely dry, with light rain expected Friday and into the weekend. Next high tide at Southampton is at 01:30 on Thursday morning (14/03/24). The tide level is forecast to be 5.00 metres Chart Datum (2.26 mAOD). Thursday’s lunchtime tide at 13:30 is forecast to be 5.11 metres Chart Datum (2.37 mAOD). For 2 hours either side of high tide, the river will come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Parts of Riverside Park will also be flooded. Levels will also be very high at Gaters Mill. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 14/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Mar 2024 13:01
River Itchen
A flood alert has been issued. Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high following a long period of wet weather. There has been 13.76mm of rainfall at Otterbourne in the last 24 hours, and 10.84mm at Portswood. Levels in the Lower Itchen have been rising. The forecast for the remainder of today (12/03/2024) and tomorrow (13/03/2024) is for dry conditions. Tonight’s high tide at 00:00 (13/03/2024) is forecast to be 5.05 metres Chart Datum and 2.32 mAOD. For 2 hours either side of high tide, the river will come out of banks affecting the access road, car parking areas near the White Swan Pub, and car garage at Mansbridge. Parts of Riverside Park will also be flooded. Levels will also be very high at Gaters Mill. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 13/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Mar 2024 11:46
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. In the last 24 hours, 7.65mm of rainfall has been recorded at Portswood. This follows several weeks of wet weather which has saturated the river catchment. The forecast for today (11/03/24) is for light rain this morning which may bring a further 3mm. Tuesday afternoon a further 5-10mm of widespread rainfall is forecast. High tide at Southampton is forecast today (11/03/24) at 11:25. This spring tide level is forecast to be 5.03mCD and 2.29mAOD at Southampton. Tonights tide at 00:00 (midnight) is forecast to be 4.95mCD and 2.21mAOD. For 2 hours either side of high tide, the river will come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Parts of Riverside Park will also be flooded, levels will also be very high at Gaters Mill. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 12/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Mar 2024 12:04
River Itchen
A flood alert has been issued. Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high, following a long period of wet weather. In the last 24 hours, 2.54mm of rainfall has been recorded at Portswood. Further widespread rainfall of up to 5mm is forecast for today (10/03/2024). Flow in the river will remain high. High tide at Southampton is forecast today (10/03/2024) at 10:45. This spring tide level is forecast to be 5.06 metres Chart Datum (2.32 mAOD) at Southampton. Tonight's tide at 23:15 (10/03/2024) is forecast to be the same (5.06 metres Chart Datum and 2.32 mAOD). For 2 hours either side of high tide, the river will come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Parts of Riverside Park will also be flooded. Levels will also be very high at Gaters Mill. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 11/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2024 20:04
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high, following a long period of wet weather. High tide in Southampton tonight at 22:30 (09/03/2024), is forecast at 4.93 metres Chart Datum (2.19 mAOD). Tomorrow’s morning tide at 10:45 (10/03/2024) is forecast to be 4.94 metres Chart Datum (2.2 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. The weather forecast overnight is for showers which may bring 2-6mm of rainfall. Sunday (10/03/2024) is forecast to bring 5-10mm of widespread rainfall, and potentially some heavier isolated totals (15-20mm). Flow in the river will remain high. Flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 10/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2024 12:37
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high, following a long period of wet weather. High tide in Southampton tonight at 22:30 (09/03/2024) is forecast at 4.85 metres Chart Datum (2.1 mAOD). Tomorrow’s morning tide at 10:45 (10/03/2024) is forecast to be 4.90 metres Chart Datum (2.16 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. The weather forecast today is for scattered showers which may bring 2-6mm of rainfall. Sunday (10/03/2024) is forecast to bring 5-10mm of widespread rainfall, and potentially some heavier isolated totals (15-20mm). Flow in the river will remain high. Flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 10/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Mar 2024 13:21
River Itchen
A flood alert has been issued. Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high following a long period of wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 23:30 (08/03/2024) is forecast at 4.54 metres Chart Datum (1.8 mAOD). Tomorrow’s morning tide at 10:15 (09/03/2024) is forecast to be 4.8 metres Chart Datum (2.06 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the access road to flood and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Today is forecast for dry weather. A rainfall event from Saturday evening will bring widespread totals of 2-5mm. Sunday will see similar rainfall totals with the potential for isolated showers of 10mm. Flow in the river will remain high. Flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and are operating the structure at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 09/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Mar 2024 13:22
River Itchen
A flood alert has been issued. Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high, following a long period of wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 21:15 (07/03/2024), is forecast at 4.15 metres Chart Datum (1.41 mAOD). Tomorrow’s morning tide at 09:15 (08/03/2024), is forecast to be 4.17 metres Chart Datum (1.43 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road, and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Today (Thursday 07/03/2024) and tomorrow (Friday 08/03/2024) the forecast is for dry weather. Flow in the river will remain high. Flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 08/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Mar 2024 14:41
River Itchen
A flood alert has been issued. Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 24 hours, only 1.74mm of rainfall has been recorded. However, levels remain high following a long period of wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 21:15 (06/03/2024), is forecast at 3.89 metres Chart Datum (1.15 mAOD). Tomorrow’s morning tide at 08:15 (07/03/2024), is forecast to be 3.85 metres Chart Datum (1.11 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the access road to flood, and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. It will mostly be dry today and tomorrow (07/03/2024) though there could be isolated showers. Flow in the river will remain high. Flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 07/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Mar 2024 10:01
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 24 hours, 12mm of rainfall has fallen at Portswood, this is a modest amount but follows a week of wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 18:45 (05/03/24), is forecast at 3.69 metres Chart Datum (0.95 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 07:00 (06/03/24), is forecast to be 3.87 metres Chart Datum (1.13 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Small amounts of rain are forecast for today (05/03/24) and tomorrow (06/03/24). Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 06/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Mar 2024 10:08
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 48 hours, virtually no rain has fallen. High tide in Southampton today at 17:45 (04/03/2024), is forecast at 4.15 metres Chart Datum (1.41 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 05:50 (05/03/2024), is forecast to be 3.85 metres Chart Datum (1.11 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Small amounts of rain are forecast for today (04/03/2024). Tomorrow (Tuesday 05/03/2024), up to 20mm of rainfall is forecast. Flows in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on 05/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2024 10:23
River Itchen
Flows in the lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 24 hours, virtually no rain has fallen, but this follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 15:30 (03/03/2024), is forecast at 3.85 metres Chart Datum (1.11 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 04:00 (04/03/2024), is forecast to be 3.91 metres Chart Datum (1.17 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Today (03/03/2024) is expected to be mainly dry, giving the river a chance to recover. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 04/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2024 10:03
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 24 hours, virtually no rain has fallen, but this follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. High tide in Southampton today at 14:30 (03/03/2024), is forecast at 3.85 metres Chart Datum (1.11 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 03:00 (04/03/2024), is forecast to be 3.91 metres Chart Datum (1.17 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Today (03/03/2024) is expected to be mainly dry, giving the river a chance to recover. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 04/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2024 10:03
River Itchen
Flows in the lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain very high. In the last 48 hours, half a month’s rain (30mm) has been recorded at Portswood. High tide in Southampton today at 14:30 (02/03/24), is forecast at 4.14 metres Chart Datum (1.4 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 03:00 (03/03/24), is forecast to be 4.25 metres Chart Datum (1.51 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Rainfall is expected to clear Hampshire by midday today (02/03/24). Sunday (03/03/24) is expected to be mainly dry, giving the river a chance to recover. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur at each high tide. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 03/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Mar 2024 09:54
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 12 hours, 15mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is a modest amount, but follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. The high tide in Southampton at 14:00 today (01/03/2024), is forecast at 4.69 metres Chart Datum (1.95 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 02:20 (02/03/2024), is forecast to be 4.58 metres Chart Datum (1.84 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road, and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall is expected to affect Hampshire today (01/03/2024) and Saturday (02/03/2024). Flows in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur until Sunday. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on 02/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Feb 2024 10:12
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high, due to the prolonged wet weather. Only small amounts of rain have been recorded in the last 24 hours. High tide in Southampton today at 13:20 29/02/2024, is forecast at 4.52 metres Chart Datum (1.78 mAOD). Tomorrow’s early morning tide at 01:45 01/03/2024, should be higher, and forecast to be 4.73 metres Chart Datum (1.99 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 20mm) is expected to affect Hampshire, both today (29/02/2024) and Friday 01/03/2024. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur until Saturday. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 01/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Feb 2024 23:27
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 6 hours, up to 5 mm of rain has been recorded at Otterbourne. This is a modest amount but follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. High tide at Southampton is expected at 01:15 and 03:30 on Thursday 29/02/24 and is forecast at 4.58 metres Chart Datum (1.84 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall is forecast on Thursday (29/02/24), and Friday (01/03/24). Flow in the river will remain high over the next few days. This means that flood impacts could also occur over the next high tide forecast at 13:30 on Thursday (29/02/24). We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 on the 29/02/24.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2024 15:31
River Itchen
Monday’s tides at 00:15 and 02:30 in the morning and at 12:30 and 14:40 in the afternoon on 12/02/2024 are higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide values by 0.32 m. The forecast tides are both 5.12metres Chart Datum (2.38 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The river may come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Levels will not be as high as earlier in the week. The tide levels are elevated over the next 2 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast and are operating the sluices at Woodmill to lower water levels. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update or remove this message by 18:00 on 12/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 19:30
River Itchen
Sunday morning's tide at 11:45 on 11/02/2024 and 14:00 on 11/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The river may come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Levels will not be as high as earlier in the week. The tide levels are elevated over the next 3 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast and to help lower water levels in the river, we are operating the sluices at Woodmill. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 18:00 on 11/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 14:14
River Itchen
Saturday evening's tide at 23:30 on 10/02/2024 and 01:45 on 11/02/2024 is higher than normal, due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 3 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.5 m. The total forecast tide is 5.22 metres Chart Datum (2.48 mAOD) at Southampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The river may come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Levels will not be as high as earlier in the week. The tide levels are elevated over the next 4 days and river flows will remain high. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast and to help lower water levels in the river, we are operating the sluices at Woodmill. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 10:00 on 11/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 09:09
River Itchen
Saturday morning's tide at 11:00 on 10/02/2024 and 13:10 on 10/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Southerly Force 2 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.54 m. The total forecast tide is 5.22 metres Chart Datum (2.48 mAOD) at Southampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The river may come out of bank affecting the access road and car parking areas near the White Swan Pub and car garage at Mansbridge. Levels will not be as high as earlier in the week. The tide levels are elevated over the next 4 days and river flows will remain high. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast and to help lower water levels in the river, we are operating the sluices at Woodmill. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 16:00 on 10/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 13:47
River Itchen
Friday evening's tide at 22:42 on 09/02/2024 and 00:54 on 10/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with light Southerly Force 1 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.62 m. The total forecast tide is 5.18 metres Chart Datum (2.44 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The White Swan pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide levels are elevated over the next 5 days. This may cause some impacts at each high water. We continue to monitor the forecast. A Flood Warning remains in force for Mansbridge and Woodmill. Please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 11:00 on 10/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Feb 2024 16:45
River Itchen
Friday morning's tide at 10:15 on 09/02/2024 and 12:20 on 09/02/2024 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.8 m. The total forecast tide is 5.27 metres Chart Datum (2.53 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. A series of spring tides with similar flood impacts will be seen across the weekend. We’ll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will update this message by 16:00 on 09/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Jan 2024 11:40
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. Only small amounts of rain have been recorded in the last 24 hours. High tide in Southampton today (23/01/2024) at 21:50, is forecast at 4.23 metres Chart Datum (1.49 mAOD). Tomorrow morning’s tide (24/01/2024) at 10:00, is forecast at 4.08 metres Chart Datum (1.34 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 10mm) is forecast for today (23/01/2024). We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 14:00 on 24/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Jan 2024 11:51
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. In the last 12 hours, 17mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is a modest amount but follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. High tide in Southampton today (22/01/2024) at 21:00, is forecast at 4.47 metres Chart Datum (1.73 mAOD). Tomorrow morning’s tide (23/01/2024) at 09:20, is forecast at 4.3 metres Chart Datum (1.56 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 12mm) is forecast for tomorrow (23/01/2024). Flows in the river will remain high and flood impacts could occur at each high tide during this time. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 23/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Jan 2024 11:22
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. A small amount of rain (4mm) has been recorded in the last 24 hours at Portswood. High tide in Southampton today (21/01/2024) at 19:55, is forecast at 4.32 metres Chart Datum (1.58 mAOD). Tomorrow morning’s tide (22/01/2024) at 08:25, is forecast at 4.21 metres Chart Datum (1.47 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Heavy rainfall (up to 20mm) is expected in Hampshire this evening (21/01/2024) and into tomorrow morning. Further unsettled weather is expected into next week. Flows in the river will remain high and flood impacts could occur at each high tide during this time. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 14:00 on 22/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Jan 2024 10:44
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high due to the prolonged wet weather. No rain has been recorded in the last 72 hours. High tide in Southampton today (20/01/2024) at 18:45, is forecast at 3.92 metres Chart Datum (1.18 mAOD). No impacts are expected. Tomorrow morning’s tide (21/01/2024) at 07:20, is higher and forecast at 4.3 metres Chart Datum (1.56 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 20mm) is expected over the weekend and into next week. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 21/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Jan 2024 10:39
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high due to the prolonged wet weather. No rain has been recorded in the last 48 hours. High tide in Southampton today (19/01/2024) at 17:40, is forecast at 3.97 metres Chart Datum (1.23 mAOD). No impacts are expected. Tomorrow morning’s tide (20/01/2024) at 06:20, is higher and forecast at 4.22 metres Chart Datum (1.48 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall (up to 15mm) is expected over the weekend. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur. We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 20/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Jan 2024 10:29
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high due to the prolonged wet weather. No rain has been recorded in the last 24 hours, and the forecast remains dry for the next 2 days. High tide in Southampton today (18/01/2024) at 16:40, is forecast at 4.28 metres Chart Datum (1.54 mAOD). Tomorrow morning's tide (19/01/2024) at 05:20, is forecast at 4.33 metres Chart Datum (1.59 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall is expected over the weekend. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur over subsequent high tides until Saturday (20/01/2024). We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 19/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Jan 2024 11:53
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high due to the prolonged wet weather. No rain has been recorded in the last 24 hours and the forecast remains dry for the next 3 days. High tide at Southampton is expected at 15:45 today (17/01/24) and 04:30 early tomorrow morning (18/01/24). This afternoon’s tide is forecast at 4.51 metres Chart Datum (1.77 mAOD). Tomorrow morning's tide is forecast at 4.58 metres Chart Datum (1.84 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Further rainfall is expected over the weekend. Flow in the river will remain high and flood impacts could also occur over subsequent high tides until Saturday (20/01/24). We will monitor the forecast and have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 18/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Jan 2024 08:21
River Itchen
Water levels in the Lower River Itchen are high. The current weather forecast is mainly dry for the next 4 days. Some rainfall (4mm) is forecast for Saturday (20/01/2024). High tide at Southampton is expected at 14:41 and 16:17 today (16/01/2024) and is forecast at 4.59 metres Chart Datum (1.85 mAOD). For 2 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 12:00 on 17/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Jan 2024 23:36
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high. High tide at Southampton is forecast at 02:09 on 16/01/2024. Tide levels are reasonably high, forecast at 4.8mCD (2.1 mAOD) at Southampton. For 2 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road, and affect the car park near to the White Swan pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. We continue to monitor the forecast. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 09:00 on 16/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2023 07:36
River Itchen
Flows in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 24 hours, 14 mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is a modest amount but follows weeks of prolonged wet weather. High tide at Southampton is expected at 10:30 and 12:20 on 27/11/2023 and is forecast at 5.00 metres Chart Datum (2.26 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Only a very small amount of rain is forecast for the rest of today so after high tide, although the river and flows will be higher than normal, further impacts are not expected. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. To help lower water levels in the river, we have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 18:00 on the 27/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2023 11:01
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high following the rainfall over the last few days, and the weeks of prolonged wet weather. During low tide, the level around the White Swan Pub and Riverside Park may be able to fall slowly as the river can drain into the sea. The tide today (at 11:40 and 13:55 on 15/11/2023) and tonight (at 00:01 and 02:19 on 16/11/2023) are forecast to be lower than the lunchtime and evening tides yesterday. Today is forecast to be dry. However, tomorrow (Thursday 16/11/2023) between 24 and 32mm of rainfall is forecast. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We are continuing to manage the sea door at Woodmill to help lower water levels. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This message will be updated by 15:00 on 16/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2023 15:19
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. 10mm of rainfall was recorded at Portswood over the last 12 hours. During low tide, the level around the White Swan Pub and Riverside Park may be able to fall slowly as the river can drain into the sea. The tide tonight (23:21 on 14/11/2023 and 01:41 on 15/11/2023) and tide tomorrow (11:40 on 15/11/2023 and 13:55 on 15/11/2023) are lower than the lunchtime tide today. The remainder of today and tomorrow are forecast to be mainly dry. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We are continuing to manage the sea door at Woodmill to help lower water levels. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This message will be updated by 15:00 on 15/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2023 14:09
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge remain high. Over the last 30 days, over 250mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is equal to approximately 3 times the monthly total for the time of year. This is an exceptional amount of rainfall which will maintain high flows in the river. During low tide, the level around the White Swan Pub and Riverside park may be able to fall slowly as the river can drain into the sea. Tomorrow morning at 11:00, high tide is forecast to be a similar level to today at 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.42 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will again prevent the river from flowing to sea which will lead to further impacts. We expect these impacts to be similar to those observed today. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We are continuing to manage the sea door at Woodmill to help lower water levels. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This message will be updated by 15:00 on 14/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2023 07:32
River Itchen
Flows in the River Itchen at Mansbridge are high and increasing. In the last 12 hours, 16 mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is a modest amount but follows prolonged wet weather. High tide at Southampton is expected at 10:30 and 12:42 on 13/11/2023 and is forecast at 5.11 metres Chart Datum (2.37 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may affect Riverside Park. Due to the rain over the last 12 hours, flow in the river will remain high after high tide. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. To help lower water levels in the river, we have opened the sea door at Woodmill. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 15:00 on 13/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Oct 2023 22:28
River Itchen
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Aug 2023 16:03
River Itchen
Wednesday afternoon's tide at 12:03 on 02/08/2023 and 14:15 on 02/08/2023 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.63 m. The total forecast tide is 5.17 metres Chart Datum (2.43 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 00:20 on Thursday (03/08/2023)‚ the tide level remains elevated. Currently it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property‚ but we will issue further advice tomorrow (02/08/2023). We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 18:00 on 02/08/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Mar 2023 05:18
River Itchen
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2022 23:17
River Itchen
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2022 07:18
River Itchen
Thursday morning's tide at 10:40 on 24/11/2022 and 12:54 on 24/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.43 m. The total forecast tide is 5.32 metres Chart Datum (2.58 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 23:00 on Thursday (24/11/2022)‚ the tide level remains elevated. Currently, it is unlikely that it will cause flooding to property. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will update this message by 16:00 on 24/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Nov 2022 16:35
River Itchen
Wednesday morning's tide at 09:59 on 23/11/2022 and 12:14 on 23/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with light Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.42 m. The total forecast tide is 5.19 metres Chart Datum (2.45 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 22:18 on Wednesday (23/11/2022)‚ the tide and flood impacts will be similar to Wednesday morning. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 15:30 on 23/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Nov 2022 14:42
River Itchen
Tuesday morning's tide at 10:30 on 08/11/2022 and 12:31 on 08/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m. The total forecast tide is 5.16 metres Chart Datum (2.42 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ and for the rest of the week, tide levels will begin to reduce and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 17:00 on 08/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2022 18:33
River Itchen
Monday morning's tide at 09:53 on 07/11/2022 and 11:40 on 07/11/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.41 m. The total forecast tide is 5.20 metres Chart Datum (2.46 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 22:06 on Monday (07/11/2022)‚ the tide and flood impacts will be similar to Monday morning. We'll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 14:00 on 07/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Oct 2022 19:24
River Itchen
The tide on Wednesday lunchtime will be higher than normal due to unsettled conditions, increasing the river levels in the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge. The Southampton high tide at 12:00 on Wednesday 26/10/2022 is forecast at 5.22 metres Chart Datum (2.48 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. With only light rain forecast and reducing tide levels, further impacts are not expected. We recommend closing the defence gates around the White Swan pub at least an hour before high tide. We will monitor the situation and open the sea door at Woodmill on Wednesday morning to help lower river levels. Given that the situation is expected to improve, we will remove this Flood Alert by 18:00 on 26/10/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2022 14:58
River Itchen
Saturday afternoon's tide at 12:32 on 19/02/2022 and 14:33 on 19/02/2022 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with Gale Force 8 South Westerly winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.54 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 19/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Feb 2022 15:26
River Itchen
Friday morning's tide at 11:54 on 18/02/2022 and 14:08 on 18/02/2022 is higher than normal due to Storm Eunice, which brings Severe Gale Force 9 South Westerly winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.8 m. The total forecast tide is 5.37 metres Chart Datum (2.63 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may also experience some minor impact flooding for a very short period of time. The tide is unlikely to flood the A27. After this tide‚ no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, we recommend closing the defence gates around the pub. Avoid walking in flooded areas of Riverside Park. We will remove this message by 18:00 on 18/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2021 16:09
River Itchen
Wednesday's early morning tide at 01:18 and 03:18 on 08/12/2021 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.48 m. The total forecast tide is 5.04 metres Chart Datum (2.3 mAOD) at Southampton. The tide will be much lower than it was this afternoon, but the residual impacts from Storm Barra may still cause some minor impact flooding. For 30 minutes either side of high water, footpath flooding may affect some areas within Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ the weather is more settled, and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 11:00 on 08/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2021 08:14
River Itchen
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 12:41 and 14:34 on 07/12/2021 is higher than normal due to Storm Barra, which brings strong South Easterly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.54 m. The forecast tide level has increased since yesterday. The total forecast tide is now 5.26 metres Chart Datum (2.52 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1 hour either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect parts of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge, is likely to be flooded for a short period of time. The tide will not flood property, but as rain is also expected, some surface water flooding may affect the A27. At 01:18 and 03:18 on 08/12/2021‚ the tide will be slightly lower, but may still cause similar minor impact flooding. We'll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 19:00 on 07/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2021 14:21
River Itchen
Tuesday afternoon's tide at 12:41 and 14:34 on 07/12/2021 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather, with strong South Easterly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.6 m. The total forecast tide is 5.17 metres Chart Datum (2.43 mAOD) at Southampton. The tide is highest at the time of second high water. For 1 hour either side of high tide, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 01:18 on 08/12/2021‚ the tide may be slightly higher in magnitude. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast, and may operate the structure at Woodmill, if required. Please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 19:00 on 07/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Dec 2021 15:30
River Itchen
Saturday morning's tide at 10:23 on 04/12/2021 and 12:24 on 04/12/2021 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Westerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.12 m. The total forecast tide is 5.10 metres Chart Datum (2.36 mAOD) at Southampton. For 30 minutes either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase, as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding may affect some areas of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may also experience minor impact flooding, for a very short period of time. Any flood depth will be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ no further impacts are expected, although a tide of a similar magnitude is currently forecast on Tuesday (07/12/2021). We may issue further advice on Monday (06/12/2021). We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will remove this message by 16:00 on 04/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Oct 2021 11:13
River Itchen
High flows are affecting the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge. Overnight, 25mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. Most of the rain fell in 3 hours, which is a large amount in a short period of time. High tide at Southampton is expected at 10:48 and 13:07 on 05/10/21. The forecast tide level is 4.64 metres Chart Datum (1.9 mAOD). For the next 4 hours (until 15:00), the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and possibly affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Over the next 5 days, the weather is more settled and dry. Whilst water levels in the river will remain high today, especially at high tide this evening (expected at 23:03), further impacts are not expected. To help reduce water levels in the river, our staff have operated the structure at Woodmill. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, we recommend closing the defence gates around the pub. This flood alert will be removed by 18:00 on Tuesday 05/10/21.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Jun 2021 14:20
River Itchen
High flows are affecting the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge. In the last 24 hours, well over a month’s rainfall (60 mm) has been recorded at Otterbourne. High tide is expected at 17:57 and 18:49 on 18/06/2021 and is forecast at 4.07 metres Chart Datum (1.33 mAOD). For 1.5 hours either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to the sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Flow in the river will remain high and may increase after high tide. This means that flood impacts could also occur over the next high tide forecast at 06:43 and 07:45 on 19/06/2021. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. We recommend closing the defence gates around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated by 10:00 on 19/06/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Jan 2021 13:15
River Itchen
The water level in the lower River Itchen at Mansbridge is high. In the last 9 hours, 10 mm of rain has been recorded at Otterbourne. It is currently high tide at Southampton. Until 15:00, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to the sea effectively. This may cause the river to flood the access road, and it could affect the car park near to the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Showers will continue this afternoon, but Saturday evening and Sunday (31/01/21) should remain dry. To help lower water levels in the river, yesterday (Friday 29/01/21) we opened the sea door at Woodmill. Our staff will open the sea door further this afternoon. This should help to prevent high river levels at next high tide, expected at Southampton at 00:18 and 02:26 on 31/01/21. Please avoid walking through flooded areas. Given that the situation should improve later on this afternoon, we will remove this Flood Alert by 19:00 on 31/01/21.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Dec 2020 20:43
River Itchen
High flows are affecting the Lower River Itchen. In the last 12 hours, 13 mm of rain has been recorded at Portswood. This is only a small amount of rain, but the river is already a little elevated following a wet November. High tide at Southampton at 00:41 and 02:50 on Friday (04/12/20) is forecast at 1.9 mAOD (4.64 metres Chart Datum). For 1 hour either side of high water, the incoming tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause some very minor impact flooding to the access road near the White Swan Pub. Footpath flooding may also affect Riverside Park. Property flooding is not expected. Some light showers are forecast this evening, but rainfall totals are not significant. Tomorrow the weather is dry, and the situation should improve. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, defence gates could be closed around the pub at least an hour before high tide. This Flood Alert will be updated or removed by 11:00 on Friday 04/12/2020
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2020 16:39
River Itchen
The Lower River Itchen remains higher than normal, but water levels are now falling. Tide levels are a little elevated until Wednesday (18/11/2020), but will be much lower than those recorded over the weekend. The overnight tide at 23:30 on 16/11/2020 and 01:47 on 17/11/2020 is forecast at 4.99 metres Chart Datum (2.25 mAOD) at Southampton. For a short time at the peak of high tide (30 mins) a small amount of water may flood into the access road at Mansbridge. Property flooding is not expected. The weather remains dry until Thursday (19/11/2020), so by tomorrow there should be no further impacts. The sea door at Woodmill is open and lowering levels in the river. We continue to monitor the forecast. We recommend that defence gates around the pub remain closed tonight. This message will be removed by 11:00 on 17/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 09:08
River Itchen
A Flood Warning is now in force at Mansbridge and Woodmill. For details and a description of expected impacts, please read the Flood Warning message.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2020 18:36
River Itchen
Sunday morning's tide at 10:26 on 15/11/2020 and 12:35 on 15/11/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 6 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.31 m. The total forecast tide is 5.29 metres Chart Datum (2.55 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. The tide will not flood property or the A27. However, heavy rain is also forecast tomorrow so some surface water flooding is possible. At 22:46 on Sunday 15/11/2020‚ tide levels may be similar. We will issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 16:00 on Sunday 15/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2020 15:04
River Itchen
Saturday evening's tide at 22:02 on 14/11/2020 and 00:10 on 15/11/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with South Westerly Force 4 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.33 m. The total forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.4 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase, as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 10:26 on Sunday 15/11/2020‚ tide levels will be higher. We will issue further advice later on today. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 19:00 on Saturday 14/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2020 15:50
River Itchen
Saturday morning's tide at 09:44 on 14/11/2020 and 11:46 on 14/11/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong Southerly Force 5 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.28 m. The total forecast tide is 5.24 metres Chart Datum (2.50 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1.5 hours either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide prevents water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect parts of Riverside Park. The pub car park at Mansbridge may see minor impact flooding for a short period of time. Any flood depth would be relatively shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. At 10:26 on Sunday (15/11/2020), the tide will be marginally higher with similar impacts. We’ll issue further advice. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a precautionary measure, please consider closing the defence gates around the pub. We will update this message by 16:00 on Saturday 14/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Oct 2020 06:45
River Itchen
High flows are affecting the Lower River Itchen at Mansbridge. In the last 24 hours 36 mm of rain has been recorded at Otterbourne. High tide at Southampton is forecast at 06:06 Sunday (25/10/20). For one and a half hours either side of high water, the tide will prevent the river from flowing to sea. This may cause the river to flood the access road and affect the car park near the White Swan Pub at Mansbridge. Footpaths within Riverside Park may also be affected. Showers are forecast throughout much of Sunday (25/10/20), however, following high tide no further issues are anticipated. We continue to monitor the forecast and will remove reported blockages from the river. To help reduce water levels, we will open our sea door at Woodmill. In Riverside Park, avoid flooded areas, the edge of the river bank will be concealed by flood water. This Flood Alert will be updated by 11:00 Sunday (25/10/20)
Flood Alert issued on 20 Aug 2020 17:50
River Itchen
Friday afternoon's tide at 13:18 on 21/08/2020 and 15:33 on 21/08/2020 is higher than normal due to unsettled weather with strong South Westerly Force 7 winds. The weather increases tide table values by 0.34 m (surge). The forecast tide is 5.14 metres Chart Datum (2.40 mAOD) at Southampton. For 1 hour either side of high water, levels in the lower River Itchen will increase as the incoming tide will prevent water from flowing out to sea. Footpath flooding will affect parts of Riverside Park, and it may flood into the access road next to the White Swan pub for a short period of time. Flood depths will be very shallow. The tide will not flood property or the A27. After this tide‚ the weather becomes more settled and no further impacts are expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. As a very precautionary measure, we recommend that tidal defence gates at the pub are closed. We will remove this message by 17:00 on 21/08/2020.