Flood Warning Info - Whitwell, Wroxall, Langbridge, Alverstone on the Eastern Yar

Area Description

Whitwell, Wroxall, Horringford, Langbridge and Alverstone on the Eastern Yar.
This is a Flood Warning Area. For this area, you may receive Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings.
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There are no Flood Warnings currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Warning

The red highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Warning.
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Flood Warning History

Number of historic Flood Warnings that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Warnings for this Area

Flood Warning issued on 27 Nov 2024 09:07
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone is high and rising. In the last 13 hours, 34mm of rain has been recorded at Wroxall. This is a significant amount in a short time. Golf Links Road, the access track at Horringford, cycle tracks, and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will become impassable. From 16:00 this afternoon (27/11/24) in Alverstone, the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will begin to surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, flooding a small number of properties. Garden flooding is expected at Whitwell High Street. Rain will shortly clear the area. At Alverstone, the river will rise until at least 21:00 this evening (27/11/24). Dry weather is expected until Sunday 01/12/24. This will give the river a chance to return to normal levels. We will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. Please install flood protection now and leave it in place until Friday 29/11/24. This Warning will be updated by 21:00 on Thursday 27/11/24.

Flood Warning issued on 28 Apr 2024 12:19
Eastern Yar
Water levels in the Eastern Yar are high and rising at Alverstone and Sandown. In the last 24 hours, nearly 35mm of rainfall has been recorded at Wroxall. This is over half the average month’s rainfall for April. Levels are rising at Alverstone. From around 15:00 today (28/04/2024), at Langbridge and Alverstone Road Bridge, the river will be close to the top of the river bank. Showers are forecast for the remainder of today (28/04/2024). The next couple of days are forecast to be dry. Water will be ponded on low lying land adjacent to the river. Road, cycle track and footpath flooding is expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. Avoid walking or driving through flood water. Please continue to take action to protect property. This message will be updated by 10:00 on 29/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 28 Apr 2024 07:51
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone is high and rising. In the last 12 hours, 30mm of rain has fallen at Wroxhall. This is a large volume in a short period of time. Currently the access track to Horringford will be flooded, restricting access. Golf links road, cycle tracks and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will be impassable. In Alverstone, from around 13:00 this afternoon (28/04/2024), the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, flooding a small number of properties. Garden flooding is expected at Whitwell High Street. Further showers are forecast to continue until 12:00 this morning. At Alverstone, the river will rise until approximately 15:00. It will remain at peak value for several hours before the level begins to slowly fall. We continue to monitor the forecast. We will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection now and leave it in place until tomorrow (29/04/2024). This Flood Warning will be updated by 14:00 on 28/04/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 5 Jan 2024 09:36
Eastern Yar
Water levels in the Eastern Yar remain high. Levels at Alverstone have stabilised, and will begin to fall slowly this morning (05/01/2024). Currently, there is extensive out of bank flooding through the Yar Valley, with roads, cycle tracks, and footpaths being impassable. This is following yesterday's rain as 27mm was recorded at Wroxhall, which is a significant amount of rain in a short period of time, and is about a third of the normal monthly average rainfall. This is in addition to the prolonged rainfall which has been affecting the area over the last few months. We continue to monitor the forecast and will ensure the river remains free of any reported blockages. Please ensure any products used to protect gardens and property from flooding are operating. The next five days are forecast to be mainly dry. This Flood Warning will be updated by 12:00 on 06/01/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 4 Jan 2024 22:08
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone is high and rising. In the last 12 hours, 30mm of rain has been recorded in Wroxall following weeks of prolonged wet weather. The access track to Horringford will be flooded, restricting access. Golf links road, cycle tracks and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will be impassable. From around 01:00 tomorrow morning (05/01/2024) in Alverstone, the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, flooding a small number of properties. Garden flooding is expected at Whitwell High Street. Showery conditions are forecast until later this evening. At Alverstone, the river will rise until approximately 04:00 (05/01/2024). It will remain at its peak value for several hours before the level begins to slowly fall. We continue to monitor the forecast. We will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection now and leave it in place until tomorrow. This Flood Warning will be updated by 15:00 on Friday 05/01/2024.

Flood Warning issued on 11 Dec 2023 09:25
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar remains very high, but at Langbridge and Alverstone, it is now slowly falling. Today (Monday 11/12/23), a continuation of flooding affecting land, the access track to Horringford, cycle tracks and footpaths, gardens and roads (Golf Links) is expected. The weather should remain fairly dry on Monday morning, but further light showers (up to 5mm) are forecast this afternoon. The river should continue to lower for most of the day. However, from the early hours of Tuesday morning, heavy rain is forecast in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with up to 20mm expected. If this volume of rain should affect the river then the level could be similar to, or higher than recorded on Saturday (09/12/23), where water surrounds and floods property. We continue to monitor the forecast. Please ensure that any products used to protect property from flooding can continue to operate. This message will be updated by 11:00 on Tuesday 12/12/23.

Flood Warning issued on 10 Dec 2023 09:34
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar remains very high, but at Langbridge and Alverstone, it is now slowly falling. Today (Sunday 10/12/23), a continuation of flooding affecting land, the access track to Horringford, cycle tracks and footpaths, gardens and roads (Golf Links) is expected. From 10:00 to 14:00, showers are forecast with up to 7mm expected. Whilst this is only a small amount of rain, the river will be very responsive, and so by lunchtime, it is likely that it will begin to rise again. Any increase in level should be relatively minor, and it is unlikely to cause additional flooding to property. The river may however, be held at bankfull at Alverstone Road Bridge for longer than expected. We continue to monitor the forecast. Please ensure that any products used to protect gardens and property from flooding can continue to operate. If recorded rainfall totals remain low today, then we may remove this flood warning later this evening. If not, the message will be updated by 10:00 on Monday 11/12/23.

Flood Warning issued on 9 Dec 2023 11:59
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is high and rising. In the last 15 hours, 31mm of rain has been recorded in Wroxall. This is a significant amount of rain in a short period of time. In the next 1-2 hours, the access track to Horringford will be flooded, restricting access. Golf Links Road, cycle tracks and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will be impassable. From 23:00 this evening (09/12/23) in Alverstone, the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will then begin to surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, where flooding to property is expected around midnight. Rain has now cleared the area and the rest of the day is dry. At Alverstone, the river is unlikely to peak until 01:00 (10/12/23). It will remain around its peak level for a further 2-3 hours before it begins to slowly fall. We continue to monitor the forecast. We'll ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection now and leave it in place until tomorrow. This Flood Warning will be updated by 10:00 on Sunday 10/12/23.

Flood Warning issued on 6 Nov 2023 11:44
Eastern Yar
Flooding is expected in this area. This means properties are at risk of flooding.   Please take action to protect yourself and your property and monitor local weather and river conditions. Avoid contact with, walking or driving through flood water. Consider activating any property flood protection products you may have.   Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Warning issued on 25 Oct 2023 09:43
Eastern Yar
Flooding is expected in this area. This means properties are at risk of flooding. Please take action to protect yourself and your property and monitor local weather and river conditions. Avoid contact with, walking or driving through flood water. Consider activating any property flood protection products you may have. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Warning issued on 16 Jan 2023 06:10
Eastern Yar
Flooding is expected in this area. This means properties are at risk of flooding. Please take action to protect yourself and your property and monitor local weather and river conditions. Avoid contact with, walking or driving through flood water. Consider activating any property flood protection products you may have. The Environment Agency Flood Warning System has issued this message based on rising river or tidal levels. We are temporarily automating our messages due to industrial action.

Flood Warning issued on 17 Nov 2022 18:45
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Langbridge and Alverstone is very high, but it is now slowly falling. The current rate of fall is 2cm per hour. Rain cleared the area by 23:00 last night 16/11/2022 and no further rain is currently expected until Sunday. Out of bank flooding affecting gardens, roads (Golf Links Road) and access tracks (at Horringford) will continue overnight. Reports indicate that property is not currently affected. With no rain forecast the situation should continue to improve. We continue to monitor the forecast and will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. While the river remains high, please ensure pumps used to protect property can operate if required. We will remove this message by 14:00 on Friday 18/11/2022.

Flood Warning issued on 17 Nov 2022 06:26
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone is high and rising. Over half a month’s rain (70mm) has been recorded in Wroxall since Tuesday morning (15/11/2022). Currently the access track to Horringford will be flooded, restricting access. Golf Links Road, cycle tracks and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will be impassable. From 12:00 midday (17/11/2022) in Alverstone, the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will begin to surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, where property flooding is possible. Rain has now cleared the area. At Alverstone, the river will rise until 16:00 (17/11/2022). It will remain at its peak for several hours before the level begins to fall. We continue to monitor the forecast and will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection equipment now and leave it in place until at least Friday (18/11/2022). This Flood Warning will be updated by 19:00 on Thursday 17/11/2022.

Flood Warning issued on 7 Nov 2022 17:58
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Langbridge and Alverstone is very high, but it is now falling. The current rate of fall is 1cm per hour. Since midnight, 7mm of rain has been recorded at Wroxall. 15mm has been recorded at Knighton. Out of bank flooding affecting gardens, roads (Golf Links Road) and access tracks (at Horringford) will continue overnight. Whilst property is not currently affected, further rain and showers are forecast this evening and throughout tomorrow (08/11/22) with up to 20mm expected. If heavy rain does impact the river during this time, then levels will increase, and could be higher than the peak water level recorded in the early hours of this morning. This could cause property flooding in Alverstone. We continue to monitor the forecast and will ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. Over the next 24 hours, please ensure that any pumps used to protect property can operate if required. We will update this message by 13:00 on Tuesday 08/11/22.

Flood Warning issued on 7 Nov 2022 09:13
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone remains very high but is now slowly falling. This follows a night of mostly dry weather. In Langbridge, Horringford and Alverstone, out of bank flooding affecting gardens, roads and access tracks is expected to continue over the next 18 hours. Golf Links Road will remain impassable today (07/11/2022). From today (Monday 07/11/2022) until Wednesday (09/11/2022), showers are forecast. During this time, we expect the river level to continue falling, but it will remain very sensitive to further rainfall, and could begin to rise again if heavier rain affects the area. We continue to monitor the forecast and will ensure the river is kept free of any reported blockages. Please ensure products used to protect gardens and property are operating. This Flood Warning will be updated or removed by 18:00 on Monday 07/11/2022.

Flood Warning issued on 7 Nov 2022 01:58
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar at Alverstone is high and rising. In the last 48 hours, almost half a month’s rain (50mm) has been recorded at Wroxhall. This follows a similar amount recorded on Thursday (03/11/2022). Currently the track to Horringford will be flooded, restricting access. Golf Links Road, cycle tracks and footpaths across the Upper Yar Valley will be impassable. From 02:30 this morning (07/11/2022) in Alverstone, the main road will flood near the main road bridge. Water will begin to surround property in Alverstone and Langbridge, where property flooding is possible. Showery conditions are forecast throughout the rest of the night. At Alverstone, the river will rise until approximately 03:30 (07/11/2022). It will remain at its peak value for several hours before the level begins to slowly fall. We continue to monitor the forecast. We’ll ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection now and leave it in place until this afternoon (07/11/2022). This Flood Warning will be updated by 09:30 on Monday 07/11/2022.

Flood Warning issued on 26 Jul 2021 07:56
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is high and at Alverstone, continues to rise. Yesterday, more than a month’s rain (70mm), was recorded at Knighton. At Wroxall, totals were less at 52mm. The river is flooding gardens in Langbridge and Alverstone, the main road at Alverstone and access tracks at Horringford. The rate of rise is now slowing, currently at 1.5cm per hour. This morning (Monday 26/07/2021) some showers are forecast, but these will only bring a small amount of rain (5mm). If showers do affect the Eastern Yar, it will not alter the current situation significantly. We expect the river will peak around 09:00 today, it could rise another 3cm in that time. Whilst flood water is surrounding property, it is possible that internal flooding could just, by the smallest margin, be avoided, with impacts being more similar (but a little deeper) to those recorded at the end of June. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you have flood protection, we recommend leaving it in place until later this afternoon. This message will be updated by 15:00 on 26/07/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 25 Jul 2021 23:58
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is high and rising. In the last 12 hours, 70 mm of rain has been recorded at Knighton. This is more than a month’s rain in a very short period of time. Currently, flooding is affecting land, footpaths and cycle tracks along the Yar Valley. Over the next 2 hours, the river will begin to flood gardens in Langbridge and Alverstone. It will also flood the access track at Horringford. From 05:00 Monday morning (26/07/21), the river will be exceptionally high and at this time, it could begin to impact property in Alverstone and Langbridge. Rain has now cleared the area. Upstream at Budbridge, the river peaked at 20:15. At Alverstone and Langbridge, the river could continue to rise until approximately 08:00 Monday morning (26/07/21). We continue to monitor the forecast, and will ensure the river is free of any reported blockages. If you have pumps and flood protection, we recommend installing it now. This message will be updated by 08:00 on 26/07/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 31 Jan 2021 08:41
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar remains very high, but it is now slowly falling (2 cms per hour). 70mm of rain has fallen at Wroxall in the last 5 days, 35mm of rain was recorded yesterday. Today the river will remain exceptionally high and will continue to cause extensive flooding to land, footpaths, cycle and access tracks, some of which will be impassable in places. Given the current rate of fall, the water level will not be more safely back within bank until early Sunday afternoon. This afternoon some rain or showers are then forecast, with up to 7mm expected. If the forecast rain does affect the river, then a small increase in water level (about 20cms) could occur this evening. This increase in level shouldn’t cause flooding to property, but it will keep the river higher than normal for much longer. It should be fairly dry on Monday (01/02/2021). Pumps used to help reduce water levels will still be required today. This message will be updated by 19:00 on 31/01/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 30 Jan 2021 18:59
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is very high and rising rapidly. In the last 15 hours, 35 mm of rain has been recorded at Wroxall. Currently, flooding is affecting land, footpaths, cycle tracks and the access track at Horringford. At Alverstone, from 19:00, the river will begin to overtop the earth bank near the main road bridge. From 20:00 onwards, the river could begin to flood property. It is possible that flooding may also affect property at Langbridge later tonight. The river will continue to rise until at least midnight, remaining very high for at least 4 hours after that time, and into the early hours of Sunday morning (31/01/2021). Rain should clear by 20:00. The rest of the evening and Sunday morning should be dry. If you live near the river, please take action to protect property and ensure that any pumps used to help reduce water levels can operate. This message will be updated by 10:00 on 31/01/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 30 Jan 2021 17:50
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is very high. In the last 15 hours, 33 mm of rain has been recorded at Wroxall. Currently, flooding is affecting land, footpaths and cycle tracks. The access track at Horringford will be affected over the next few hours. At Alverstone, from 20:00, the river could begin to overtop the earth bank near the main road bridge. The river will continue to rise until at least midnight, remaining very high for at least 3 hours after that time, and into the early hours of Sunday morning (31/01/2021). As the river peaks, it could be high enough to impact and flood a small number of properties next to the river at Alverstone. Rain should clear by 20:00. The rest of the evening and Sunday morning should be dry. If you live near the river, please take action to protect property and ensure that any pumps used to help reduce water levels can operate. This message will be updated by 10:00 on 31/01/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 30 Jan 2021 12:05
Eastern Yar
The water level in the Eastern Yar is very high and rising. In the last 12 hours, 30 mm of rain was recorded at Wroxall. This is a very large amount of rain in a short period of time. Currently, flooding is affecting land, footpaths and cycle tracks. Upstream at Budbridge, the river has only just peaked. From 16:00 it may begin to affect access tracks at Horringford. At Alverstone and Langbridge, the river will continue to rise until at least midnight, but will remain high for several hours after that time, into the early hours of Sunday morning (31/01/2021). As the river peaks, it could just be high enough to impact and flood a small number of properties next to the river at Alverstone. Showers will continue over the next few hours, but Saturday evening and Sunday are expected to be dry. We continue to monitor the forecast. If you use pumps to help reduce water levels, please ensure they can operate. This message will be updated by 20:00 on 30/01/2021.

Flood Warning issued on 27 Dec 2020 22:24
Eastern Yar
Water levels in the Eastern Yar are high and rising following heavy rain in the early hours of Sunday (27/12/20) morning during Storm Bella. In the next 3 hours property flooding is expected at Alverstone. With impacts also possible at Whitwell High Street. Access to Horringford may be restricted. Golf links Road, cycle tracks and footpaths will be impassable. Further showers are expected over the next few hours and heavy rain, possibly in the form of sleet and snow, is forecast tomorrow from 07:00 (Monday 28/12/20) until early afternoon. Throughout this time, water levels will rise and fall. Overall, they will be much higher than normal. We continue to monitor the forecast. We'll ensure the river is kept free of reported blockages. If you have it, please install flood protection now and leave it in place until the day after tomorrow (Tuesday 29/12/2020). This Flood Warning will be updated by 15:00 on Monday 28/12/2020, or sooner if required.