Flood Alert Info - Groundwater flooding south of the Humber Estuary
Area Description
Groundwater Flooding in the area around Barrow upon Humber and Barton Upon Humber.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.
Area Covered by this Flood Alert
The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History
Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Barton-Upon-Humber area
Historical Flood Alerts for this Area
Flood Alert issued on 12 Jan 2024 13:13
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days and we do not currently expect properties to be affected. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 13th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Jan 2024 13:59
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days and we do not currently expect properties to be affected. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 12th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Jan 2024 13:39
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days and we do not currently expect properties to be affected. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 11th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Jan 2024 10:20
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days and we do not currently expect properties to be affected. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on the 10th of January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Jan 2024 11:47
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 9th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Jan 2024 14:54
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber have risen. Groundwater levels appear to have peaked, however levels remain high. No further significant rainfall is expected for the next few days. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 8th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 6 Jan 2024 11:48
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber are now rising. This is a developing situation and this may lead to flooding of low lying land which could lead to standing water seen for several days or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 7th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 5 Jan 2024 12:24
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber are now rising. This is a developing situation and this may lead to flooding of low lying land which could lead to standing water seen for several days or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 6th January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 4 Jan 2024 14:11
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber are now rising. This is a developing situation and this may lead to flooding of low lying land which could lead to standing water seen for several days or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 05 January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2024 20:53
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber are now rising. This is a developing situation and could lead to flooding of low lying land from tonight Wednesday 3rd January onwards. If groundwater levels continue to rise it could lead to standing water for several days or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 16:00 on 04 January 2024, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 17 Dec 2023 10:46
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This will lead to continued flooding of low lying land from today Sunday 17 December onwards. Impacts are expected for several days, or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 13:00 on 18 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2023 13:26
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This will lead to continued flooding of low lying land from today Saturday 16 December onwards. Impacts are expected for several days, or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 11:00 on 17 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 16 Dec 2023 12:42
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This will lead to continued flooding of low lying land from today Saturday 16 December onwards. Impacts are expected for several days, or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 13:00 on 17 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Dec 2023 12:27
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This will lead to continued flooding of low lying land from today Friday 15 December onwards. Impacts are for several days, or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 13:00 on 16 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Dec 2023 12:09
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This will lead to flooding of low lying land from today Thursday 14 December onwards. Impacts are expected today, and for several days, or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 13:00 on 15 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Dec 2023 19:19
Over the past few weeks we have seen heavy and prolonged rainfall across North Lincolnshire. This means that the groundwater levels in Barrow upon Humber are now rising. This is a developing situation and could lead to flooding of low lying land from today Wednesday 13 December onwards. If groundwater levels continue to rise it could lead to standing water for several days or weeks. Groundwater flooding can be distinguished from river flooding as it will often be clear and is unlikely to flow. This message will be updated online and on Floodline by 13:00 on 14 December 2023, or before if the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 15 Feb 2021 11:17
Over the past week we have seen heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area with further rain forecast later in the week. This means that the ground water has been rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Monday, 15th February onwards. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Tuesday 16th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 14 Feb 2021 12:50
Over the past week we have seen heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water has been rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Sunday, 14th February onwards. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Monday 15th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 13 Feb 2021 13:26
Over the past week we have seen heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Saturday, 13th February onwards. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Sunday 14th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2021 13:12
Over the past week we have seen heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Friday, 12th February onwards. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Saturday 13th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 11 Feb 2021 13:29
Over the past week we have seen heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Thursday, 11th February onwards. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Friday 12th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 10 Feb 2021 12:47
Over the last few days and weeks we have seen sustained heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Wednesday, 10th February onwards. Flood Warnings have now been issued. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Thursday 11th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 9 Feb 2021 06:37
Over the last few days and weeks we have seen sustained heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Tuesday, 9th February onwards. Flood Warnings have now been issued. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Wednesday 10th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 8 Feb 2021 13:29
Over the last few days and weeks we have seen sustained heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber from today, Monday, 8th February onwards. Flood Warnings have now been issued. Properties most at risk are those on and around Westoby Lane in Barrow, together with Barrow Hall Care Centre and West Cotes Farm properties. The Wren Kitchens site and properties on the Humber Bridge Industrial Estate at Barton, as well as the lower parts of Barrow, could also be affected. Stay safe and be aware of your local surroundings. Please avoid contact with flood water. Our staff are out in the area and we are closely monitoring the situation. This message will be updated on Tuesday 9th February, or as the situation changes.
Flood Alert issued on 7 Feb 2021 18:55
Over the last few days and weeks we have seen sustained heavy rainfall in the River Ancholme area. This means that the ground water is rising to levels which will impact areas in Barrow Upon Humber. With further rainfall forecast, this is an early indication that Flood Warnings will be likely over the next few days. This message will be updated Monday 8th February, or as the situation changes.