Flood Alert Info - Western Rother
Area Description
The Western Rother from Liss to Hardham.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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Flood Alert History
Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 26 Feb 2025 08:08
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high in Fittleworth, and higher than normal near Selham, but currently falling in all communities. Flood water will be near to properties at Fittleworth Mill. At Lodsbridge, near Selham, flooding will continue to affect roads, and fields. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels have already fallen significantly and only minimal residual flood impacts are expected. 10mm of rain is forecast between 09:00 and 13:00 Wednesday. The Western Rother will rise a little in all communities, but will peak lower than Monday. Only minor flood impacts, affecting fields, rural roads, and gardens are expected. Very little rain is forecast for the rest of the week. The river will begin to fall by 18:00 26/02/2025 in Liss, and 20:00 27/02/2025 in Fittleworth. River levels should return nearer to normal by Thursday near Liss, but not until the weekend near Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 27/02/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2025 08:46
Western Rother
The Western Rother is very high between Selham and Fittleworth, but now slowly falling, following Monday morning's rain. Flood water will be very close to properties at Fittleworth Mill. At Lodsbridge, near Selham, flooding will continue to affect gardens of isolated properties, roads, and fields. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly, and only minimal residual flood impacts are expected. Scattered showers are forecast Tuesday morning, but no rain is expected Tuesday afternoon and evening. The Western Rother will continue to fall, but will not fall far. A band of rain is forecast from 08:00 Wednesday 26/02/2025. A relatively small amount of rain is forecast (10mm). River levels will probably rise again on Wednesday, but will likely peak lower than recent days. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 26/02/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2025 11:04
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high following Monday morning's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens on Station Road, Liss, and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 11:00 Monday 24/02/2025, minor flooding could also affect gardens in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. From 16:00 24/02/2025, flood water will be very close to and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 22:00 24/02/2025, flooding could affect properties at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties. The Lod is also high, and flooding could affect Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. River levels could peak higher than 28/01/2025. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday afternoon and Tuesday. The river is already falling in Liss, and should begin to fall by 17:00 24/02/2025 in Midhurst, and by 12:00 25/02/2025 in Fittleworth. More rain and flood risk could be possible on Wednesday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 25/02/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2025 10:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but falling or about to fall near Selham and Fittleworth. Rain is forecast Sunday afternoon, and through the early hours of Monday. From 02:00 24/02/2025 minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads, and gardens on Station Road Liss and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 06:00 24/02/2025 minor flooding could also affect gardens in Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. From 12:00 24/02/2025 flood water will approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 22:00 24/02/2025, flooding could affect properties at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. The Lod could also be affected, near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. River levels could peak similar to 28/01/2025. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday afternoon and the rest of the week. The river should begin to fall by 15:00 24/02/2025 in Liss, and 18:00 25/02/2025 in Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 24/02/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2025 09:54
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Nearly half a month's (33mm) of rain has been recorded at Liss since Thursday. From 16:00 on Saturday 22/02/2025, flood water will affect fields, rural roads, and gardens at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. The river has already peaked in Liss and Iping, where only minimal flood impacts are expected on Saturday. Only isolated showers are forecast on Saturday. The river should initially begin to fall by 22:00 on Saturday 22/02/2025, near Selham, and by 12:00 on Sunday 23/02/2025 in Fittleworth. A further 10mm forecast on both Sunday afternoon and Monday. The Western Rother is expected to rise again, and isolated property flooding could be possible Sunday evening or Monday. Near Fittleworth, the river will be higher than normal, until Tuesday 25/02/2025. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 23/02/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Jan 2025 15:32
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high between Selham and Fittleworth, following Sunday and Monday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. River levels in Liss, Iping, and Midhurst have already fallen significantly. Another period of rain is forecast Wednesday afternoon and evening (29/01/2025). There remains uncertainty in the rainfall amounts and locations, ranging from 5-20mm. For this reason, the Flood Alert will remain in place. The most likely scenario is for a small river rise in all communities. Minor flood impacts could be possible in Liss (from 19:00 29/01/2025), Iping and Midhurst, and water could again approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham (from 05:00 30/01/2025) and Fittleworth. From Thursday afternoon, only isolated showers are forecast and flood risk should slowly reduce. Please continue to take actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 30/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Jan 2025 09:43
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high between Selham and Fittleworth, following Sunday and Monday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. River levels in Liss, Iping, and Midhurst have already fallen significantly. Another period of rain is forecast Wednesday afternoon and evening. There remains uncertainty in the rainfall amounts and locations. The most likely scenario is for a small river rise in all communities. Minor flood impacts could be possible in Liss (from 19:00 29/01/2025), Iping and Midhurst, and water could again approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham (from 05:00 30/01/2025) and Fittleworth. If more rain occurs than expected, property flooding could be possible. From Thursday afternoon only isolated showers are forecast and flood risk should slowly reduce. Please continue to take actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 19:00 29/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Jan 2025 11:49
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following Sunday and Monday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields and gardens in Iping and at North Mill, and near the Cowdray ruins, Midhurst. Flood water will continue to affect properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. River levels in Liss have already fallen significantly. Only scattered showers are forecast Tuesday (28/01/2025). As long as most of the showers avoid the Western Rother, the river should continue to fall in all communities. Another period of rain is forecast on Wednesday (29/01/2025). There remains uncertainty, but property flooding could be possible. Please continue to take actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 15:00 on 29/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Jan 2025 10:37
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields and gardens in Iping and at North Mill, and near the Cowdray ruins, Midhurst. From 11:00 27/01/2025 flood water could approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 13:00 27/01/2025 water could approach Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. River levels in Liss have already fallen significantly, and flood impacts should reduce. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday and Tuesday. As long as most of the showers avoid the Western Rother, the river should begin to fall near Iping by 11:00 27/01/2025, and return to normal from 23:00 27/01/2025. Nearer Fittleworth, the river will not begin to fall until 10:00 Tuesday 28/01/2025, and will be higher than normal all week. Another period of rain could be possible on Wednesday, which could increase flood risk. Please continue to take actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 on 28/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Jan 2025 18:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. 15mm of rain has been recorded at Liss on Sunday morning. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Sunday evening. If as much rain falls as forecast, from 01:00 27/01/2025 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens in Liss and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 05:00 27/01/2025 minor flooding could also affect gardens in Iping, near Iping Bridge, and North Mill, and fields near the Cowdray ruins, Midhurst. From 10:00 27/01/2025 flood water could approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday. The river should begin to fall near Liss by 08:00 27/01/2025, and return to normal from 13:00 27/01/2025. Nearer Fittleworth, the river will not begin to fall until Tuesday 28/01/2025, and will be higher than normal all week. River levels could end up higher than Friday 24/01/2025. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 27/01/2025
Flood Alert issued on 8 Jan 2025 12:41
Western Rother
The Western Rother has fallen significantly in most locations. 6-15mm of rain (possibly falling as snow) is expected this afternoon (08/01/2025). River levels could rise again Wednesday evening. Minor flooding might continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens. The river should continue to fall, but minor flood impacts could remain near Fittleworth until Thursday. Another 2-6mm of rain is forecast on Friday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:00 09/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Jan 2025 11:10
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high between Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain, but is now slowly falling in all locations. Flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens. In Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly. Very little rain is forecast for Tuesday 07/01/2025 with more rain forecast on Wednesday 08/01/2025 and possibly wintery showers. The river should continue to fall, but minor flood impacts could remain near Fittleworth until Wednesday 08/01/2025. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast on Friday 10/01/2025 . River levels could rise again Wednesday evening 08/01/2025 and Friday 10/01/2025. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:00 on Wednesday 08/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2025 08:55
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain, but is now slowly falling in all locations. Flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and Fittleworth. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens in Iping near Iping Bridge and Iping Mill, Stedham Lane in Stedham, and North Mill in Midhurst. In Liss and Sheet, river levels have already fallen significantly. Only showers are forecast Monday and Tuesday. The river should continue to fall, but flood impacts could remain near Fittleworth until Tuesday. Flood impacts elsewhere on the Western Rother should reduce by Monday evening. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast on Wednesday and again on Friday, which could cause levels to rise again. Minor flood impacts will again be possible Wednesday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:00 07/01/2025
Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2025 08:42
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain, but is now slowly falling in all locations. Flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens in Iping near Iping Bridge and Iping Mill, Stedham Lane in Stedham, and North Mill in Midhurst. In Liss and Sheet, river levels have already fallen significantly. Only showers are forecast Monday and Tuesday. The river should continue to fall, but flood impacts could remain near Fittleworth until Tuesday. Flood impacts elsewhere on the Western Rother should reduce by Monday evening. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast on Wednesday and again on Friday, which could cause levels to rise again. Minor flood impacts will again be possible Wednesday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:00 on 07/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2025 19:02
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. 41mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens in Liss and on Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. Flooding will continue to affect gardens in Iping, near Iping Bridge and Iping Mill, Stedham Lane in Stedham, and North Mill in Midhurst. From 16:00 on 05/01/2025, flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Only showers are forecast for Sunday evening and Monday. The river should begin to fall by 18:00 on 05/01/2025 near Liss, but not until Monday afternoon, 06/01/2025, near Fittleworth. River levels could peak similar to those seen at the end of November. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 06/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2025 10:26
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. 32mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. From 14:00 05/01/2025, flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties including on Station Road next to the railway, Liss, and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 18:00 05/01/2025, flooding will also affect gardens, and potentially Iping Lane and Stedham Lane, and approach properties in Iping, near Iping Bridge and Iping Mill. In Midhurst, flooding could affect North Mill and fields near the Cowdray ruins. From 22:00 05/01/2025, flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham, Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Only a small amount of rain is forecast for Sunday afternoon and Monday. The river should begin to fall by Monday afternoon, but will be higher than normal until Tuesday evening. River levels could end up similar to late November 2024. Early actions to reduce potential impacts are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on 05/01/2025.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Dec 2024 10:06
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high at Fittleworth, following Thursday and Friday's rainfall. Minor impacts affecting fields and gardens may still be occurring. Another 5-10mm of rain is forecast for Sunday 08/12/2024. River levels all along the Western Rother may rise, though not significantly higher than in recent days. No flood impacts are expected between Liss and Midhurst. Flood water could affect fields and gardens of properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. River levels at Fittleworth will remain high until next week. An additional 5mm is forecast for Monday 09/12/2024 which may slow the fall in river levels. However there remains uncertainty in the weather forecast. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 09/12/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2024 11:24
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high at Fittleworth, following an additional 7mm of rain overnight Friday 06/12/2024. Minor impacts affecting fields and gardens, will likely be occurring already. Another 5-10mm of rain is forecast for Saturday 07/12/2024. River levels all along the Western Rother will rise again on Saturday. No flood impacts are expected between Liss and Midhurst. Flood water could affect fields and gardens of properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. More persistent light rain could occur much of the weekend, with potential for 5-15mm of rain on Sunday 08/12/2024. River levels at Fittleworth will remain high until next week, and could rise higher on Sunday, possibly beginning to approach isolated mill buildings. However there remains uncertainty in the weather forecast. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 08/12/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2024 17:55
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising at Fittleworth, following 20mm of rain since Wednesday 04/12/2024. The river at Fittleworth is not expected to rise much higher Friday night (peaking by 22:00 06/12/2024), but minor impacts affecting fields and gardens will likely be occurring already. Another 10mm of rain is forecast between 18:00 on Friday 06/12/2024 and 08:00 on Saturday 07/12/2024. River levels all along the Western Rother will rise again on Saturday. No flood impacts are expected between Liss and Midhurst. From 09:00 07/12/2024 flood water could affect fields and gardens of properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. More persistent light rain could occur much of the weekend. River levels at Fittleworth will remain high until next week, and could rise higher on Sunday, possibly beginning to approach isolated mill buildings. However there remains uncertainty in the weather forecast. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 07/12/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Nov 2024 08:16
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high at Fittleworth, but now falling, following Wednesday morning's rain. Only isolated showers are predicted Thursday through to Saturday. The river is expected to continue falling. Flooding will remain close to properties at Fittleworth, through Friday and continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens in the area. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother has already fallen significantly and no flood impacts are expected. At Lodsbridge near Selham, the river has also now fallen significantly, but flood water will remain in fields and on some roads on Friday. At Fittleworth, the Western Rother will remain higher than normal through to next week. On Sunday 01/12/2024, another 10-20mm of rain is forecast. The Western Rother is expected to rise again, although currently not thought to rise as high. However, minor flood impacts could still be possible. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 30/11/2024
Flood Alert issued on 28 Nov 2024 08:57
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following Wednesday morning's rain. Only isolated showers are predicted Thursday through to Saturday. The river is now slowly falling in all locations. Flooding will remain very close to properties at Lodsbridge and in Fittleworth, and continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens through Thursday. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother has already fallen significantly and only minimal residual flood impacts are expected. At Lodsbridge, the river should fall nearer to a normal level by Friday afternoon. In Fittleworth, the Western Rother will remain higher than normal through to next week. On Sunday 01/12/2024, another 10-20mm of rain is forecast. The Western Rother is expected to rise again, although currently thought to peak lower. However, minor flood impacts are still expected. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 29/11/2024
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2024 13:02
Western Rother
River levels are high and rising along most of the Western Rother, following Wednesday morning's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, and gardens in Liss and Sheet. However, river levels are now slowly falling in Liss. From 15:00 27/11/2024 flooding will be close to isolated riverside properties in Iping, Stedham, and at North Mill and The Wharf, Midhurst. Property flooding is now likely at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. From 17:00 27/11/2024 flood water will approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 02:00 28/11/2024 flood water will affect Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Almost no rainfall is predicted Wednesday afternoon, through to the weekend. In Iping, the river should begin to fall by 17:00 27/11/2024. At Lodsbridge, the river is unlikely to fall until 02:00 28/11/2024. River levels in Fittleworth might not fall until 16:00 28/11/2024. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 28/11/2024
Flood Alert issued on 26 Nov 2024 12:52
Western Rother
River levels remain high in Fittleworth, where minor flood impacts are currently expected to continue. 20-30mm of rain is forecast on Tuesday night through to Wednesday morning. If as much rain falls as predicted, flooding could be possible along the Western Rother. From 04:00 on 27/11/2024 minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss and Sheet. From 09:00 on 27/11/2024, flooding could also affect gardens in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. From 13:00 on 27/11/2024, floodwater could approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Almost no rainfall is predicted Wednesday afternoon, through to the weekend. The river should begin to fall by 15:00 on 27/11/2024 in Liss, but nearer Fittleworth, river levels might not fall until Friday 29/11/2024. It is thought river levels could end up a little higher than following Storm Bert. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 15:00 on 27/11/2024
Flood Alert issued on 25 Nov 2024 13:44
Western Rother
Following Storm Bert, the Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge near Selham, and Fittleworth. Only minor flood impacts are currently expected, with water affecting fields, rural roads, and gardens of mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, and Fittleworth through Monday. River levels in Midhurst, Stedham, and Iping, have peaked and will now slowly fall. In Liss and Sheet, the Western Rother has already fallen nearer to normal. Only isolated showers are forecast for the rest of Monday and Tuesday. At both Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, river levels should only rise a small amount (20cm). Internal property flooding is not currently expected. The Western Rother should begin to fall at Lodsbridge by 18:00 on Monday 25/11/2024, but continue slowly rising until 06:00 on Tuesday 26/11/2024 in Fittleworth. Rainfall forecast early on Wednesday 27/11/2024 could see flood impacts return or increase. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 18:00 26/11/2024
Flood Alert issued on 9 Oct 2024 07:24
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Selham and Fittleworth, following persistent rain on Tuesday. From 18:00 09/10/2024 minor flood impacts could affect fields, rural roads, and gardens of mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and in Fittleworth. River levels through Liss, Iping, and Midhurst have either already peaked, or will not rise much higher, and no flood impacts are expected upstream of Midhurst. Only minimal flood impacts are expected on the River Lod too. Only scattered showers are forecast Wednesday, and very little rain predicted through to and including the weekend. However, the river is unlikely to begin to fall near Selham until 22:00 09/10/2024, and midday Thursday 10/10/2024 in Fittleworth. River levels will be slow to fall, and might not return nearer to normal until the weekend. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 10/10/2024
Flood Alert issued on 5 Apr 2024 09:50
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but currently slowly falling at Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, roads and gardens are expected to be occurring in Fittleworth. A small amount of rain early Friday morning is causing the Western Rother to rise again between Liss and Midhurst, but no flood impacts are expected in these communities, and river levels should fall Friday afternoon. River levels at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth could rise a small amount Friday afternoon, but property flooding is not expected. Rain has now cleared away, and only isolated showers are forecast Friday, over the weekend, and on Monday. River levels should return near to normal by Saturday between Liss and Iping, but might only be beginning to fall near Selham and Fittleworth by Saturday morning 06/04/2024. River levels could remain higher than normal in Fittleworth until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 06/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Apr 2024 09:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and slowly rising at Fittleworth, following half a month's rain (30mm) since Tuesday 02/04/2024. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, roads and gardens are expected to be occurring in Fittleworth. Flood water will get closer to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties through Thursday and Friday, but internal property flooding is not currently expected. At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are high, but currently falling and no more than minor flood impacts expected. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother will rise a small amount Thursday, but not as high as Wednesday. Only scattered showers are forecast Thursday and Friday, with less rain over the weekend. River levels should return near to normal by Thursday evening between Liss and Iping, and should begin to fall in Fittleworth by 12:00 Friday 05/04/2024, although will be higher than normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 05/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Mar 2024 11:59
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, but will continue falling in Fittleworth throughout the day on Sunday (31/03/2024). A weather front will bring a small amount of rain (up to 10mm), for six hours, from 17:00 31/03/2024. River levels will rise a small amount in all communities. Minor flood impacts could again be possible, affecting fields, gardens, and rural roads. River levels should initially peak around 08:00 01/04/2024 in Liss, and 20:00 at Lodsbridge near Selham. Bands of rain and showers will occur most days over the week ahead. River levels are unlikely to fall, and could continue to rise a small amount each day. Flooding could potentially affect properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, towards the middle of the week. The Western Rother at Fittleworth could be higher than normal until mid April. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 01/04/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 30 Mar 2024 09:31
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Selham and Fittleworth, following Thursday and Friday's rain. No rain is forecast Saturday and Sunday. River levels are now falling, and will continue to fall this weekend. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens, and rural roads at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and at Fittleworth Mill will slowly ease. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels have already returned nearer to normal. Low pressure could bring persistent rain from 20:00 Sunday 31/03/2024, until Monday afternoon and again Wednesday 03/04/2024. Flood risk could increase next week, potentially affecting properties, possibly in all communities on the Western Rother. The river, near Fittleworth, could be higher than normal until mid April. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 31/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 29 Mar 2024 07:53
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Iping and Fittleworth. 26mm of rain has been recorded in Liss since Thursday. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, gardens, and rural roads at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and approach properties at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Only minimal flood impacts are expected in Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. River levels are already falling in Liss and Sheet. Only light showers are forecast Friday morning 29/03/2024. Almost no rain is then forecast Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday. It is possible widespread rain could return Monday 01/04/2024, which could increase flood risk, but there remains uncertainty in next week's forecast. The river should begin to fall by 10:00 29/03/2024 in Iping, and 19:00 29/03/2024 at Lodsbridge near Selham, but not until 10:00 30/03/2024 in Fittleworth. Land could remain flooded until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 30/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 28 Mar 2024 20:27
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. In the last 24 hours, 20mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. From 06:00 29/02/2024 minor flood impacts could affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. No more than minimal flood impacts are expected in Liss, Sheet, Iping, and Stedham, where river levels are already falling. Scattered showers are forecast Thursday evening and through Friday. A further 10mm of rain could be possible by the end of Friday (29/03/2024), with only very small amounts of rain forecast for Saturday and Sunday. The river should begin to fall by 10:00 29/03/2024 at Lodsbridge near Selham, but not until 01:00 30/03/2024 in Fittleworth. Land could remain flooded until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 18:00 29/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 6 Mar 2024 09:07
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high and slowly rising at Fittleworth, but is now high and slowly falling at Lodsbridge near Selham. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to isolated properties at both Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth Mill. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. Only isolated showers are forecast Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. River levels should begin to fall in Fittleworth Wednesday afternoon, and flood impacts should ease by Thursday evening 07/03/2024. However, bands of rain are forecast on both Saturday and Sunday 10/03/2024. River levels are expected to rise again, and minor flood impacts could again be possible in all communities on the Western Rother from 15:00 09/03/2024, near Liss, and between Sunday 10/03/2024 and Tuesday 12/03/2024 nearer to Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 08/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 5 Mar 2024 11:36
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, but river levels are now slowly falling. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to isolated properties at both Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth Mill. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. Throughout today occasionally heavy scattered showers will pass through which could result in 5-20mm of rain. Further showers are forecast for Wednesday. This could cause river levels to rise. In Fittleworth, minor flood risk could remain through to 07/03/2024 and river levels could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 06/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 4 Mar 2024 08:13
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, but river levels are now slowly falling. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to isolated properties at both Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth Mill. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. A weather front will bring a small amount of rain Monday afternoon 04/03/2024, which is expected to cause the Western Rother to rise again. Only minor flood impacts are currently expected, no worse than recent days. From Tuesday, only scattered showers are forecast and river levels should fall. In Fittleworth, minor flood risk could remain through to 06/03/2024 and river levels could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 05/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2024 09:01
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high at Lodsbridge near Selham, and Fittleworth, but river levels are now slowly falling. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to isolated properties at both Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth Mill. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. No rain is forecast Sunday. River levels will continue to slowly fall through Sunday. A weather front will bring a small amount of rain Monday afternoon 04/03/2024, which is expected to cause the Western Rother to rise again. Only minor flood impacts are currently expected, no worse than recent days. In Fittleworth, minor flood risk could remain through to 06/03/2024 and river levels could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 04/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2024 08:44
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to isolated properties at both Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth Mill. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. Scattered showers through Saturday could keep river levels at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth rising most of Saturday. If as much rain falls as predicted, flood water could potentially affect properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, from 18:00 02/03/2024. Currently only minor flood impacts are expected between Liss and Midhurst. Very little rain is forecast Saturday afternoon and Sunday. River levels should begin to fall by Sunday afternoon. Flood risk could remain through to 06/03/2024 and river levels in Fittleworth could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 03/03/2024
Flood Alert issued on 1 Mar 2024 10:50
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high in Fittleworth. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens close to Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties. Between Liss and Midhurst, the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. Bands of rain through Friday morning (01/03/2024), followed by showers through to Saturday (02/03/2024), will cause river levels to rise again. Currently only minor flood impacts are expected, possibly affecting fields, roads and gardens of riverside properties, but potentially this may be in all communities, including Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, Midhurst, Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. River levels could rise higher following Friday morning's rain (01/03/2024). Flood risk could remain through to Wednesday 06/03/2024, and river levels in Fittleworth could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 02/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Feb 2024 11:07
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high in Fittleworth. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother is nearer to a normal level. Bands of rain Thursday and Friday mornings, followed by showers through to Saturday, will cause river levels to rise again. Currently only minor flood impacts are expected, potentially affecting fields, roads and gardens of riverside properties. But potentially in all communities, including in Liss and Sheet from 14:00 29/02/2024. Then in Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst from 18:00 29/02/2024, and Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth from 02:00 01/03/2024. River levels could rise higher following Friday morning's rain. Flood risk could remain through to 06/03/2024 and river levels in Fittleworth could remain higher than normal until next weekend (10/03/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 01/03/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Feb 2024 07:53
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, but now slowly falling at Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother has already fallen nearer to a normal level. Drizzle is expected Wednesday afternoon and evening. The Western Rother will continue to fall Wednesday. However, bands of rain Thursday and Friday, and showers Saturday could raise river levels, and minor flood impacts could be possible again from Thursday evening 29/02/2024, through to next week. Most likely at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, but potentially in all communities on the Western Rother. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 29/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Feb 2024 08:09
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and still slowly rising at Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and be close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. At Lodsbridge near Selham, the Western Rother is high, but slowly falling, minor flood impacts affecting fields, roads and gardens should ease Tuesday. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have fallen nearer to normal. No more than drizzle is expected Tuesday and Wednesday. The Western Rother will begin to fall by 12:00 27/02/2024 at Fittleworth, and continue to fall at Lodsbridge. However, bands of rain Thursday and Friday, and showers Saturday could raise river levels, and minor flood impacts could be possible again from Thursday evening 29/02/2024, through to next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 28/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Feb 2024 07:10
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, roads, gardens and approach isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham from 13:00 26/02/2024 and near Fittleworth Mill from 16:00 26/02/2024. Minor flood impacts are also possible on the River Lod. Minor flood impacts should ease through Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, where the Western Rother has already peaked and is slowly falling. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday afternoon, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 29/02/2024. The Western Rother should begin to fall by 19:00 26/02/2024 at Lodsbridge near Selham, but not until 12:00 Tuesday 26/02/2024 near Fittleworth. Flood impacts could remain in Fittleworth until the weekend. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 27/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2024 11:42
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains higher than normal near Fittleworth. Between 10 and 25mm of rain is forecast between 13:00 25/02/2024 and 13:00 26/02/2024. The Western Rother will rise again. Flooding could affect fields, roads, gardens and approach isolated properties in Liss and Sheet from 22:00 25/02/2024, and in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst from 02:00 26/02/2024. Flood water could approach isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham from 08:00 26/02/2024 and near Fittleworth Mill from 12:00 26/02/2024. Minor flood impacts are also possible on the River Lod. Only scattered showers are forecast Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday. The Western Rother should begin to fall by 10:00 26/02/2024 in Liss, but not until 10:00 Tuesday 26/02/2024 near Fittleworth. Flood impacts could remain in Fittleworth for the week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 26/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2024 10:16
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high near Fittleworth, but is falling. Flood impacts affecting properties could continue in Fittleworth until next week. At Lodsbridge near Selham and between Liss and Midhurst, the river has fallen significantly. Scattered showers are forecast for Saturday, with potentially up to 10mm of rain. It is possible that river levels could rise a small amount Saturday, but no more than minor flood impacts are expected as a result. However, widespread rain is possible Sunday afternoon through to Monday afternoon. The river is expected to rise again and property flooding is possible in all communities Sunday or Monday (26/02/2024). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:00 on 25/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Feb 2024 07:42
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising near Fittleworth. The river will rise a few more centimetres at Fittleworth, before beginning to fall by 15:00 23/02/2024. Flood impacts affecting properties could continue in Fittleworth until next week. At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are peaking close to properties. While river levels near Selham will fall Friday, they will not fall significantly. Between Liss and Midhurst, the Western Rother is already falling and minor flood impacts affecting fields, roads and gardens should slowly ease in these communities through Friday. Scattered showers are forecast Friday and Saturday, but river levels are not expected to rise significantly. Widespread rain is possible Sunday afternoon through to Monday afternoon. The river is expected to rise again and property flooding is possible in all communities Sunday or Monday 26/02/2024. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 24/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2024 15:57
Western Rother
15mm of rain has fallen Thursday. More than we forecast. The Western Rother is high and rising. As well as affecting fields and roads, minor flood impacts could affect gardens of isolated properties in Liss and Sheet from 17:30 22/02/2024. From 22:30 22/02/2024 flood water could affect gardens of riverside properties in Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. From 03:00 23/02/2024, flooding could affect isolated properties at Lodsbridge near Selham. From 09:00 23/02/2024, flooding could affect Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Scattered showers are forecast Friday and Saturday, which should not increase river levels significantly. River levels should begin to fall by 03:00 23/02/2024 in Liss, but not until Saturday nearer Fittleworth. Widespread rain is possible Sunday and Monday 26/02/2024, which could again cause property flooding. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 23/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2024 10:47
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still higher than normal at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth. River levels at Lodsbridge should slowly fall Thursday morning. River levels at Fittleworth could continue rising until Friday afternoon. Minor flood impacts affecting gardens of isolated properties will continue until Friday at Lodsbridge near Selham, and possibly until the middle of next week in Fittleworth. Another 5-10mm of rain could fall on Thursday. River levels could rise a small amount in all communities, but no more than minimal flood impacts, affecting fields and roads, are expected in Sheet, Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. Further scattered showers are forecast Friday and Saturday. Widespread and persistent rain could occur on Sunday, which could make property flooding possible. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 23/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Feb 2024 09:43
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still higher than normal in Fittleworth, but continues to slowly fall. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and roads in Fittleworth will continue to ease slightly through to Wednesday afternoon. However, between 15-25mm of rain could fall on Wednesday. River levels in all communities are expected to rise a small amount. Minor flood impacts could be possible, affecting fields, roads, and possibly a few gardens in Sheet, Iping, Stedham, Midhurst, at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Flood impacts could be possible from 17:00 near Liss, but not until the early hours of Thursday nearer Fittleworth. Another 10-15mm of rain is forecast Thursday, with showers Friday and through the weekend. River levels will likely rise higher again on Thursday, with isolated property flooding possible. Flood impacts could remain in Fittleworth until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 22/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2024 09:19
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still higher than normal in Fittleworth, but continues to slowly fall, following Sunday's rain. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and roads should ease a little during Tuesday, however, river levels in Fittleworth will remain higher than normal all week. The Western Rother in all other communities has already fallen to a near normal level. Very little rain is forecast Tuesday 20/02/2024. However, between 15-25mm of rain could fall on Wednesday, with another 10-15mm possible on Thursday, with showers Friday and through the weekend. River levels and flood risk will increase on Wednesday 21/02/2024. Roads could again be affected, and flood water could affect isolated properties Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, with minor flood impacts remaining until the end of the week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 21/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Feb 2024 11:03
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and still slowly rising in Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Minor flood impacts are expected to continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens in and near Fittleworth. Upstream, between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen nearer to normal. At Lodsbridge near Selham, the Western Rother is high, but now slowly falling. Near Selham, flood water is likely to be near isolated properties, and affecting fields, roads and gardens. Very little rain is forecast Monday and Tuesday 20/02/2024. River levels will begin to fall in Fittleworth by 15:00 19/02/2024, and continue to fall in all other communities. Minor flood impacts should slowly ease by Tuesday afternoon. However, a lot of rain is possible Wednesday, potentially more than was recorded on Sunday, which could increase flood risk on Wednesday (21/02/2024), with rain expected on Thursday and Friday too. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 20/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2024 11:23
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising following 25mm of rain Sunday morning. Only minor flood impacts are expected to affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. Minor flood impacts could also occur on the River Lod, including near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. From 14:00 on 18/02/2024, flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads, and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and near Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. Sunday's rain has now cleared, which should allow the Western Rother to begin to fall by 13:00 on 18/02/2024 in Liss, returning nearer to normal by Monday. Nearer Fittleworth, river levels might not begin to fall until Monday morning, and flood impacts could remain for a week. River levels will hopefully peak a little lower than on 09/02/2024. Another band of rain could increase flood risk Wednesday 21/02/2024. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 19/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Feb 2024 17:55
Western Rother
A weather front is expected to bring 10-20mm of rain Saturday evening into Sunday morning. If as much rain falls as predicted, flooding could be possible. From 01:00 18/02/2024 minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst. From 13:00 18/02/2024 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and near Fittleworth Mill, in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts could also occur on the River Lod, including near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. The rain should clear by 10:00 18/02/2024. The river should begin to fall by 11:00 18/02/2024 in Liss, returning nearer to normal by Monday. Nearer Fittleworth, flood impacts could remain for a week. River levels will hopefully peak a little lower than on 09/02/2024. Another band of rain could increase flood risk Wednesday 21/02/2024. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 15:00 18/02/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2024 10:15
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Selham and Fittleworth, but slowly falling, following Thursday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Only minimal flood impacts are expected in all other communities, because river levels have already fallen significantly between Liss and Midhurst. Scattered showers are forecast through the weekend. The river should continue to fall all along the Western Rother. Minor flood impacts could remain near Fittleworth until Sunday afternoon, where river levels could continue to be higher than normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 11/02/2024
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 19:30
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high following Thursday's rain. Although the river levels have now peaked in most locations across the catchment, they are still slowly rising in Fittleworth. Flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, throughout Friday evening 09/02/2024. The Western Rother is still high, but already falling in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, near Selham and on the Lod. Minor flooding affecting fields, rural roads and gardens should ease between Liss and Midhurst, Friday night. Scattered showers are forecast through the weekend. The river should begin to fall on Saturday nearer Fittleworth but could continue to be higher than normal until next week. Upstream of Midhurst river levels could return nearer to normal by Saturday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 10/02/2024
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2024 07:13
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following Thursday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, throughout Friday 09/02/2024. The Western Rother is still high, but already falling in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Stedham and on the Lod, near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Minor flooding will also affect fields, rural roads and gardens all along the Western Rother throughout Friday. Scattered showers are forecast Friday and through the weekend. The river should begin to fall by 15:00 09/02/2024 near Selham, but not until Saturday nearer Fittleworth. Upstream of Midhurst river levels could return nearer to normal by Saturday. Near Fittleworth, river levels could be higher than normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 09/02/2024
Flood Alert issued on 8 Feb 2024 16:33
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising in most communities. 15mm of rain has been recorded at Liss, Thursday morning. Another 15 to 25mm of rain is forecast between 15:00 and 23:00 08/02/2024. River levels are expected to rise again and higher Thursday afternoon. If as much rain falls as forecast, from 23:00 08/02/2024 minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss and Sheet and from 03:00 09/02/2024 in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. From 07:00 09/02/2024 minor flooding could affect mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth. Minor flooding could also occur on the Lod, near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Showers are forecast Friday. The river should begin to fall by 09:00 09/02/2024 in Liss, but not until Saturday nearer Fittleworth, where river levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 09/02/2024
Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2024 07:47
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, but now falling, between Selham and Pulborough. Minor flooding will continue to affect gardens, roads and fields at Lodsbridge near Selham and also near Fittleworth Mill, in Fittleworth. River levels have already fallen nearer to normal in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, and Midhurst on the Western Rother, and also Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and Halfway Bridge on the Lod. Very little rain is forecast for the next five days. The river should continue to slowly fall through Saturday, returning nearer to normal in Selham on Sunday. In Fittleworth, minor flood impacts could remain until next week. Keeping precautions in place to reduce potential flood impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 07/01/2024
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2024 09:40
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and still rising downstream of Midhurst. Flooding will continue to affect properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, and may approach properties near Coultershaw Bridge too. From 12:00 on 05/01/2024 flood water will approach properties in Fittleworth. River levels are now falling in Iping and on the Lod. Flood impacts should slowly ease in Iping, Stedham, Midhurst and at Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and Halfway Bridge. The river near Liss has already fallen nearer to normal, only minimal flood impacts are expected in Liss and Sheet. Very little rain is forecast for the next five days. The river should begin to fall by 14:00 on 05/01/2024 at Lodsbridge near Selham, and return nearer to normal Saturday afternoon. In Fittleworth, the river will not begin to fall until Saturday and flood impacts could remain until midweek near Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 on 06/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2024 09:13
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, and expected to rise Thursday afternoon. There remains uncertainty in the forecast, but between 15 and 35mm of rain is possible Thursday. From 19:00 04/01/2024 minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. From 06:00 05/01/2024 flooding could approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and on the Lod near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and Halfway Bridge. Flood impacts will continue at Fittleworth and could again approach properties from 09:00 05/01/2024. Very little rain is forecast Friday and through to next week. The river should begin to fall by 06:00 05/01/2024 in Liss, but possibly not until Saturday at Lodsbridge near Selham. The river and flood impacts could remain all week near Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 13:00 05/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2024 09:16
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, but now slowly falling at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following 40mm of rain Monday and Tuesday. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens, and will be close to properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. River levels between Liss and Midhurst, and on the Lod near Lickfold Bridge and Halfway Bridge, have already fallen nearer to normal. Only minimal flood impacts should remain in these locations. Isolated showers are forecast Wednesday. River levels should continue to slowly fall, although flood impacts could remain all week near Fittleworth. The forecast for Thursday is uncertain. Another 20-30mm of rain is possible Thursday afternoon, 04/01/2024, which could cause flood impacts to return to all communities on the Western Rother. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 15:00 on 04/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2024 10:24
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high following 25mm of rain Monday. Another 10mm of rain is forecast Tuesday morning. The Western Rother is expected to rise higher. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, Midhurst, at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. From 14:00 02/01/2024 flooding could approach properties in Iping. From 17:00 02/01/2024 flooding could approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and also at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Properties on the Lod could also be affected, including near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Tuesday's rain should ease by 13:00 02/01/2024. The river will begin to fall by 02:00 03/01/2024 in Iping, but not until Thursday in Fittleworth. Another 20-30mm of rain is forecast Thursday afternoon 04/01/2024. Flood impacts could remain all week near Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 03/01/2024
Flood Alert issued on 1 Jan 2024 14:39
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising at Fittleworth. 40 to 60mm of rain is forecast between 14:00 on 01/01/2024 and 18:00 on 02/01/2024. From 23:00 on 01/01/2024, flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Stedham. From 05:00 on 02/01/2024, flooding could affect near The Wharf bridge Midhurst and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 10:00 on 02/01/2024, flooding could affect Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Properties on the Lod could also be affected, including near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Another 20-30mm of rain is forecast Thursday afternoon 04/01/2024. The river will not begin to fall until 18:00 on Tuesday 02/01/2024 in Liss, or Wednesday in downstream communities. Flood impacts could remain all week near Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 02/01/2024.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2023 11:01
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high in Fittleworth, but is slowly falling. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads could continue in Fittleworth. Elsewhere on the Western Rother, river levels have already fallen significantly and continue to fall. Only minimal flood impacts are expected between Liss and Lodsbridge near Selham. Very little rain is forecast in the next five days. River levels will reduce all along the Western Rother, however in Fittleworth could be higher than normal until the weekend. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 15/12/2023
Flood Alert issued on 13 Dec 2023 09:12
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising at Fittleworth. Flood impacts affecting fields, roads and gardens will continue. The Western Rother could rise another 10cm at Fittleworth, before beginning to fall by 17:00 13/12/2023. By Wednesday evening, water will be closer to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Flood water is currently also close to isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, as well as affecting roads and fields in that vicinity. Very little rain is forecast in the next five days. The Western Rother in Liss, Iping and Midhurst is already falling and near a normal level. River levels have peaked at our Lodsbridge gauge and should slowly fall through Wednesday, falling significantly by Thursday. In Fittleworth flood impacts should ease from the weekend. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 14/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Dec 2023 17:49
Western Rother
The Western Rother is rising in all communities, and already high at Fittleworth. 20mm of rain was recorded Tuesday. More than we expected. From 02:00 13/12/2023 flood water could approach isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham. From 12:00 13/12/2023 flood water could again approach Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Between Liss and Midhurst the river is predicted to stay lower than the peaks of the last fortnight. Minimal flood impacts could still be possible, including water in fields, on roads and in gardens. Very little rain is forecast for the next week. The river should begin to fall by 19:00 12/12/2023 in Liss and 02:00 13/12/2023 in Midhurst. Flood risk in most communities will reduce from Wednesday, but flood impacts will continue most of this week in Fittleworth. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 13/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Dec 2023 08:55
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high, but falling at Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts at Fittleworth including water in fields, on rural roads and in gardens should slowly ease Tuesday. Showers forecast Tuesday might generate a small river rise between Liss and Midhurst, but with only minimal flood impacts. River levels could rise a little higher at Lodsbridge near Selham Tuesday evening, but only minor flood impacts are expected, with water in fields, on roads and possibly in gardens. At Fittleworth, river levels might rise again Tuesday evening into Wednesday. The river should not rise as high as recent peaks in any community. From Wednesday, mostly dry weather is forecast through to the start of next week. Flood risk will reduce from Wednesday 13/12/2023, but minor flood impacts will continue most of this week in Fittleworth. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 12/12/2023
Flood Alert issued on 11 Dec 2023 10:55
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but falling between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts including water in fields, rural roads and gardens should slowly ease Monday. Between Liss and Iping river levels are already near normal. Monday will stay dry. River levels will fall a small amount. A band of rain at 04:00 12/12/2023 followed by scattered showers Tuesday morning and afternoon could bring up to 20mm of rain. The Western Rother is likely to rise in all communities Tuesday, with minor flood impacts possible, most likely at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. However the river will probably peak below heights of recent days. Weak weather fronts will bring minimal amounts of rain Wednesday and Thursday. A period of more settled and dry weather could be possible at the end of the week. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 12/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Dec 2023 09:26
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high in Fittleworth, following 20mm of rain Saturday. The data shows that the river at Fittleworth is now falling, but flood water will continue to be close to Fittleworth Mill, throughout Sunday. It is possible the Western Rother could still rise a few centimetres at Fittleworth on Sunday. At Lodsbridge near Selham the Western Rother is now falling, and flood impacts should slowly ease, although the river is unlikely to fall nearer to normal until Monday. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels are already near normal. Showers midday Sunday 10/12/2023 could slow the Western Rother's fall, or cause a small river rise. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Tuesday 12/12/2023, which could see flood risk return. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 11/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Dec 2023 19:23
Western Rother
The Western Rother is rising between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following 20mm of rain Saturday. From 01:00 10/12/2023 flood water could be very close to isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and close to Fittleworth Mill from 08:00 10/12/2023. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, gardens and rural roads in communities east of Midhurst. Saturday night should remain dry. The river is already falling between Liss and Iping. River levels should begin to fall by 04:00 10/12/2023 near Selham and 17:00 10/12/2023 in Fittleworth. Only isolated showers are forecast Sunday and Monday, which should not increase river levels significantly, but could slow the river's fall. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Tuesday 12/12/2023, which could see flood risk return. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 10/12/2023
Flood Alert issued on 9 Dec 2023 08:31
Western Rother
The Western Rother is rising in Liss, following 10mm of rain Saturday. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads in Fittleworth will continue. A river response similar to Thursday is expected between Liss and Midhurst, with only very minimal flood impacts in those communities. From 17:00 09/12/2023 flood water could approach isolated properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Near Selham and Fittleworth, river levels on Saturday could rise a little higher than they were on Thursday. Rain should clear by 12:00 Saturday 09/12/2023, and only isolated showers are forecast Sunday and Monday. The river should begin to fall by 04:00 10/12/2023 near Selham and 17:00 10/12/2023 in Fittleworth. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Tuesday 12/12/2023, which could see flood risk return. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 09/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Dec 2023 09:12
Western Rother
The Western Rother is rising between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following 15mm of rain Thursday. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads will continue. From 20:00 08/12/2023, flood water may approach properties near Fittleworth Mill. River levels today, should remain lower than they were on Monday and Tuesday. Friday should remain mostly dry. River levels have already fallen nearer to normal between Liss and Iping. Near Selham the river should begin to fall by 14:00 08/12/2023. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Saturday morning. River levels will rise again in all communities Saturday 09/12/2023. Property flooding could be possible at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth on Saturday, but depends if the maximum rain occurs on the Western Rother. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 09/12/2023
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2023 20:16
Western Rother
The Western Rother is currently rising, following 15mm of rain Thursday. From 03:00 08/12/2023 flood water could affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 12:00 08/12/2023 flood water may approach properties near Fittleworth Mill. River levels in all communities should remain lower than they were on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday evening and Friday should remain mostly dry. River levels should begin to fall between Liss and Iping by 02:00 08/12/2023, with only minimal flood impacts expected in these upstream communities. Near Selham the river should begin to fall by 14:00 08/12/2023. Another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Saturday morning. All river levels will rise again Saturday 09/12/2023. Property flooding in Fittleworth could be possible Saturday. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 08/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2023 10:50
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but falling at Fittleworth, and near normal between Liss and Petworth. Between 15 and 30mm of rain is forecast from 13:00 and until 20:00 Thursday 07/12/2023, with most rain falling south of the Western Rother. River levels will rise Thursday. Only minimal flood impacts are expected between Liss and Midhurst. From 03:00 08/12/2023 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. Flood water may approach properties near Fittleworth Mill from Friday afternoon 08/12/2023. Friday should remain mostly dry, but another 10-20mm of rain is forecast Saturday morning. The river should begin to fall between Liss and Midhurst by early Friday morning, but not until Friday afternoon near Selham. River levels will rise again Saturday 09/12/2023. Water levels will remain sensitive to additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 07/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2023 09:26
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but slowly falling at Fittleworth, following Monday’s rain. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect gardens, fields, and roads at Fittleworth Mill. River levels remain high, but are falling and have already fallen significantly from their peak at Lodsbridge near Selham. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen nearer to normal. Wednesday 06/12/2023 is forecast to be largely dry, which will allow river levels to continue to fall. River levels at Lodsbridge should be nearer to normal by Thursday. River levels will not fall significantly in Fittleworth. A lot of rain is forecast Thursday afternoon 07/12/2023. Another 20-40mm of rain. The river will rise again. Property flooding could be possible all along the Western Rother, but more likely at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 07/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Dec 2023 19:23
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but slowly falling at Fittleworth following Monday’s rain. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect gardens, fields, roads at Fittleworth Mill. River levels remain high, close to properties, but falling at Lodsbridge near Selham. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels have already fallen nearer to normal. Tuesday and Wednesday 06/12/2023 are forecast to be largely dry, which will allow river levels to continue to fall. River levels at Lodsbridge should be nearer to normal by Wednesday. In Fittleworth, river levels will remain high all week. Thursday is predicted to be wet. The river will rise again. Current forecasts are of between 10 and 40mm of rain. The lower amount will cause minor flood impacts. If we receive the higher rainfall amount property flooding could be possible all along the Western Rother. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 06/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Dec 2023 09:14
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and slowly rising at Fittleworth following Monday’s rain. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect gardens, fields and roads at Fittleworth Mill. River levels remain high, close to properties, but falling at Lodsbridge near Selham. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels have already fallen nearer to normal. Tuesday and Wednesday 06/12/2023 are forecast to be largely dry, which will allow river levels to continue to fall. River levels at Lodsbridge should be nearer to normal by Wednesday. In Fittleworth, river levels will remain high all week. Thursday is predicted to be wet. The river will rise again. Current forecasts are of between 10 and 40mm of rain. The lower amount will cause minor flood impacts. If we receive the higher rainfall amount property flooding could be possible all along the Western Rother. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 05/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Dec 2023 17:15
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Over Monday and Tuesday 30mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. From 22:00 04/12/2023 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. Fields, gardens and roads near Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth will also be affected. At Liss, Sheet, Iping and Stedham river levels are already falling from their peak. A further 15mm of rain is expected over the next 24 hours before a drier day on Wednesday when river levels should begin to fall. Further rainfall is expected on Thursday which will cause rivers to rise again and could cause property flooding. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding including those through Iping, Stedham, Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 05/12/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Nov 2023 10:49
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads could continue in Fittleworth. Elsewhere on the Western Rother, river levels are falling. Showers are forecast for Sunday (19/11/2023), with more rain (5-10mm) forecast for Monday (20/11/2023). River levels are expected to fall, but could rise again on Monday. It is currently thought flood impacts will remain minor and similar to those seen this week. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. The river will be sensitive to any additional rainfall over the rest of winter. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 20/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Nov 2023 09:45
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads will continue in Fittleworth. The Western Rother will rise a small amount in all communities following this Saturday's rain (18/11/2023), but minor flood impacts are only expected in Fittleworth. Showers are forecast for Sunday (19/11/2023), with more rain (5-10mm) forecast for Monday (20/11/2023). The Western Rother will rise again. It is currently thought flood impacts will remain minor, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. However, from Saturday evening (18/11/2023) flood water could potentially approach properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 19/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Nov 2023 09:58
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high, but is slowly falling in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads will continue in Fittleworth. The Western Rother rose a small amount in all communities following Thursday's rain (16/11/2023), but minor flood impacts are only expected in Fittleworth. Friday (17/11/2023) is expected to remain dry. River levels should start to fall all along the Western Rother. However, more rain (10-15mm) is forecast for Saturday (18/11/2023). The Western Rother will rise again. It is currently thought flood impacts will remain minor, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads, but from Saturday afternoon flood water could potentially approach properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 18/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2023 14:12
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high, but is falling in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads will continue in Fittleworth. Rain today (16/11/2023) has now cleared. Only 10mm has been measured. The Western Rother will rise a small amount in all communities, but minor flood impacts are only expected in Fittleworth. Friday (17/11/2023) is expected to remain dry. River levels should fall all along the Western Rother, although it is possible river levels in Fittleworth may rise a small amount on Friday. More rain (20-25mm) is forecast for Saturday (18/11/2023). The Western Rother will rise again. It is currently thought flood impacts will remain minor, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. However, from Saturday afternoon, flood water could potentially approach properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 17/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2023 18:29
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, but very slowly falling. Wednesday 15/11/2023 has been mostly dry. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads, could be possible between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, while the river falls. The river level at Fittleworth has remained high but stable. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother has already fallen nearer to normal. A lot of rain is forecast for Thursday (25-30mm, nearly a third of a month's rain) with more rain Saturday (10-20mm). The Western Rother will rise again, property flooding is possible between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth (from approximately 18:00 16/11/2023), and might approach properties between Liss and Midhurst (from 14:00 16/11/2023). River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 18:00 16/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2023 08:58
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, but very slowly falling. Wednesday 15/11/2023 should be mostly dry. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads, could be possible between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth on Wednesday, while the river falls. It is possible the river level at Fittleworth might rise again Wednesday afternoon, but should only rise a few centimetres, if at all. Between Liss and Midhurst the Western Rother has already fallen nearer to normal. A lot of rain is forecast for Thursday (25-30mm, nearly a third of a month's rain) with more rain Saturday (10-20mm). The Western Rother will rise again, property flooding is possible between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, and might approach properties between Liss and Midhurst. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 16/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2023 18:38
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high following Tuesday's rain. River levels are slowly rising between Iping and Fittleworth. The Western Rother is expected to continue to rise this evening and tonight. From 01:00 15/11/2023 minor flood impacts could affect fields, gardens and rural roads at Lodsbridge near Selham. Minor flood impact will contiue in Fittleworth and may approach properties on Wednesday afternoon. Between Liss and Midhurst no flood impacts are expected. Wednesday is expected to remain dry. Bands of rain forecast on Thursday (9-16mm) and Saturday (6-11mm) could cause rivers to rise again. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 15/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Nov 2023 10:37
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following Monday's rain. River levels are slowly falling at Lodsbridge, and should begin to slowly fall at Fittleworth on Tuesday afternoon. Blustery showers are possible on Tuesday, which could cause rivers to rise a small amount this afternoon in Liss, Sheet and Midhust, and tomorrow in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, gardens and rural roads at the downstream end of the Western Rother until Wednesday. Between Liss and Midhurst river levels have already returned nearer to normal. Bands of rain Thursday (10-15mm) and Saturday (5-10mm) could cause flood risk to return again. River levels in Fittleworth could be higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 15/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Nov 2023 16:16
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. In the last 24 hours, 19mm of rain has been recorded at Petersfield. Whilst only a small amount, it follows a period of prolonged wet weather. From 22:00 13/11/2023 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 01:00 14/11/2023 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties in Fittleworth. The river levels in the upstream part of the catchment including Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst are already starting to fall and are expected to continue to fall today and overnight. A further 3 to 13mm of rain is expected over the next 24 hours and a lot of rain is forecast for Thursday. The river should begin to fall by Tuesday evening, but will be higher than normal all week. The river will be sensitive to rainfall over the next couple of weeks. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 14/11/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Nov 2023 12:28
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2023 11:44
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Oct 2023 02:13
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Oct 2023 20:43
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Apr 2023 00:12
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Apr 2023 06:17
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Jan 2023 05:20
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Jan 2023 12:50
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Jan 2023 09:10
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and be very close to properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and at Fittleworth. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels are now slowly falling. Only scattered showers are forecast for Monday. The Western Rother should begin to fall by 11:00 09/01/2023, at Lodsbridge and 22:00 09/01/2022 at Fittleworth. However, very wet days are currently forecast for Tuesday and Thursday, which could bring risk of property flooding along the whole of the Western Rother. River levels might not return to normal until the week of 16/01/2023. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Jan 2023 09:14
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. In the last 24 hours, 20mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. A relatively small amount, but it follows a period of prolonged and wet weather. From 22:00 08/01/2023 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and at Fittleworth. Only minor flood impacts should affect other communities on the Western Rother, with river levels peaking in Liss approximately 12:00, and 18:00 in Midhurst (both 08/01/2023). Further heavy showers are possible through Sunday, which could bring another 15mm of rain. The Western Rother through Lodsbridge and Fittleworth should begin to fall by 08:00 09/01/2023, but this time of peak could be delayed if showers occur Sunday. A very wet day is currently forecast for Tuesday, which could potentially bring risk of property flooding along the whole Western Rother. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 09/01/2023.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2023 15:30
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 2 Jan 2023 13:44
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Jan 2023 00:50
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Dec 2022 01:07
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Dec 2022 13:45
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Dec 2022 21:00
Western Rother
Flooding is possible in this area.
Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one.
The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels.
We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Dec 2022 14:53
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between MIdhurst and Fittleworth, following 30mm of rain Sunday. Flood water will continue to be close to properties and affect fields, rural roads and gardens at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Another 15mm of rain is possible Monday evening and through the early hours of Tuesday, which could cause the Western Rother to rise through all communities. However, only minimal flood impacts are expected between Liss and Stedham. Minor flood impacts could be prolonged between Midhurst and Fittleworth, with water very close to properties. The river might not begin to fall until Tuesday afternoon 20/12/2022 and could remain higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. Between 17:00 19/12/2022 and 09:00 26/12/2022 the flood warning service is scheduled to be automated. We will be unable to update the text in this message during automation.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Dec 2022 09:12
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following 30mm of rain Sunday. Another 20mm of rain is possible before 09:00 Tuesday 20/12/2022. The Western Rother could rise again in all communities. From 21:00 19/12/2022, minor flooding could affect Station Road Liss, and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 01:00 20/12/2022, minor flood impacts could affect Iping, Stedham and The Wharf, and nearby fields in Midhurst. From 16:00 19/12/2022, flood water could be very close to properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, and potentially rise higher, affecting properties Tuesday. Properties on the Lod near Lickfold Bridge could also be affected. The river may not begin to finally fall until midday Tuesday 20/12/2022 in Liss, and Wednesday nearer Fittleworth. Between Midhurst and Fittleworth, river levels could remain higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 16:30 19/12/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Dec 2022 16:40
Western Rother
Persistent and at times heavy rain is forecast Sunday and Monday. Potentially half a month's rain (30-60mm). If as much rain falls as predicted, property flooding could be possible. From 22:00 18/12/2022 minor flooding could affect Station Road, Liss and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 05:00 19/12/2022 minor flood impacts could affect Iping, Stedham and The Wharf, and nearby fields in Midhurst. From 11:00 19/12/2022 flood water could affect fields, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Properties on the Lod near Lickfold Bridge could also be affected. The river should initially begin to fall by 11:00 Monday 19/12/2022 in Liss. However, river levels could rise again Monday evening, with more rain forecast then. Which could make property flooding more likely. Between Midhurst and Fittleworth, river levels could remain higher than normal all week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 19/12/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Nov 2022 08:06
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and slowly rising at Fittleworth, following Sunday's rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and riverside properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Only minimal flood impacts are currently expected in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst, where the Western Rother has already fallen nearer to normal. Showers Monday morning are unlikely to cause a significant rise in river levels. From Monday afternoon high pressure is forecast to bring predominantly dry days until at least the weekend. The Western Rother should begin to fall in Fittleworth by 14:00 Monday 28/11/2022. Minor flood impacts will remain in Fittleworth until midweek, and the river will not return nearer to normal until the weekend. In all other communities, the Western Rother should return nearer to normal by midweek. Please keep flood protection products in place at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 29/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2022 18:15
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, following 20mm of rain Sunday morning. Flooding will affect fields, rural roads, gardens and riverside properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Only minor flood impacts are currently expected in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst, where the Western Rother is now slowly falling. The rainfall forecast remains uncertain. Another 5-10mm of rain could fall Sunday evening, with showers Monday (28/11/2022). The river should initially begin to fall by 22:00 Sunday at Lodsbridge near Selham, but not until 10:00 Monday (28/11/2022) in Fittleworth. If the higher amounts of rain fall overnight, there is a chance the Western Rother might not fall until Monday afternoon. The Western Rother in Fttleworth might not return nearer to normal until midweek. River levels should hopefully stay lower than recent peaks. Please keep flood protection products in place at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 28/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Nov 2022 09:51
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. 20mm of rain has been recorded at Liss Sunday morning. From midday Sunday, flooding will affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach riverside properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. At Fittleworth, river levels will continue to rise until at least Monday morning. Only minor flood impacts are currently expected in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst. The rainfall forecast remains uncertain. Another 10-20mm of rain could fall Sunday afternoon, with showers on Monday too. More rain would cause the Western Rother to rise in all communities. If the rain does not occur Sunday afternoon, river levels between Liss and Selham should begin to fall by 21:00 Sunday evening. The Western Rother in Fittleworth might not return nearer to normal until midweek. River levels should hopefully stay lower than recent peaks. Please keep flood protection products in place at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 27/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Nov 2022 15:54
Western Rother
Persistent rain is expected between 19:00 on 26/11/2022 and 21:00 on Sunday 27/11/2022. Up to 50mm, or nearly half a month's rain, could be possible. However, exact amounts and locations remain uncertain. River levels will rise through the early hours of Sunday. From 06:00 on Sunday 27/11/2022, minor flood impacts could affect Liss and Sheet. Minor flood impacts could affect Iping and Midhurst from 10:00 on 27/11/2022, and 18:00 on 27/11/2022 at Lodsbridge near Selham. If rain continues over the Western Rother on Sunday, property flooding could be possible. River levels might not begin to fall until Monday morning. Next week is forecast to be drier, but river levels near Fittleworth may not return nearer to normal until midweek. Please install flood protection products at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth as a precaution, if you have them. Plan to avoid driving through routes vulnerable to flooding. Please take proactive action to reduce the impacts of flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 27/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 25 Nov 2022 10:00
Western Rother
The Western Rother is higher than normal between Midhurst and FIttleworth but is now slowly falling. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens near Fittleworth. Friday should stay mostly dry. River levels will continue to fall through Friday and Saturday. However, a lot of rain (50mm) is forecast from 20:00 Saturday evening 26/11/2022. River levels will rise in all communities and could cause property flooding along the length of the Western Rother. River levels could possibly rise higher than the peaks of last week. River levels are unlikely to return nearer to normal until next week. Please take proactive action to help reduce the impacts of flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 26/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2022 19:19
Western Rother
The Western Rother is higher than normal between Midhurst and FIttleworth. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens. 5mm of rain was measured Thursday afternoon. Only brief showers are predicted Thursday night. Only a very small rise in river levels is expected along the Western Rother. Flooding of properties is not currently expected, with river levels predicted to fall during Friday (25/11/2022). However, a lot of rain is forecast Saturday evening (up to 50mm) which could cause property flooding along the length of the Western Rother. River levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on the 25/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2022 11:22
Western Rother
The Western Rother is higher than normal between Midhurst and FIttleworth. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens. More rain (5-10mm) is expected after lunch Thursday which could see a repeat of Wednesday's river response all along the Western Rother. With river levels already elevated between Midhurst and Fittleworth, if we receive the highest amounts of rain today, flood water could potentially approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. River levels between Liss and Selham are expected to fall during Friday. A lot of rain is forecast Saturday evening (up to 50mm) which could cause property flooding along the length of the Western Rother. River levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 24/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Nov 2022 18:06
Western Rother
The Western Rother is higher than normal between Midhurst and FIttleworth. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens. In Fittleworth, we believe the Western Rother will continue to fall overnight, but that fall will likely slow. In Midhurst, river levels should begin to fall by 21:00 on 23/11/2022. At Lodsbridge near Selham river levels should begin to fall by 04:00 on 24/11/2022. More rain Thursday could see a repeat of Wednesday's river response all along the Western Rother. With river levels already elevated between Midhurst and Fittleworth, Thursday's flood water could potentially approach properties. Rain Saturday evening could cause property flooding along the length of the Western Rother. River levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on the 24/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Nov 2022 07:56
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but slowly falling at FIttleworth. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens near Fittleworth. Rain should clear by 09:00, leaving Wednesday mostly dry. River levels all along the Western Rother will rise a small amount, before beginning to fall around 15:00 23/11/2022 in Liss, 21:00 23/11/2022 in Midhurst, and Thursday morning downstream. Probably not rising as high as they have been this week. More rain Thursday could see a repeat of Wednesday's river response. In Fittleworth, river levels will remain high and could rise close to properties by Friday. More rain Saturday evening could cause property flooding along the length of the Western Rother. River levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 23/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Nov 2022 10:15
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and slowly rising at FIttleworth. River levels at Fittleworth could continue rising another 10 to 20cm, until 17:00 Tuesday 22/11/2022, before beginning to fall. The Western Rother is high and slowly falling at Lodsbridge near Selham. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. River levels are already returning nearer to normal between Liss and Midhurst. Tuesday is forecast to remain dry. However, more rain is predicted for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, which could cause river levels to rise higher between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. River levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 23/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Nov 2022 19:09
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high. Between Iping and FIttleworth river levels are rising. 18mm of rain has been recorded at Liss on Monday. From 03:00 22/11/2022 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, before beginning to fall by 07:00 22/11/2022. Fittleworth will also be affected by flood water, but property flooding is not expected at Fittleworth Mill. River levels have already peaked in Liss, and will begin to fall by 23:00 21/11/2022 in Iping, with only minimal flood impacts. In Midhurst, water will be high, but within the river channel, at The Wharf. Tuesday evening is forecast to remain dry. River levels should not rise as high as last week. However, more rain is predicted Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Minor flood impacts could affect Fittleworth most of the week, and river levels might not return nearer to normal until next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 22/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 18 Nov 2022 09:30
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high but slowly falling at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Flood water will continue to be close to properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, with flood impacts affecting fields, rural roads and gardens in those locations. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly from their peak, with only minimal flood impacts expected there. Very little rainfall is forecast Friday and Saturday. River levels will remain higher than normal in Fittleworth until Sunday. Another 10-30mm of rain Sunday and Monday could cause more flood risk next week. Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 19/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Nov 2022 19:30
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and slowly rising at Fittleworth. At all other locations, the Western Rother is now slowly falling. Flood water will continue to affect properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, with minor flood impacts affecting fields, rural roads and gardens along the whole Western Rother. Flooding could also affect properties at Coultershaw Bridge. Very little rainfall is forecast Friday and Saturday. River levels should begin to fall at Fittleworth by 04:00 on 18/11/2022 but will remain higher than normal until the weekend. Between Liss and Iping, the Western Rother has already fallen significantly from its peak. In Midhurst the Western Rother is still slowly falling. Another 10-30mm of rain Sunday and Monday could cause more flood risk next week. Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding, including Lower Street through Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 18/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Nov 2022 09:44
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Flood water will continue to affect properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, with minor flood impacts affecting fields, rural roads and gardens along the whole Western Rother. Flooding could affect properties at Coultershaw Bridge. Very little rainfall is forecast Thursday and Friday. River levels should begin to fall at Lodsbridge by 16:00 17/11/2022 and in Fittleworth by 04:00 18/11/2022 but will remain higher than normal until the weekend. Between Liss and Midhurst, the Western Rother has already begun to slowly fall. Another 10-30mm of rain Sunday and Monday could cause more flood risk next week. Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding, including Lower Street through Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on 17/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2022 11:43
Western Rother
The Western Rother is particularly high between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Over the last 36 hours, 45mm of rain (half a month's rainfall) has been recorded at Liss. Flood water will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. A further 20-30mm of rain is expected from 15:00 Wednesday afternoon (16/11/22) into the early hours of Thursday morning. The Western Rother will rise again in all locations, bringing a risk of flooding. Property flooding is likely at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth from 03:00 17/11/2022, but also possible between Liss and Midhurst. Thursday, Friday and Saturday should be mostly dry. But river levels in Fittleworth will not begin to fall until Thursday evening (17/11/22). Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 17/11/22.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2022 10:23
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. Over the last day, 30mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. Flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties. A further 20-30mm of rain is expected from Wednesday afternoon (16/11/22) into the early hours of Thursday morning. The river level should begin to fall by Thursday morning (17/11/22) as no further significant rain is forecast after this point. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 17/11/22.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2022 15:01
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. Nearly half a month's rain (40mm) has been recorded at Liss on Tuesday. This is a lot in a short period. From 15:00 15/11/2022 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens in Liss, Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 18:00 15/11/2022 minor flood impacts will affect gardens near Iping Mill and Stedham Mill. In Midhurst, water will be very high at The Wharf. From 21:00 15/11/2022 flood water will approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Further heavy showers are expected Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning. Another 20-30mm of rain is also predicted Wednesday evening. We expect river levels to rise again and possibly higher Wednesday evening. If we receive the maximum amounts of rain predicted, river levels could peak higher than last week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 16/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Nov 2022 09:23
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high in Fittleworth, but slowly falling. A small amount of rain Tuesday night (10mm) will cause a small rise in river levels Wednesday at Iping, Stedham, Midhurst, Lodsbridge near Selham and on the River Lod. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, gardens and rural roads between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. However, river levels are expected to remain significantly lower than last Sunday. River levels should begin to fall Wednesday afternoon, before returning nearer to normal Thursday afternoon. River levels in Fittleworth, however, will remain higher than normal until next week. The rain has now cleared east, beyond Sussex. The next five days are currently predicted to remain dry. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, if you have them, as a precaution. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 09/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Nov 2022 17:39
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high at Fittleworth but is now slowly falling. Water will be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. The river will be higher than normal at Fittleworth most of the week. River levels on the Lod and Western Rother at Lodsbridge near Selham, have started rising again, following Tuesday's rain. Only minor flood impacts are expected. River levels will remain significantly below recent peaks and should begin slowly falling again Wednesday. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly from their peak, and no flood impacts are expected. There remains uncertainty in the weather forecast, particularly around rainfall amounts and locations. However, scattered heavy showers forecast for Tuesday evening and Wednesday, have the potential to cause another small rise in river levels. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on Wednesday 09/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Nov 2022 09:17
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high at Fittleworth but is now slowly falling. Water will be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. The river will be higher than normal at Fittleworth most of the week. At Lodsbridge near Selham, the river is high but slowly falling. Water will be very close to properties at Lodsbridge until Tuesday afternoon (08/11/2022). Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly from their peak, and only minor flood impacts are expected. There remains uncertainty in the weather forecast, particularly around rainfall amounts and locations. However, scattered heavy showers forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, have the potential to cause another small rise in river levels. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on Tuesday 08/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Nov 2022 17:56
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high, and slowly rising at Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth are likely to continue rising until 22:00 Monday evening. Water will be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. At Lodsbridge near Selham the river is very high, but now slowly falling. Water will be very close to properties at Lodsbridge until Tuesday afternoon. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly from their peak, and only minor flood impacts are expected. Scattered heavy showers are forecast Monday night, Tuesday and Wednesday, which have the potential to cause another small rise in river levels. The river will be higher than normal at Fittleworth most of the week. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 08/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Nov 2022 09:08
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still very high, and slowly rising at Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth are likely to continue rising until Monday evening. By 16:00 Monday 07/11/2022, water could be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. At Lodsbridge near Selham the river is very high, but now slowly falling. Water will be very close to properties at Lodsbridge until Tuesday. Between Liss and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen significantly from their peak, and only minor flood impacts are expected. Scattered heavy showers are forecast Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, which have the potential to cause another small rise in river levels. The river will be higher than normal at Fittleworth most of the week. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, if you have them. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 07/11/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2022 21:09
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Flooding will continue to be close to properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, Fittleworth Mill, Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Flood impacts will also affect fields, gardens and rural roads. Most of the rain has now cleared to the east, but isolated showers are possible Sunday evening, continuing Monday and Tuesday. River levels at Lodsbridge could keep rising until 05:00 07/11/2022 and late Monday afternoon in Fittleworth. It is possible we will issue a Flood Warning Sunday night for Lodsbridge to Shopham Bridge. Elsewhere, river levels in Liss are now falling. In Iping and at The Wharf Midhurst, river levels have peaked and will shortly fall. The river will be higher than normal until midweek at Lodsbridge, possibly longer at Fittleworth. Please keep property flood resilience measures installed at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 07/11/2022
Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2022 12:37
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. In the last 24 hours 30mm of rain has been recorded at Liss. This is a lot in a short period. From 18:00 06/11/2022 flooding will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham as well as Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. From 15:00 06/11/2022 river levels will be high and close to the road at The Wharf, Midhurst. Properties on the Lod could also be affected, including near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge. Only minimal impacts are currently expected between Liss and Stedham. More showers are possible Sunday afternoon, with wet weather continuing Monday and Tuesday. The river should begin to fall by 05:00 07/11/2022 at Lodsbridge near Selham but will be higher than normal until midweek. River levels are expected to peak higher than Thursday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts with property flood resilience at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 06/11/2022
Flood Alert issued on 15 Feb 2022 17:04
Western Rother
The Western Rother is now near normal in most communities, and is high but now falling in Fittleworth, following half a month's rainfall (35mm) on Sunday. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields and gardens in Fittleworth for the rest of the week. The Western Rother experienced 10mm of rain today (Tuesday 15/02/2022), with another 5mm of rain expected from 21:00 this evening. River levels all along the Western Rother will rise again, but only by a small amount. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads could return, but the river should not rise as high as in recent days. In Liss, the river could peak around 21:00 15/02/2022, and at Lodsbridge near Selham around 09:00 16/02/2022. Only small amounts of rain are forecast for Wednesday (16/02/2022) and the rest of the week, which should allow flood risk to reduce. Please remain prepared for river rise on Tuesday evening and Wednesday. Take precautionary action to reduce flood impacts between Liss and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 16/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Feb 2022 09:42
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high in Fittleworth, following half a month's rainfall (35mm) on Sunday (13/02/2022). Minor flooding will continue to affect fields and gardens in Fittleworth. River levels should peak by 11:00 15/02/2022 in Fittleworth. River levels are falling in Lodsbridge near Selham, and have already fallen to near normal levels in Stedham, Midhurst, Iping, Liss and Sheet. Another 20mm of rain is possible this Tuesday afternoon (15/02/2022) into Wednesday morning (16/02/2022), which will cause the Western Rother to rise again. Minor flood impacts could return, but the river should not rise as high as in recent days. In Liss, the river could peak around 20:00 15/02/2022, and at Lodsbridge near Selham around 08:00 16/02/2022. Near Fittleworth, the river could remain higher than normal until the end of the week. Please remain prepared for further periods of the river rising and minor flood risk between Liss and Fittleworth. Take precautionary action to reduce impacts. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 19:00 on 15/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Feb 2022 18:02
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following half a month's rainfall (35mm) on Sunday. Minor flooding is likely to continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens along the Western Rother. River levels should peak at Lodsbridge near Selham by 19:00 14/02/2022, and will peak by 07:00 15/02/2022 in Fittleworth. River levels are already falling in Stedham and Midhurst, and are near to normal in Iping, Liss and Sheet. Another 20mm of rain is possible on Tuesday afternoon (15/02/2022) into Wednesday morning (16/02/2022), which will cause the Western Rother to rise again, potentially peaking at similar heights as seen on Sunday and today (14/02/2022). Near Fittleworth, the river could remain higher than normal until the end of the week. Please remain prepared for further periods of the river rising and minor flood risk between Liss and Fittleworth. Take precautionary action to reduce impacts. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 on 15/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Feb 2022 09:13
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Iping and Fittleworth, following half a month's rainfall (35mm) on Sunday. Minor flooding is likely to continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens along the Western Rother. River levels are predicted to peak at Lodsbridge near Selham around 17:00 14/02/2022, and by 07:00 15/02/2022 in Fittleworth. River levels are already falling in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. In Liss and Sheet, the Western Rother has returned to near normal. Monday is forecast to be mostly dry, but another 20mm of rain is expected on Tuesday afternoon into Wednesday morning (16/02/2022), which will cause the Western Rother to rise again, potentially peaking at similar heights seen on Sunday and today (14/02/2022). Near Fittleworth, the river could remain higher than normal until the end of the week. Please remain prepared for further periods of the river rising and minor flood risk between Liss and Fittleworth. Take precautionary action to reduce impacts. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 19:00 on 14/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Feb 2022 22:11
Western Rother
The Western Rother is rising and already high in places. Almost half a month's rainfall (30mm) has been recorded in Liss today (Sunday 13/02/2022). From 02:00 14/02/2022, minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties, including on Station Road next to the railway, Liss and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 06:00 14/02/2022, flooding could also affect gardens in Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. From 10:00 14/02/2022, flood water could affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and fields near Fittleworth Mill. Rain will clear at 02:00 on 14/02/2022, to leave a largely dry Monday. The river should begin to fall in Liss by 08:00 14/02/2022, returning to normal by Monday evening. Near Fittleworth, the Western Rother will stay high until Tuesday. Peak water levels could end up similar to those on Boxing Day 2021. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 on 14/02/2022.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Dec 2021 19:52
Western Rother
The Western Rother is higher than normal, but now slowly falling at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, following Monday evening and Tuesday morning’s rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens between Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth. The Western Rother is already much lower between Liss and Midhurst. There is still uncertainty in the weather, but currently another 5mm of rain is forecast between 04:00 and 12:00 on Wednesday (29/12/2021), which should only generate a small rise in river levels. The river should peak lower than recent days. By 18:00 in Liss and 22:00 in Iping on 29/12/2021, the Western Rother should again begin to slowly fall, reaching near normal by Thursday (30/12/2021). At Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, the river is unlikely to return to normal before Friday (31/12/2021). Please remain prepared for potential flood impacts while the Western Rother is higher than normal, and there is still rain in the forecast. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 29/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Dec 2021 09:59
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, following Monday evening’s rain. Another 5mm of rain is forecast for this morning (Tuesday 28/12/2021), but river levels should not rise by much at all. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens between Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth, but river levels should slowly fall along this stretch during Tuesday afternoon. The Western Rother is already much lower between Liss and Midhurst. Another 5mm of rain is currently forecast for Wednesday morning (29/12/2021). This is not expected to be enough to cause a large rise in water levels, but will delay the river’s return to normal in Fittleworth until the weekend. Please remain prepared for potential flood impacts while the Western Rother is higher than normal, and there is still rain in the forecast. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on 28/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Dec 2021 19:32
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high at Fittleworth. Another 10mm of rain is forecast this Monday evening which will cause water levels to rise. River levels in Liss, Sheet, Iping and Midhurst should peak lower than Sunday. At Lodsbridge near Selham, the Western Rother could rise to a similar level as Sunday or perhaps a little higher. In Fittleworth, impacts are expected to continue as they are until Wednesday. From 23:00 27/12/2021, minor flood impacts could affect fields, rural roads, and gardens in Liss, Sheet and Iping. From 05:00 28/12/2021, water could affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham. Tuesday will be mostly dry, but more rain is forecast for Wednesday. The river should begin to fall by 10:00 on 28/12/2021 between Liss and Iping, but maybe not until 20:00 on 28/12/2021 at Lodsbridge near Selham, and Wednesday afternoon in Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 on 28/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Dec 2021 09:19
Western Rother
Another 5 to 10mm of rain is forecast between 08:00 and 14:00 today (Monday 27/12/2021). River levels along the Western Rother are expected to rise again this afternoon, but should initially peak lower than seen on Sunday. Estimated peaks are 18:00 in Liss and Sheet, and 23:00 in Iping. Water levels are unlikely to peak in Lodsbridge near Selham until 09:00 Tuesday (28/12/2021), and Tuesday evening in Fittleworth. Minor flood impacts affecting fields, rural roads and gardens are expected. It is possible that river levels at Lodsbridge may peak a little higher than seen on Sunday. Uncertainty in the weather forecast means we are unsure if a second band of rain on Monday evening will occur. Additional rain would cause river levels to rise again and possibly higher than seen in recent days. Only small amounts of rain are forecast for the rest of the week. Please remain prepared as minor flood impacts will likely continue or return today, possibly along the length of the Western Rother. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on 27/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Dec 2021 19:18
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, where minor flood impacts will continue following Sunday morning’s rain. Water will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens at Lodsbridge near Selham, and near Fittleworth Mill, Fittleworth. River levels are not predicted to rise much higher overnight. They are peaking at Lodsbridge around 21:00 on Sunday (26/12/2021), and at 09:00 on Monday (27/12/2021) in Fittleworth. Between Liss and Iping, the Western Rother is already falling, heading back towards normal flows. Rain is forecast between 07:00 and 12:00 on Monday morning, with heavy rain also possible from 19:00 on Monday evening (27/12/2021). There is currently uncertainty where the heaviest rain will occur, but it is possible that river levels could rise higher than today. Please remain prepared, as minor flood impacts will likely continue or return, possibly along the length of the Western Rother. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 on 27/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 26 Dec 2021 08:15
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising following a lot of rain (25mm) in only a few hours early Sunday morning. From 09:00 today (26/12/2021) minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens in Liss, and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 11:00, water could also affect gardens and roads in Iping near Iping Bridge, Stedham near Stedham Lane and near North Mill in Midhurst. From 14:00 flood water will affect fields, gardens, rural roads and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and near Fittleworth Mill in Fittleworth. Rain will clear by Sunday early afternoon which should allow river levels to fall by 13:00 today in Liss and Iping. However, river levels will not fall in Fittleworth until Monday morning (27/12/2021). Another period of rain is forecast for Monday which could cause the Western Rother to rise to similar heights again, and minor flood impacts return or continue. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 on 26/12/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Nov 2021 17:49
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high and rising in some communities, following Sunday morning’s rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, gardens, rural roads and isolated properties near to Fittleworth. We predict the river will only rise a few centimetres, before beginning to fall by 20:00 01/11/2021 in Fittleworth. The river has now peaked and returned to near normal in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, Midhurst and Lodsbridge. Only isolated showers are forecast over the next few days and we do not expect the river to rise significantly as a result of these showers. Please keep flood resilience products in place while minor flood impacts remain. We will continue to monitor levels and forecasts. We will update this message by 12:00 02/11/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 1 Nov 2021 09:47
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high and rising in some communities, following Sunday morning’s rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, gardens, rural roads and isolated properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. We predict the river will only rise a few centimetres, before beginning to fall by 11:00 01/11/2021 at Lodsbridge and 20:00 01/11/2021 in Fittleworth. The river has now peaked and returned to near normal in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst. Other than an isolated shower, the next five days are forecast to stay predominantly dry. Flood impacts should ease along the whole Western Rother by Tuesday, but will not have fallen significantly in Fittleworth until Wednesday 03/11/2021. Please keep flood resilience products in place while minor flood impacts remain. We will continue to monitor levels and forecasts. We will update this message by 21:00 01/11/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Oct 2021 17:53
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high following Sunday morning’s rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, gardens, rural roads and near isolated properties in Iping, Stedham, Midhurst, Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. The river has now peaked in Iping and Stedham, but will continue to rise until 02:00 01/11/2021 at Lodsbridge near Selham and 14:00 01/11/2021 in Fittleworth. Only minor flood impacts are expected along the Western Rother during this event, and the river will peak lower than on the 20th October 2021. In Liss and Sheet river levels are already falling. With largely dry weather and only isolated showers forecast for the next five days, flood impacts should ease along the whole Western Rother – by Monday lunchtime in Iping, but not until Wednesday in Fittleworth. Please keep flood resilience products in place while minor flood impacts remain. We will continue to monitor levels and forecasts. We will update this message by 12:00 01/11/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 31 Oct 2021 12:14
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. 25mm of rain has been recorded at Liss on Sunday morning, which is a lot in a short space of time. From 12:30 today (31/10/2021) minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens near Station Road, Liss and Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet. From 15:30 gardens and roads in Iping and Stedham could be affected. From 21:30 flood water could affect fields, gardens and rural roads at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth, possibly approaching isolated properties, however flood impacts should remain minor. Only isolated showers are forecast for the rest of Sunday, which should enable the river to begin to fall by 16:00 31/10/2021 in Liss. The start of next week should remain largely dry too, however, the river will not begin to fall near Fittleworth until Monday afternoon, returning to normal by midweek. The Western Rother should peak lower than on 20th October 2021. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We will update this message by 20:00 31/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Oct 2021 08:37
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following Wednesday's rain. Throughout Friday 22/10/2021 flooding will continue to affect isolated properties between Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, as well as there being extensive water in fields and gardens and affecting rural roads. The river is now slowly falling along the length of the Western Rother, so flood impacts should slowly ease. However, a significant improvement is unlikely before Saturday 23/10/2021. The weather forecast is for predominantly dry days until Tuesday, but with the possibility of showers Sunday and Monday. This dry weather should allow the river to continue to fall, however at Fittleworth flows will remain higher than normal until the middle of next week. In Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham, Midhurst and communities on the Lod, river flows are already near normal. Please keep flood protection products in place while residual flood impacts remain. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 22/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Oct 2021 19:53
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high, following Wednesday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens between Iping and Fittleworth on the Western Rother. At Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, river levels are very close to a small number of properties, but are thought to be near their peak. Flood impacts will continue to slowly ease between Iping and Midhurst and on the River Lod, overnight into Friday. In Liss and Sheet, river flows are already near normal. Very little rain is forecast until Sunday. River levels should fall Friday, at all locations along the Western Rother, however a return to more normal flows is not expected everywhere until next week. Please keep flood protection products in place while residual flood impacts remain. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 Friday 22/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Oct 2021 09:27
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high, following Wednesday's rain. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and isolated properties along the Western Rother. At Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth river levels will continue to rise through most of Thursday, peaking at about 19:00 21/10/2021 at Lodsbridge and the early hours of Friday in Fittleworth. Flood water could peak very close to properties in both of these communities. Conditions will now slowly improve through Liss, Sheet, Iping and on the River Lod, where in all locations river levels have already peaked or will soon peak. Very little rain is forecast until Sunday, which will allow the river a chance to stabilise by Friday, however a return to more normal flows is not expected until next week. Please keep flood protection products in place while residual flood impacts remain. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 21/10/2021
Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2021 19:20
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high, following Wednesday morning's rain. Storm Aurore is forecast to bring further heavy rain until 04:00 Thursday 21/10/21, which will cause the river to rise. If as much rain falls as predicted, flooding is possible from 03:00 21/10/21. Flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties on Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet and at Lodsbridge, near Selham. From 07:00 21/10/21 flood water could affect gardens and roads in Iping and Stedham, and may begin to approach Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties. Properties on the Lod near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and Halfway Bridge could also be affected. The river will not begin to fall until Friday at Fittleworth, but earlier (10:00 21/10/21) in Liss. Water levels will be higher than normal until the weekend. Peak river levels will be higher than Wednesday, potentially the highest for a year. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 21/10/21.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Oct 2021 18:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is still high through Fittleworth, following Tuesday morning's heavy rain. Flood impacts will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and properties near Fittleworth Mill, Fittleworth. However, river levels are now slowly falling, so flood extents will begin to reduce. River levels at Lodsbridge near Selham are higher than normal, but are also falling and considerably lower than at their peak. River levels between Liss and Midhurst have already fallen to normal. Very little rain is forecast for the rest of the week, which will enable river levels to fall further. However, at Fittleworth, it might take until the weekend for levels to fall significantly. Please keep flood protection measures in place in Fittleworth until river levels have fallen further. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:30 on 07/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Oct 2021 09:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high through Fittleworth, following Tuesday morning's heavy rain. The river level at Fittleworth could keep rising until Wednesday afternoon, but we estimate by no more than 5 centimetres. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and properties near Fittleworth Mill, Fittleworth. River levels at Lodsbridge near Selham are also high, and causing minor flood impacts, however river levels at Lodsbridge are now slowly falling. River levels between Liss and Midhurst have already fallen to normal. Very little rain is forecast for the rest of the week. River levels at Lodsbridge should be significantly lower by Thursday 07/10/2021. It will take longer for river levels in Fittleworth to fall, perhaps until the weekend. Please keep flood protection measures in place in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth until river levels have fallen significantly further. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 Wednesday 06/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Oct 2021 18:43
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising through Fittleworth, following Tuesday morning's heavy rain. Minor flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and properties near Fittleworth Mill, Fittleworth. River levels in Fittleworth are likely to continue to slowly rise until 10:00 Wednesday 06/10/2021, peaking at a similar height as seen on Monday 04/10/2021. River levels at Lodsbridge near Selham are high, and causing minor flood impacts, but are not predicted to rise significantly higher either, and should begin to slowly fall Tuesday night. River levels between Iping and Midhurst are already falling. In Liss the river has already returned to normal. Very little rain is forecast for the rest of the week. River levels all along the Western Rother should be closer to normal by the weekend. Please keep flood protection measures in place in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 Wednesday 06/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Oct 2021 07:24
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. In the last 6 hours, 30mm of rain has been recorded at Liss, which is a lot in a short period of time. From 08:00 05/10/2021, minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads and gardens on Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet and Station Road, Liss. From 08:30 05/10/2021 flooding could affect fields, roads and gardens in Iping and Stedham. From 14:30 05/10/2021 flood water could affect fields, gardens and possibly begin to affect properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. The river is currently predicted to peak at a similar level as last weekend. The rain has now cleared, leaving dry weather until Friday. The river is unlikely to fall in Fittleworth until Wednesday, but impacts should ease earlier upstream (by 19:00 Tuesday in Iping and Liss). Near Fittleworth flood impacts could continue until the weekend. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:30 05/10/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Aug 2021 18:10
Western Rother
The Western Rother at Fittleworth is still high, but is now slowly falling. Minor flood impacts in the area, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads, should begin to slowly ease. River levels should return to near normal in Fittleworth, by Wednesday evening 11/08/2021. In Liss and Sheet, Iping, Midhurst and Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels have already returned to normal. The weather forecast predicts high pressure and no more than 1 or 2 mm of rain for the next five days, and therefore very little flood risk in the week ahead. As a precaution though, please keep flood resilience measures in place in Fittleworth during Tuesday and Wednesday, while river levels remain high. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 10:00 Wednesday 11/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Aug 2021 09:10
Western Rother
The river at Fittleworth is still high, and is very slowly rising, following Monday morning's heavy rain. It is probable that river levels in Fittleworth will continue to rise until early Tuesday evening (approximately 18:00 10/08/2021), but should peak less than 10 cm higher than Tuesday morning. Only minor flood impacts are currently predicted, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. In Liss and Sheet, Iping and Midhurst river levels have already returned to normal. At Lodsbridge near Selham the river level is falling, and will keep on falling until Wednesday. The weather forecast predicts high pressure and no more than 1 or 2 mm of rain for the next five days, which should allow the Western Rother to return to normal, in all communities. As a precaution, please keep flood resilience measures in place in Fittleworth during Tuesday and Wednesday, while river levels remain high and rising. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 Tuesday 10/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Aug 2021 17:40
Western Rother
The river at Fittleworth is still high, is rising again following Monday's heavy rain, and will continue to rise until late Tuesday afternoon. It is possible that water levels in Fittleworth Tuesday morning could be higher than those measured Sunday, but the peak water level is unlikely to be more than 10 to 20 centimetres higher than Sunday. Only minor flood impacts are currently predicted, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. In Liss and Sheet river levels have already returned to normal. In Iping river levels have peaked and will slowly fall Monday evening. At Lodsbridge near Selham the river level will peak around 02:00 Tuesday (10/08/2021), at a similar height as seen Sunday. Only isolated showers are forecast Monday and Tuesday. As a precaution, please keep flood resilience measures in place Monday and Tuesday while river levels remain high and rising. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 10/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Aug 2021 07:58
Western Rother
The river at Fittleworth is still high, and has not fallen much overnight. In Liss, the river is rising again following 15mm of rain through the early hours of Monday morning. Only minor flood impacts are currently predicted, affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. The Western Rother should peak by approximately midday in Liss, and in Iping around 17:00 Monday (09/08/2021) and not until the early hours of Tuesday (10/08/2021) at Lodsbridge near Selham. It is thought that river levels should stay lower than have been over the weekend, but could rise to similar levels. However, isolated showers could continue through Monday afternoon, which might cause river levels to rise again, and higher. Tuesday and the rest of the week is forecast to remain largely dry. As a precaution, please keep flood resilience measures in place Monday and Tuesday while river levels remain high and rising. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 19:00 Monday (09/08/2021).
Flood Alert issued on 8 Aug 2021 17:42
Western Rother
The river at Fittleworth is still high, but has now peaked, will fall overnight, and should be considerably lower by mid morning Monday (09/08/2021). At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are still high but continue to slowly fall. The river level in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst has already returned to near normal. Frequent showers through the early hours of Monday (09/08/2021), continuing until late afternoon, could bring another 20mm of rain to West Sussex. If these showers fall on the Western Rother, river levels could rise again. It is unlikely that river levels will rise as high as they have been over the weekend, but we will provide more detail Monday when we have a greater understanding of how much rain has been measured, and where. High pressure should keep Tuesday and Wednesday dry and allow the river to stabilise. As a precaution, please keep flood resilience measures in place while river levels remain high and there is the chance of further rain. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 09:00 09/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Aug 2021 07:53
Western Rother
Following Saturday's rain, the river at Fittleworth is still rising very slowly, but is predicted to peak by midday Sunday (08/08/2021), with only minor flood impacts affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. The river level in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst has already returned to near normal. At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are still high but are slowly falling. A band of rain between 09:00 and 11:00 Sunday morning is forecast to bring less than 10mm of rain. Much less than yesterday, and river levels are not expected to rise as high as their recent peak. Sunday afternoon and Monday should stay mostly dry, but with the chance of an isolated heavy shower. High pressure should keep Tuesday and Wednesday dry too. River levels should return to normal by Monday afternoon in Lodsbridge and by midweek in Fittleworth. As a precaution, please keep flood resilience measures in place while river levels remain high and there is the chance of further rain. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 18:00 08/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Aug 2021 18:43
Western Rother
The Western Rother between Midhurst and Fittleworth is high and rising. 40mm of rain fell Saturday morning, which is a lot more than we would normally measure during a whole fortnight in the summer. Minor flooding will affect fields, rural roads, gardens and from 23:00 Saturday (07/08/2021) water could approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and properties near Fittleworth Mill. In Liss, Iping, Stedham and near Lickfold and Halfway Bridges on the Lod, flooding is not currently expected. Instead the river should fall in these locations. Fast moving showers will only bring a small amount of rain Saturday evening (less than 5mm). However, a band of rain forecast from 08:00 Sunday morning could bring another 20mm of rain, which would cause river levels all along the Western Rother to rise again and could mean any minor flood impacts between Midhurst and Fittleworth remain throughout Sunday. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 09:00 08/08/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Jun 2021 22:35
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising. In the last 4 hours 35mm of rain has been recorded at Iping Mill rain gauge. From 06:00 on 29/06/2021 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, and also gardens, and potentially Iping Lane and Stedham Lane, and approach properties in Iping, near Iping Bridge and Iping Mill. In Midhurst, water could approach North Mill and properties near Cowdray ruins. A further 10-20mm of rain is expected over the next 2 hours with further rain expected through the week. The river should begin to fall by 12:00 on 29/06/2021, and should return to normal from 18:00. Flood impacts should begin to slowly ease when river levels start to fall. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 29/06/20201.
Flood Alert issued on 23 Jan 2021 10:52
Western Rother
The Western Rother at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth is falling steadily but levels remain elevated. There was only a small amount of rain yesterday, and today (Saturday 23/1/2021) will be dry. River levels will continue to fall closer to normal as a result. The forecast for Sunday 24/1/2021 is for frontal rain but this is not expected to bring significant totals. Further rainfall is also expected in the coming week. At Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen to a similar level as before Wednesday’s heavy rain and will fall further today. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding, including those through Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please remain prepared for flooding while river levels are higher than usual. We will continue to monitor the levels and the forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 24/1/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 22 Jan 2021 11:14
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth following Wednesday’s rainfall. Levels there are now falling and will gradually return to normal over the weekend. The forecast is for predominantly dry weather but with some showers expected today (Friday 22/1/2021) and over the weekend. These will not bring any significant rainfall totals. At Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen nearer to normal since yesterday. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding, including those through Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please remain prepared for flooding while river levels are high. We will continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 23/1/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Jan 2021 17:42
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and still rising in Fittleworth. River levels should begin to fall here by 01:00 Friday 22/1/2021, and will be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are slowly falling, but are still high enough to be affecting fields, gardens and rural roads. In Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, river levels have already fallen to near normal. Despite Thursday evening and Friday being forecast to stay mostly dry, the river is still likely to be higher than normal in Fittleworth until Sunday. Periods of rain might affect West Sussex Friday evening and Saturday, which could potentially increase flood risk again. Please remain prepared for the risk of flooding and take action to reduce the impact of flood water affecting property in Fittleworth. We will continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 22/1/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Jan 2021 09:29
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and still rising in Fittleworth. River levels could continue rising here until 18:00 Thursday evening, and will be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. At Lodsbridge near Selham, river levels are high, but are not expected to rise significantly further, before beginning to fall by midday Thursday. At Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst river levels are already falling and with Thursday and Friday forecast to stay mostly dry, should return nearer to normal by Thursday evening. At Fittleworth and Lodsbridge river levels could remain high until the weekend. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding, including those through Iping, Stedham, Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Please take action to reduce the impact of flood water affecting property in Fittleworth. We will continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 20:00 on 21/1/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Jan 2021 18:20
Western Rother
Tuesday's rain has been heavier than expected, and is not forecast to clear until 23:00. River levels are high and rising all along the Western Rother. From 21:00 20/1/2021 flooding will approach properties on Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet and on Station Road next to railway, Liss. From 01:00 21/1/2021 flooding could affect gardens in Iping, near Iping Mill as well as Iping Lane and Stedham Lane. From 00:00 21/1/2021 flooding could affect isolated Mill properties in Midhurst, at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Properties near Lickfold Bridge, Highstead Lane and at Halfway Bridge on the Lod could also be affected. Flows could exceed those of recent years. Thursday and Friday will be dry, allowing the river to fall by 16:00 Thursday 21/1/2021, but many locations will stay higher than normal until the weekend. Please plan to avoid driving through roads prone to flooding suggested in this message. We continue to monitor the levels. We will update this message by 12:00 21/1/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Jan 2021 10:25
Western Rother
Less rain fell overnight than was expected. River levels are still rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth, but are not as high as they could have been. Light rain will continue most of Wednesday, with a heavier band of rain predicted about 21:00 Wednesday 20/01/2021. River levels at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth will continue to slowly rise by a small amount, potentially through to Thursday evening. It is possible the river could begin to approach isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth from 09:00 on Thursday 21/01/2021. River levels in all other communities along the Western Rother are not currently predicted to rise high enough to flood properties, but minor flood impacts could still affect fields, rural roads and gardens. Please remain prepared for flooding and plan to avoid driving through routes susceptible to flooding, including in Iping and Stedham. We will continue to monitor the forecast and will update this message by 21:00 on 20/01/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 19 Jan 2021 18:51
Western Rother
We are issuing this message early, to provide preparation time for communities. Persistent rain is forecast between Tuesday evening and Thursday. If as much rain falls as predicted, from 10:00 Wednesday 20/01/2021, flooding is possible at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth. Flood water could approach isolated mill properties in these locations and affect fields, rural roads and gardens along much of the Western Rother. The rain should clear by the early hours of Thursday. River levels should fall shortly afterwards between Liss and Midhurst, but not until Thursday evening downstream near Fittleworth, where river levels could be higher than normal until the weekend. Please take action to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth and plan to avoid driving through routes susceptible to flooding, including in Iping and Stedham. We will monitor the forecast, issue Flood Warnings if property flooding is expected, and will update this message by 16:00 20/01/2021.
Flood Alert issued on 29 Dec 2020 13:27
Western Rother
The Western Rother at Fittleworth remains high following Storm Bella and rainfall on Monday, but will fall Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Although river levels remain high we do not expect property impacts. Minor flood impacts could continue to impact gardens, fields and rural roads. Apart from an isolated shower, Tuesday is forecast to stay dry. Flood impacts should continue to slowly ease through Tuesday. However, rain is forecast for Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. There is significant uncertainty in the amount of rain, where it will fall, and also if some of the rain might instead fall as snow. The possibility remains of heavy rain and the risk of flooding of properties at the end of the week, so please keep property level protection products in place and take precautions to reduce potential flood impacts over the coming days. We continue to monitor river levels and forecasts, and will update this message by 18:00 30/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 28 Dec 2020 11:59
Western Rother
River levels between Lodsbridge and Fittleworth remain high. Minor flood impacts affecting fields and gardens are expected to continue between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Rain is forecast Monday. The river will rise again late Monday afternoon and evening (28/12/2020) and remain high through Tuesday (29/12/2020) at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, but not as high as Sunday, because we expect less rain than Storm Bella. Additional flooding of properties is not expected today or tomorrow, unless rain is heavier than predicted. A dry Tuesday should allow flood impacts to ease. However, with potentially heavy rainfall on Wednesday and Thursday, please stay prepared for the risk of flooding to return this week. Please continue to take actions to reduce flood impacts. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 29/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 27 Dec 2020 18:54
Western Rother
Minor flood impacts are expected to continue to affect locations between Midhurst and Fittleworth until at least Monday. Following Storm Bella's heavy rain Sunday morning, river levels at Lodsbridge are still high, and are expected to continue rising until about 23:00 27/12/2020, approaching mill buildings at that time. River levels at Fittleworth could continue rising until 11:00 Monday 28/12/2020, with water in fields and gardens. River levels in Liss and Sheet have already returned to near normal. In Iping water levels are slowly falling from their peak. Sunday night should stay dry. Monday's weather forecast is still uncertain, but the latest indications suggest a drier day than previously forecast. Which will enable river levels to fall and flood impacts to ease Monday. The remainder of the week looks largely dry too. Please continue to take actions to reduce flood impacts. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 15:00 28/12/2020
Flood Alert issued on 27 Dec 2020 07:49
Western Rother
Storm Bella has brought 20mm of rain. The Western Rother is high and rising. From 08:30 27/12/2020 flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties on Mill Lane and Old Mill Lane, Sheet and Station Road, Liss. From 10:00 flooding could affect gardens in Iping and Iping Lane and Stedham Lane, Stedham. From 11:00 27/12/2020 flood water will approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Rain should clear by 09:00, leaving a largely dry Sunday. River levels should begin to fall by 18:00 in Iping, earlier in Liss. River levels will not begin to fall until Monday at Lodsbridge or Fittleworth. More rain is forecast Monday and will keep river levels high into next week and possibly increase flood risk. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 22:00 27/12/2020
Flood Alert issued on 23 Dec 2020 07:53
Western Rother
River levels are near normal, but rising by a very small amount, between Liss and Iping. At Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, river levels are still high, but are slowly falling. A few rain showers are possible Wednesday, but not the large amounts of rain we have previously forecast. We do not currently think river levels in any community on the Western Rother will rise significantly higher than they have been in recent days. Minor flood impacts of water in fields, gardens and on rural roads will remain in and near Fittleworth. Thursday to Saturday should stay mostly dry, which will allow river levels upstream of Iping to return to normal by Thursday afternoon. It might not be until late Saturday that river levels in Fittleworth are significantly lower. Please plan to avoid driving through routes susceptible to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 24/12/2020
Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2020 15:36
Western Rother
River levels are now stable, slowly falling or near normal along the Western Rother. Minor flood impacts, with water in fields, gardens and on rural roads, will remain, through to at least Wednesday in Fittleworth and at Lodsbridge near Selham. Tuesday afternoon until Wednesday morning should stay predominantly dry, and river levels should slowly fall. The weather forecast for Wednesday is uncertain. It looks like it will rain, and river levels will rise. But we are not sure how high. It is possible a lot of rain could fall Wednesday, with the potential to cause significant flooding, all along the Western Rother. Flood impacts could last until Friday. We would encourage early precautionary actions to help reduce potential flood impacts in all communities, but especially between Midhurst and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message with details about Wednesday by 15:00 23/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Dec 2020 19:29
Western Rother
River levels are still very high, and now rising again in Fittleworth, following Monday morning's rain. Water could be very close to Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties from 09:00 22/12/2020. Flood water will approach Lodsbridge Mill, but should not enter property. Flooding of property is not currently expected at any other location along the Western Rother, from Liss to Midhurst., although minor impacts affecting fields roads and gardens will remain. Light rain should clear eastwards by 23:00 Monday, leaving a predominantly dry day Tuesday, with river levels stabilising and slowly falling. However, Wednesday could be very wet, with the potential for significant flooding in all communities of the Western Rother. We would encourage early precautionary actions to help reduce potential flood impacts in all communities, but especially between Midhurst and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 19:00 22/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 21 Dec 2020 10:51
Western Rother
River levels are now rising along the Western Rother, following rain this morning and last night. River levels should peak by Monday evening in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, and property flooding is not currently expected in these communities. However, from 01:00 Tuesday 22/12/2020, flood water could approach isolated mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Further showers are possible Monday evening, which could extend the river rise further into Tuesday. Tuesday should be largely dry, but Wednesday could be very wet, with the potential for significant flooding in all communities of the Western Rother. We would encourage early precautionary actions to help reduce potential flood impacts in all communities, but especially between Midhurst and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 21/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 20 Dec 2020 18:56
Western Rother
The Western Rother is stable, falling or normal between Liss and Lodsbridge, but still slowly rising at Fittleworth. Light rain from 00:00 Monday until Monday afternoon will cause the Western Rother to rise again. If as much rain falls as predicted, from 14:00 21/12/2020 flooding will affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach Fittleworth Mill and nearby properties. Lodsbridge Mill could also be affected. While the river will also rise between Liss and Midhurst, property flooding is not currently expected in, or between those communities. The river should initially peak around 14:00 Monday in Liss, 18:00 in Iping, but not until Tuesday at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. With heavy rain also possible Monday evening and Wednesday, flood risk could persist or even increase over the week ahead. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 21/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2020 18:49
Western Rother
Less rain fell on Wednesday afternoon than was predicted. River levels have begun rising in Liss, and will rise by a small amount along the length of the Western Rother overnight into Thursday. However, river levels should not rise as high as they were on Monday or Tuesday in any community. Flooding to properties is not expected, but minor impacts affecting fields will continue to affect Fittleworth. The river should begin to fall from 22:00 16/12/2020 in Liss and Sheet, and from 03:00 in Iping and Stedham. It might take until 12:00 Thursday 17/12/2020 for water levels to fall at Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth. Only very small amounts of rain is predicted Thursday, but further rain could be possible Friday afternoon. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 17/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2020 10:23
Western Rother
River levels are still high in Fittleworth, but are now slowly falling. River levels at Lodsbridge near Selham have fallen further, but also remain higher than normal. River levels in Liss, Iping and Midhurst are normal. 10mm of rain is possible Wednesday afternoon. If rainfall predictions are accurate, river levels will rise all along the Western Rother Wednesday evening, but property flooding is not currently expected in Liss, Sheet, Iping or Midhurst. Minor flood impacts will continue to affect Lodsbridge near Selham and Fittleworth, with water in fields, on rural roads and in gardens and approaching isolated properties from 12:00 Thursday 17/12/2020. More rain and further river response is expected Friday, with river levels elevated into next week. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 16/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2020 09:36
Western Rother
River levels are still higher than normal between Midhurst and Fittleworth following 30mm of rain since Sunday. However, river levels did not rise as high as we thought, and will stabilise and then slowly fall during Tuesday. Forecasts remain dry for today, but there is up to 20mm of rain forecast for Wednesday 16/12/2020 and more Friday 18/12/2020, which could cause river levels to rise again from Wednesday evening. Only minimal impacts are expected but if we receive higher totals Wednesday and Friday, flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and at Fittleworth Mill. On Friday, flooding is also possible in Liss, Sheet, Iping or Midhurst, but not expected in those locations today or Wednesday, with river levels already falling. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 16/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2020 21:20
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising steadily between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Over 30mm of rain has been recorded in the last 48 hours, a significant amount after a wet Autumn. From 06:00 15/12/2020, minor flooding could affect fields, rural roads, gardens and approach properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and at Fittleworth Mill, and nearby properties in Fittleworth. Property flooding is not expected in Liss, where river levels are already falling, or in Sheet, Iping or Midhurst, where river levels should peak by 23:00 14/12/2020. With overnight and Tuesday forecast to be dry, the river should begin to fall at Lodsbridge by 16:00 Tuesday 15/12/2020. But, more rain Wednesday and Friday could keep water levels higher than normal for a week, particularly in communities closest to Fittleworth. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 15/12/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Nov 2020 11:33
Western Rother
The Western Rother has returned to near normal levels in Liss, Sheet, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst and has fallen significantly at Lodsbridge near Selham. Although slowly falling, river levels in Fittleworth remain very high, and will likely remain higher than normal until Friday. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and near mill properties in Fittleworth. The forecast is for relatively dry weather this week, but with rain forecast Friday (20/11/2020), river levels could rise again over the weekend. Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them and avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 on 18/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2020 20:01
Western Rother
The Western Rother has now started to fall, but remains high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, following heavy rain on Sunday. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth. The forecast is for relatively dry weather until Friday (20/11/2020), which will allow the river to continue to fall. In Liss and Iping river levels have returned to near normal, however, while river levels are now slowly falling between Midhurst and Fittleworth, they may not return to near normal until Thursday (19/11/2020). Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them, and avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 17/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2020 10:48
Western Rother
The Western Rother has now started to fall, but remains high, following heavy rain on Sunday. River levels are continuing to fall between Liss and Iping, where flooding is not expected, but are now reaching peak levels between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads, gardens and mill properties at Lodsbridge, near Selham and in Fittleworth. The forecast is for relatively dry weather until Friday (20/11/2020), which will allow the river to continue to fall. In Liss and Iping river levels should return to near normal this evening (16/11/2020), but between Midhurst and Fittleworth although river levels are now falling they may not return to near normal until Thursday (19/11/2020). Please keep flood protection products installed in Lodsbridge and Fittleworth, if you have them and avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 16/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 15:32
Western Rother
The Western Rother remains high, following Sunday morning’s heavy rain. Nearly half a month’s worth of rain (40mm) has been measured in the past 48 hours. River levels are currently falling between Liss and Iping, where flooding is not expected, but are still slowly rising between Midhurst and Fittleworth. Flooding will continue to affect fields, rural roads and gardens. Internal flooding of mill properties at Lodsbridge near Selham and in Fittleworth could be possible, with river levels likely to continue to slowly rise until 07:00 on 16/11/2020. An additional 5mm of rain will fall by 18:00 Sunday, then the weather turns mostly dry until Wednesday. River levels should slowly fall during Monday, returning to more normal levels Tuesday 17/11/2020. Please keep flood protection products installed, if you have them and avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 11:00 16/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2020 06:57
Western Rother
The Western Rother is high and rising in response to 30mm of rainfall in the past 36 hours. From 11:00 this morning (15/11/2020) at Lodsbridge, near Selham, and from 16:00 at Fittleworth Mill, flood water will affect fields, rural roads and gardens and could approach mill properties. River levels between Liss and Midhurst are not expected to rise high enough to cause property flooding. Further periods of rain are expected Sunday afternoon, but Monday and Tuesday will be dry. River levels are likely to continue to slowly rise through Sunday. River levels will start to fall at Lodsbridge from 15:00 today (15/11/2020), but not until 12:00 on Monday (16/11/2020) in Fittleworth, returning to more normal levels by Tuesday 17/11/2020. Early actions to reduce potential impacts at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are encouraged. Please avoid driving through roads prone to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. This message will be updated by 16:00 on Sunday 15/11/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Oct 2020 19:51
Western Rother
Over a month’s rainfall has fallen since Friday. The Western Rother is high, particularly at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. Minor flooding will be affecting fields, rural roads and be close to mill properties. The wet weather is now clearing to the east, and only small amounts of rain are predicted over the next few days. River levels at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth are not expected to rise significantly higher, and should begin to fall by 03:00 Monday 5/10/2020. While the river between Liss and Midhurst should return to a more normal level relatively quickly, it might take until Tuesday or Wednesday for the river level to fall significantly in Fittleworth. Rainfall on Thursday 8/10/2020 could see the river rise again. We’ll share more information in future messages if confidence of flood risk increases. Take care near flood water, as it can conceal hidden dangers. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 13:00 on Monday 5/10/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Oct 2020 10:48
Western Rother
Minor flooding will be affecting fields and rural roads between Midhurst and Fittleworth, after a further 20mm of rain fell Saturday night and through the early hours of Sunday morning. We think the river will rise a small amount at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth during Sunday, perhaps a 10 to 30 centimetre increase on Saturday’s peak level. Flood water could be very close to Fittleworth Mill by 20:00 4/10/2020. Flood water will also approach Lodsbridge Mill, but internal flooding is currently thought less likely there. Further light rain Sunday should not prevent river levels all along the Western Rother falling during the early hours of Monday morning. River levels are already falling in Liss, and should start to fall, without affecting property, in Iping by 13:00 4/10/2020. We encourage early actions to reduce potential water damage to possessions at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 21:00 on 4/10/2020.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Oct 2020 18:18
Western Rother
River levels are already high between Midhurst and Fittleworth, after a month’s rain fell on Friday. River levels will initially stabilise because Saturday has been dry, but further heavy rain is forecast from 19:00 this evening and through Sunday. If the rain occurs, river levels will rise again overnight, and could peak higher than recent days. From 10:00 Sunday flooding could affect fields, rural roads and a small number of properties at Lodsbridge near Selham, and also near Fittleworth Mill, Fittleworth. Peak river level might not occur until 17:00 Sunday 4/10/2020. Flooding could last until Monday 5/10/2020. Less rain is forecast next week. The river through Liss, Iping, Stedham and Midhurst, should rise and fall Sunday without property flooding in these locations. We encourage early actions to reduce potential water damage to possessions at Lodsbridge and Fittleworth. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 12:00 on 4/10/2020.