Flood Alert Info - Hunstanton coast in Norfolk

Area Description

Hunstanton seafront.
This is a Flood Alert Area. For this area the highest level of flood notification that you will receive is a Flood Alert. No Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings are issued for this area.
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There are no Flood Alerts currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Alert

The orange highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Alert.
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Flood Alert History

Number of historic Flood Alerts that have previously been recorded for this area:
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Historical Flood Alerts for this Area

Flood Alert issued on 30 Mar 2025 09:52
North Sea
High spring tides combined with a tidal surge will result in higher tide levels than usual between 19:45 and 21:45 this evening, 30/03/2025. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 5.32mAODN at 19:45 on Sunday 30 March, which is 0.63m above tide tables, wind force 5, Northerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Monday at 08:45am is currently forecast to below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10.30pm this evening, Sunday 30 March.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Mar 2025 09:31
North Sea
High spring tides combined with a tidal surge will result in higher tide levels than usual between 19:45pm and 21:45pm, Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.77mAODN at 08:45pm, on Monday 03 March, which is 0.19m above tide tables, wind Force 2, South Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Tuesday at 9:15 am is currently forecast to be below Flood Alert thresholds. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Tuesday 04 March.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Mar 2025 09:04
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.69 mAODN at 20:00 pm, on Sunday 02 March, which is 0.01 m above tide tables, wind Force 4, South Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Monday 03 March at 08:45am is currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Monday 03 March.

Flood Alert issued on 1 Mar 2025 09:04
North Sea
High spring tides combined with a tidal surge will result in higher tide levels than usual. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.70 mAODN at 19:15 pm, on Saturday 01 March, which is 0.20m above tide tables, wind Force 2, South Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Sunday at 8:00 am is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Sunday 2 March.

Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2024 12:44
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 21:30 this evening Sunday 22/12/2024. and 01:30 tomorrow morning, Monday 23/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.22 mAODN at 22:45 on Sunday 22/12/2024. High water level equals 2.30 plus 0.92m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 7 North Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 tomorrow Monday 23rd December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2024 12:30
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 21:30 this evening Sunday 22/12/2024 and 01:30 tomorrow morning, Monday 23/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.22 mAODN at 22:45 on Sunday 22/12/2024. High water level equals 2.30 plus 0.92m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 7 North Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 tomorrow Monday 23rd December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 22 Dec 2024 08:06
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 09:00 and 12:00 this morning, Sunday 22/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 2.61 mAODN at 11:00pm on Sunday 22/12/2024. High water level equals 2.00 plus 0.61m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 8 Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 12:30 today Sunday 22nd December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Dec 2024 12:59
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 21:00 this evening 21/12/2024 and 00:30 tomorrow morning, 22/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 2.83 mAODN at 22:30pm on Saturday 21/12/2024. High water level equals 2.64 plus 0.19m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 7 Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 tomorrow Sunday 22nd December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Dec 2024 11:48
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 20:00 and 24:00 this evening, 20/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 2.88 mAODN at 22:00pm on Friday 20/12/2024. High water level equals 2.86 plus 0.02m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 5 Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 tomorrow Saturday 21st December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 19 Dec 2024 12:55
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 19:00 and 23:00 this evening, 19/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is that a peak tide level will reach 4.19 mAODN at 20:45pm on Thursday 19/12/2024. High water level equals 3.10m plus 0.82m for surge, and 0.27m further adjustment. Wind direction is forecast force 6 North Westerly. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 tomorrow Friday 20th December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Dec 2024 12:51
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 19:00pm and 22:30pm this evening, 18/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is that the peak tide level will reach 4.06 mAODN at 20:15pm Wednesday 18/12/2024. High water level equals 3.33 plus 0.53m for surge, and 0.2m further adjustment. Wind direction is forecast force 4 South Westerly. The following tide on Thursday at 20:45pm is currently forecast to be above the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow Thursday 19th December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 7 Dec 2024 20:10
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 10:15am and 1:00pm tomorrow, Sunday 8th December. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for tomorrow morning’s high tide is for a peak level of 2.96 mAODN at 11:15am. High water level equals 2.96 mAODN minus 0.64m for surge. Wind direction is forecast as force 8 Northerly. The following high tide on Sunday at 11:30pm is currently forecast to be below the alert threshold. A flood alert is currently in force for this evening’s high tide. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 1:00pm tomorrow, Sunday 8th December.

Flood Alert issued on 6 Dec 2024 19:59
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast from 9 pm tomorrow Saturday 7th of December to 1:15 am on Sunday 8th of December. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Floodgates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for tomorrow evening‘s high tide is for a peak level of 3.74 mAODN at 9:45 pm. High water level equals 3.74 mAODN minus 0.84 m for surge. Wind direction is forecast as Force 8 northerly. The following tide on Sunday eighth of December at 10:15 am is also currently forecast to be a flood alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don’t put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 8pm tomorrow Saturday, the 7th of December.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Dec 2024 20:14
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 08:00am and 11:00am tomorrow morning, Friday 6th December. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for tomorrow morning’s tide is for a peak level of 3.32 mAODN at 09:30am. High water level equals 3.32 mAODN minus 0.68m for surge. Wind direction is forecast as force 6 North-westerly. The following tide on Friday at 9:15pm is currently forecast to be below the alert threshold. A flood alert is currently in force for this evening’s high tide. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, Friday 6th December.

Flood Alert issued on 5 Dec 2024 09:28
North Sea
Strong winds may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 7pm and 10:30pm this evening, 05/12/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. Peak tide level will reach 3.44 mAODN at 8pm today, 05/12/2024. High water level equals 3.44m minus 0.52m for surge. Wind direction is forecast as force 6 Westerly. The following tide on Friday at 09:30am is currently forecast to be above the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Friday 6th December 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 16 Nov 2024 09:29
North Sea
Strong winds and spring tides may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast between 04:30 am and 08:30 am tomorrow morning, 17/11/24. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak tide level of 4.65 mAODN at 06:30 am, Sunday 17/11/2024. High water level equals 4.19m plus 0.44m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 5 North-westerly. The following tide on Sunday at 7:00 pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 am tomorrow, Sunday 17th November 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 15 Nov 2024 12:35
North Sea
Strong winds and spring tides may cause large waves and spray overtopping on the coast. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it, is for a peak tide level of 4.70 mAODN at 05:45 am Saturday 16/11/2024. High water level equals 4.63m plus 0.07m for surge. Wind direction is forecast force 5 South-westerly. The following tide on Saturday at 18:15 is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10:00 am tomorrow, Saturday 16th November 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Oct 2024 13:33
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.74 mAODN at 08:00 am on Saturday 19/10/2024. High water level equals 4.79m minus 0.05m surge. Wind direction is forecast force 5 Southerly. The following tide on Saturday at 8:15pm is currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10 am tomorrow Saturday 19th October 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2024 12:22
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.85 mAODN at 07:15 am Friday 18/10/2024. High water level equals 4.70m plus 0.15m surge. Wind direction is forecast force 2 Southerly. The following tide on Saturday 19/10/2024 at 08:00am is currently also forecast to be a Flood Alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 09:15 am tomorrow Friday 18th October 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Sep 2024 10:52
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.99 mAODN at 09:15 am Saturday 21/09/2024. High water level equals 4.86m plus 0.03m surge plus 0.10m forecaster adjustment. Wind direction is forecast force 4 North Easterly. The current series of high spring tides has now reached its peak, and will fall away over the next few days. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out closing locks and flood gates. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow Saturday 21st September 2024

Flood Alert issued on 19 Sep 2024 09:37
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.97 mAODN at 08:30 am Friday 20/09/2024. High water level equals 4.93m plus 0.04m surge. Wind direction is forecast Force 4 Northeasterly. The following tide on Saturday 21/09/2024 at 09:15 am is also currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out closing locks and flood gates. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow Friday 20th September 2024

Flood Alert issued on 19 Sep 2024 09:27
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.97 mAODN at 07:30 am Friday 20/09/2024. High water level equals 4.93m plus 0.04m surge. Wind direction is forecast Force 4 Northeasterly. The following tide on Saturday 21/09/2024 at 08:15 am is also currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out closing locks and flood gates. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow Friday 20th September 2024

Flood Alert issued on 22 Aug 2024 10:36
North Sea
Strong winds and spring tides may cause large waves, and spray overtopping on the coast between 7:15am to 11:15am, tomorrow morning, 23/08/24. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4:62 mAODN at 9.15am, on Friday 23 August 2024, which is 0.07m below tide tables, wind Force 8, South-Westernly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Saturday 24 August 2024 at 10:15 am is currently below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are continuing to monitor the situation. We will update this message by 11.30 am tomorrow, Friday 23 August 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Aug 2024 14:14
North Sea
Strong winds and spring tides may cause large waves, and spray overtopping on the coast between 7am to 11am, tomorrow morning, 22/08/24. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4:17 mAODN at 9.00am, on Thursday 22 August 2024, which is -0.47m above tide tables, wind Force 7, South-Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Friday 23 August 2024 at 9:15 am is currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are continuing to monitor the situation. We will update this message by 11 am tomorrow, Thursday 22 August.

Flood Alert issued on 11 Apr 2024 09:13
North Sea
High spring tides combined with strong winds will result in higher tide levels than usual. Flooding is possible between 8pm and 10pm this evening, 11/04/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.74mAODN at 9pm, on Thursday 11th April, Wind Force 5, Direction S. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The tides on Friday are currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2024 09:19
North Sea
High spring tides combined with strong winds will result in higher tide levels than usual. Flooding is possible between 6.45pm and 8.45pm this evening, 09/04/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.6 mAODN at 7.45pm, on Tuesday 9th April, Wind Force 7, direction W, (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tides on Wednesday are currently below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger.

Flood Alert issued on 8 Apr 2024 09:26
North Sea
High spring tides combined with strong winds will result in higher tide levels than usual and large waves. Flooding is possible. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 5.02 mAODN at 18:45, on Monday 8th April which is 0.73m above tide tables, wind Force 4, direction SE, (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Tuesday at 19:45 is currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger.

Flood Alert issued on 11 Mar 2024 11:01
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected between 5pm and 9pm today, Monday 11 March 2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.74mAODN at 19:00pm, on Monday 11 March 2024, which is 0.13m above tide tables, wind Force 4, Northerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Tuesday morning is currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 9am tomorrow, Tuesday 12 March 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 10 Mar 2024 09:28
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 4.48 mAODN at 18:30 pm, on Sunday 10 March 2024, which is 0.27m above tide tables, wind Force 5, Easterly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Monday at 07:15 am is currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 8pm today, Sunday 10 March.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2024 14:50
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 3.95mAODN at 6.30 am, on Sunday 10 March 2024, which is 0.22m above tide tables, wind Force 6, Easterly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Sunday evening at 18.30 pm is currently forecast above the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10 am tomorrow, Sunday 10 March 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 25 Feb 2024 12:43
North Sea
Strong winds and high tides may cause large waves, and spray overtopping on the coast between 18:15 and 20:15 this evening, Sunday 25th February. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.95 mAODN at 19:15, on Sunday 25th February, which is 0.35m above tide tables, wind Force 6, North Easterly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). We are expecting similar condition to occur for the following tide on Monday 26th February at 07:45.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Feb 2024 17:10
North Sea
High tides are expected between 7:45pm and 9:45pm this evening, Tuesday 13th February. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 4.82mAODN at 8:45pm on Tuesday 13th February, which is 0.35m above tide tables, wind Force 5, southerly. (mAODN is the height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The evening tide on Tuesday 13th February at 7:45pm is currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Wednesday 14th February 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Feb 2024 08:41
North Sea
High tides are expected between 7:45pm and 9:45pm this evening, Tuesday 13th February. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 4.82mAODN at 8:45pm on Tuesday 13th February, which is 0.35m above tide tables, wind Force 5, southerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The evening tide on Tuesday 13th February at 7:45pm is currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. We will update this message by 5pm today, Tuesday 13th February 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 12 Feb 2024 12:41
North Sea
High tides are expected between 7pm and 9pm this evening, Monday 12th February. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 4.62mAODN at 8pm on Monday 12th February, which is 0.16m above tide tables, wind Force 5, south-westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The evening tide on Tuesday 13th February at 7:45pm is currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Tuesday 13th February 2024.

Flood Alert issued on 15 Jan 2024 11:04
North Sea
This alert is in force today, Monday 15th January, until 11:00pm. Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong winds developing throughout today. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast is for a peak level of 4.44mAODN at 9pm this evening, Monday 15 January, which is 0.51m above the tide level, wind Force 5, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). This Flood Alert has been issued for the potential sea spray at the promenade and coastal frontages. The following tide is currently forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, 16/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 14 Jan 2024 10:57
North Sea
This alert is in force from 6pm today, Sunday 14th January, until 12:30am on Tuesday 16th January. Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong winds developing throughout today. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast is for a peak level of 4.73mAODN at 8:15pm this evening, Sunday 14 January, which is 0.81m above tide tables, wind Force 6, North Westerly. The following two tides on Monday at 9:00am and 9:00pm are currently forecast to be a Flood Alert. The detailed forecast for the tide at 9am Monday morning is for a peak level of 4.54mAODN, which is 1.16m above tide tables, wind Force 7, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, 15/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Jan 2024 18:27
North Sea
This alert is in force from 6pm tomorrow, Sunday 14th January, until 12:30am on Tuesday 16th January. Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong winds developing throughout tomorrow, 14/01/2024. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast, for those that use it, is for a peak level of 4.61mAODN at 8:15pm tomorrow evening, Sunday 14 January, which is 0.69m above tide tables, wind Force 6, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following two tides on Monday at 9:00am and 9:00pm are currently forecast to be a Flood Alert due to the risk of sea spray. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and are not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, 14/01/2024.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Dec 2023 09:49
North Sea
Strong winds combined with a tidal surge may cause large waves, and spray overtopping on the coast between 0:00am and 02:00am tomorrow morning, Friday 22 December. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.44 mAODN at 1:00 am, on Friday 22 December, which is 0.73m above tide tables, wind Force 6, westerly. (m AODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Friday at 15:00 pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 9am tomorrow, Friday 22 December.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Dec 2023 10:45
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong winds, between 5:30pm and 7:45pm for this evening’s tide, Wednesday 13 December. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.71mAODN at 6:16pm, on Wednesday 13 December, which is 0.23m above tide tables, wind Force 6, North Easterly (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Thursday at 1:10am is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, Thursday 14 December.

Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2023 18:25
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront between 03:15 am and 05.15 am tomorrow morning, Saturday 25 November. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.71mAODN at 04:15am, on Saturday 25 November, which is 0.33 m above tide tables, wind Force 7, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Saturday at 17:00 pm is forecast to be below the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 9am tomorrow, Saturday 25 November.

Flood Alert issued on 24 Nov 2023 09:35
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront between 14:45pm and 16:45pm today, Friday 24 November. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.89mAODN at 15:45pm, on Friday 24 November, which is 1.0 m above tide tables, wind Force 8, Northerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Saturday at 04:15 am is currently forecast to be above the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 7pm today, Friday 24 November.

Flood Alert issued on 23 Nov 2023 10:28
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront between 02:00am and 04:00am tomorrow morning, Friday 24 November. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 3.67mAODN at 03:00am, on Friday 24 November, which is 0.70m above tide tables, wind Force 7, North Westerly, (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Friday at 16:00pm is currently forecast to be above the Flood Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. We are monitoring the situation and not expecting it to escalate. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Friday 24 November.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Nov 2023 11:58
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 29 Oct 2023 21:47
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 29 Oct 2023 00:13
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2023 23:42
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 13 Oct 2023 00:13
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Oct 2023 12:12
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected between 8:15am and 10:15am tomorrow morning, Tuesday 3 October. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.5mAODN at 9:15am, on Tuesday 3 October, which is 0.21m above tide tables, wind Force 5, Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Tuesday at 10:00pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, Tuesday 3 October

Flood Alert issued on 1 Oct 2023 09:14
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected between 7:45am and 9:45am tomorrow morning, Monday 2 October. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 5.06mAODN at 8:45am, on Monday 2 October, which is 0.35m above tide tables, wind Force 2, South Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Monday at 9:30pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, Monday 2 October

Flood Alert issued on 29 Sep 2023 09:25
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected between 6:15am and 8:15am tomorrow morning, Saturday 30 September. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4:9mAODN at 7:15am, on Saturday 30 September, which is 0.36m above tide tables, wind Force 3, Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Saturday at 8:15pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 10am tomorrow, Saturday 30 September

Flood Alert issued on 5 Aug 2023 14:48
North Sea
A combination of strong winds during spring tides, means that higher tides are expected between 8:15am and 12:15pm tomorrow, Sunday 6th August. Flooding to the promenade is possible at these times, with large waves and sea spray overtopping likely. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.54mAODN at 10:15am, on Sunday 6th August, which is 0.22m above tide tables, wind force 6, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Sunday 6th August at 11:00pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 1pm tomorrow or earlier if conditions change.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Aug 2023 14:57
North Sea
A combination of strong winds during spring tides, means that higher tides are expected between 7am and 11am tomorrow morning, Friday 4th August. Flooding to the promenade is possible at these times, with large waves and sea spray overtopping likely. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.55mAODN at 09:00am, on Friday 4th August, which is 0.20m above tide tables, wind Force 4, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Friday 4th August at 21:45pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 12pm tomorrow or earlier if conditions change.

Flood Alert issued on 2 Aug 2023 14:10
North Sea
The forecast weather conditions during spring tides, means that high tides are expected between 6am and 10am tomorrow morning, Thursday 3 August. Areas most at risk are around Hunstanton seafront. Flood gates in the area will be closed by the Local Authority which will make access difficult. The detailed forecast for those that use it is for a peak level of 4.45mAODN at 08:00am, on Thursday 3 August, which is 0.38m above tide tables, wind Force 5, North Westerly. (mAODN is height above average sea level, for more info refer to local tide tables). The following tide on Thursday at 09:00pm is currently forecast to be below the Alert threshold. Take care on beaches, coastal roads and footpaths, and don't put yourself or others in danger. Our workforce are out checking flood defences. We will update this message by 11am tomorrow, Thursday 3rd August.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Apr 2023 22:13
North Sea
Flooding is possible in this area. Monitor local water levels and weather conditions. Avoid using low lying footpaths or entering areas prone to flooding. Start acting on your flood plan if you have one. Environment Agency Flood Warning Officers set the river or tidal levels that have triggered this message. During industrial action this message has been automatically issued based on rising river or tidal levels.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Mar 2023 09:36
North Sea
Forecast stormy weather conditions and high tide levels are expected to impact the seafront as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest at 19:30 today, 09/03/23. Flooding to the promenade/seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Any flooding could affect the Hunstanton seafront. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are closing flood gates and checking defences. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.86 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.33m. Including a forecast adjustment of 0.10m. The final forecast tide level is 4.29 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is easterly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. This message will be updated this evening, 09/03/23, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 24 Feb 2023 11:23
North Sea
High spring tides, a tidal surge and strong winds have combined to make water levels higher than usual. High tide will be at 21:00 today, 24/02/23. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible. However, conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding is affecting Hunstanton seafront. We are closely monitoring the situation and the Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.07mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.89m. The forecast tide level is 4.96 mAODN. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 6. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 25/02/23, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 22 Feb 2023 09:22
North Sea
High tides and a tidal surge that have combined to make water levels higher than usual as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. High tide will be at 19:45 today, 22/02/23. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Flooding is affecting Hunstanton seafront We are closely monitoring the situation and the Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Please detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.41 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.51 m. The forecast tide level is 4.92 mAODN. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 3. This message will be updated this evening, 22/02/23, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Oct 2022 14:36
North Sea
High tides and a tidal surge have combined to make water levels higher than usual as a result of spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 06:30 and 08:30 tomorrow, 10/10/22. Flooding to the promenade for Hunstanton seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Coastal conditions should ease for the 10/10/22 high tide at 19:30. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council. The Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.16mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.20m. The forecast tide level is 4.66mAOD. The forecast wind direction is north-westerly. The forecast wind strength is 5. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 10/10/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 16 Sep 2022 09:00
North Sea
Waves are forecast to overtop sea defences at Hunstanton with sea spray expected because of strong onshore winds. Tides will be at their highest at 23:00 today, 16/09/2022. We expect the wave overtopping to affect the seafront at Hunstanton. We do not forecast the situation to deteriorate any further. Continuing strong winds may cause additional wave overtopping until after the high tide at 23:00 on 16/09/2022 at Hunstanton. We are closely monitoring the situation. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 2.47 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.43 m. The forecast tide level is 2.90 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is Northwest. The forecast wind strength is Force 6. This message will be updated after the tide has passed or if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 12 Sep 2022 15:47
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of high spring tides. Tides will be at their highest between 08:15 and 09:15 tomorrow, 13/09/22. Flooding to the promenade for Hunstanton seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Coastal conditions should ease for the 13/09/22 high tide at 20:30. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council. The Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.46mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.46m. The forecast tide level is 4.92mAOD. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 3. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 13/09/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 12 Sep 2022 10:28
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of high spring tides. Tides will be at their highest between 08:15 and 09:15 tomorrow, 13/09/22. Flooding to the promenade for Hunstanton seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Coastal conditions should ease for the 13/09/22 high tide at 20:30. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are liaising with King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council. The Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: The predicted astronomical tide level is 4.46mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.46m. The forecast tide level is 4.92mAOD. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 3. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 12/09/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Feb 2022 16:58
North Sea
Strong onshore winds following storm Franklin will lead to large waves and spray affecting the Hunstanton seafront during Monday evening's, 21/02/22, high tide. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Large waves with overtopping spray are likely between 19:00 and 23:00 on Monday, 21/02/2022. You are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We are monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated on Tuesday morning, 22/02/22, or if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Feb 2022 11:58
North Sea
Strong onshore winds following storm Franklin will lead to large waves and spray affecting the Hunstanton seafront during Monday evening's, 21/02/22, high tide. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Large waves with overtopping spray are likely between 19:00 and 23:00 on Monday, 21/02/2022. You are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We are monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated on Monday evening, 21/02/22, or if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2022 22:55
North Sea
Large waves and spray, caused by strong winds from storm Franklin, are expected to affect the Hunstanton seafront during Monday mornings (21/02/2022) high tide. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Large waves with overtopping spray are likely between 07:30 and 10:30 on Monday 21/02/2022. You are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We are monitoring the situation. Further flood alerts may be required for following high tides. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Feb 2022 11:39
North Sea
Large waves and spray caused by storm Franklin are expected to affect the Hunstanton seafront during Sunday evening's (20/02/2022) high tide. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Large waves with overtopping spray are likely between 19:00 and 23:00 on Sunday 20/02/2022. You are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We are monitoring the situation as Storm Franklin moves across the area. Further Flood alerts may be required for Monday's 21/02/2022 high tides. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Feb 2022 12:44
North Sea
Large waves and spray caused by storm Eunice are expected to affect the Hunstanton seafront during Friday evenings (18/02/2022) high tide. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Large waves with overtopping spray is likely between 09:00 and 22:00 on Friday 18/02/2022. You are advised to stay away from risk areas and take care next to the coast. We are monitoring the situation as Storm Eunice moves across the area. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 16 Feb 2022 17:11
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong onshore winds caused by storm Dudley. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of Thursday mornings 17/02/2022 high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Strong winds from storm Dudley are likely to cause wave overtopping and spray during the high tide on Thursday morning 17/02/2022 between 05:00 and 08:00. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 17/02/2022, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 16 Feb 2022 13:03
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of strong onshore winds caused by storm Dudley. Consequently, flooding is possible for the duration of Thursday mornings 17/02/2022 high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront . Strong winds from storm Dudley are likely to cause wave overtopping and spray during the high tide on Thursday morning 17/02/2022 between 05:00 and 08:00 We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. This message will be updated this evening, 16/02/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 6 Feb 2022 10:39
North Sea
Large and powerful waves are expected to overtop sea defences as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 21:00 and 23:00 today, 06/02/22. Flooding to the promenade/seafront is expected/possible at these times. However, conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.39 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.59 m. The forecast tide level is 4.28 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is NW, with a strength Force 7. Spray and sea water is expected to reach the promenade/seafront based on these forecast conditions. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 07/02/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Feb 2022 11:29
North Sea
Large and powerful waves are expected to overtop sea defences as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 20:00 and 21:00 today, 04/02/22. Flooding to the promenade/seafront is expected/possible at these times. However, conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.90 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.27 m. The forecast tide level is 4.57 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is W with a strength Force 6. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous and stay away from large waves as they are dangerous. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 05/02/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 1 Feb 2022 13:45
North Sea
Large waves are expected to overtop sea defences as a result of a high tide and strong wind forecast. Tides will be at their highest between 18:00 and 19:00 today, 01/02/22. Spray and sea water is expected to reach the promenade/seafront at these times based on impacts seen yesterday, 31/01/22. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.58 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.48 m. The forecast tide level is 4.06 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is NW. The forecast wind strength is Force 6. This message will be updated by 11:00 tomorrow, 02/02/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 31 Jan 2022 16:59
North Sea
Due to increased wind strength the surge height is higher than forecast. We expect some minor impacts along the seafront in Hunstanton into this evening, Monday 31st January. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2022 11:38
North Sea
Tide levels tomorrow will be higher than usual as a result of a combination of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest at 07:00 tomorrow morning and 19:15 tomorrow evening, 04/01/22. Flooding is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.63mAODN.The forecast surge height is 0.89m.The forecast tide level is 4.52mAOD.The forecast wind direction is North-Westerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 5. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 04/01/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 3 Jan 2022 11:00
North Sea
Tide levels tomorrow will be higher than usual as a result of a combination of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest at 07:00 on tomorrow morning and 19:15 tomorrow evening, 04/01/22. Flooding is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.63mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.89m. The forecast tide level is 4.52mAOD. The forecast wind direction is North-Westerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 5. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 04/01/22, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 7 Nov 2021 10:16
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual. Tides will be at their highest at 19:30 this evening, 07/11/21. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, or if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 6 Nov 2021 13:55
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual. Tides will be at their highest at 07:15 tomorrow morning, 07/11/21. Flooding to properties/roads and farmland is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Please avoid contact with flood water. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, or if the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 4 Nov 2021 13:14
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of strong onshore winds. Tides will be at their highest at 06:00am tomorrow morning, 05/11/21. Flooding to the promenade/seafront is possible at this time, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. It is possible flooding could affect Hunstanton seafront. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are closing flood gates and checking defences. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 05/11/21, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 21 Oct 2021 07:53
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of a low pressure surge and strong North-Westerly Winds. Tides will be at their highest at 07:30 this morning, Thursday 21 October 2021. Flooding along coastal areas is possible at this time, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.85 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.73 m. The forecast tide level is 4.58 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is North-Westerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. Please note the Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates to this information, when required. This message will be updated at 11:00 today, Thursday 21 October 2021.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2021 17:34
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of a low pressure surge and strong North-Westerly Winds. Tides will be at their highest at 07:30 tomorrow morning, Thursday 21 October 2021. Flooding along coastal areas is possible at this time, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.85 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.79 m. The forecast tide level is 4.64 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is North-Westerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. Please note the Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates to this information, when required. This message will be updated at 08:00 on Thursday 21 October 2021.

Flood Alert issued on 20 Oct 2021 11:13
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of a low pressure surge and strong North-Westerly Winds. Tides will be at their highest at 07:30 tomorrow morning, Thursday 21 October 2021. Flooding along coastal areas is possible at this time, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.85 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.85 m. The forecast tide level is 4.70 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is North-Westerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. Please note the Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. We are closely monitoring the situation and provided updates to this information, when required. This message will be updated at 17:00 on Wednesday 20th October 2021.

Flood Alert issued on 27 Apr 2021 21:02
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 19:30 and 20:30 Wednesday, 28/04/21. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.64 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.00 m. The forecast tide level is 4.64 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is north east. The forecast wind strength is Force 6

Flood Alert issued on 26 Apr 2021 18:21
North Sea
Large waves and sea spray are expected to affect the seafront as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 19:00 and 20:00 tomorrow, Tuesday 27/04/21. Flooding of the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.56 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.04 m. The forecast tide level is 4.52 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is east south east. The forecast wind strength is Force 4.

Flood Alert issued on 19 Nov 2020 08:40
North Sea
High tides and a tidal surge have combined to make water levels higher than usual as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 07:15 and 11:15 today, 19/11/2020. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.38mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.74m. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 6. This message will be updated this afternoon 19/11/2020, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Nov 2020 16:38
North Sea
High tides and a tidal surge have combined to make water levels higher than usual as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 07:15 and 11:15 tomorrow, 19/11/2020. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.34mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.92m. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. This message will be updated tomorrow morning 19/11/2020, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Nov 2020 09:50
North Sea
High tides and a tidal surge that have combined to make water levels higher than usual as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. Tides will be at their highest between 07:15 and 11:15 tomorrow, 19/11/2020. Flooding to the promenade and seafront is possible at these times, however conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. The local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 3.34 mAODN. The forecast surge height is 0.95 m. The forecast tide level is 4.53 mAOD. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 7. This message will be updated this afternoon 18/11/2020, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 17 Oct 2020 09:00
North Sea
Tides are expected to be higher than usual as a result of high spring tides and will be at their highest tomorrow 18/10/20 at 07:51. However conditions may apply 2 to 4 hours either side of the high tide. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Coastal conditions should ease for the 18/10/20 high tide at 20:27. We are closely monitoring the situation. The Local Authority are closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. Flooding of properties is not forecast at this point. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.67mAODN. The forecast surge height is -0.3m. The forecast tide level is 4.82mAODN. The forecast wind direction is Northerly. The forecast wind strength is Force 4. This message will be updated by 20:00 on 18/10/21 or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 19 Sep 2020 11:04
North Sea
Sea levels will be high as a result of high spring tides. The forecast high water is 08:56 tomorrow morning, 20/09/2020. Flooding to the promenade and Hunstanton seafront is possible at this time and conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.70 mAODN. The forecast tide level is 4.87 mAODN. The forecast wind direction is North East with a wind strength of Force 4. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences and closing locks and flood gates. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous and the Local Authority have closed the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access difficult. This message will be updated Sunday 20/09/20, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Sep 2020 12:25
North Sea
Sea levels will be high as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. The forecast high water is 08::15 tomorrow, 19/09/2020. Flooding to the promenade and Hunstanton seafront is possible at this time and conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.61 mAODN. The forecast tide level is 4.77 mAODN. The forecast wind direction is East North East with a wind strength of Force 5. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences and closing locks and flood gates. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous and the Local Authority will be closing the flood gates at Hunstanton later this evening which will make access difficult. This message will be updated Saturday 19/09/20, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 18 Sep 2020 10:52
North Sea
Sea levels will be high as a result of high spring tides and strong winds. The forecast high water is 07:15 tomorrow, 19/09/2020. Flooding to the promenade and Hunstanton seafront is possible at this time and conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.61 mAODN. The forecast tide level is 4.77 mAODN. The forecast wind direction is East North East with a wind strength of Force 5. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are checking defences and closing locks and flood gates. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous and the Local Authority will be closing the flood gates at Hunstanton later this evening which will make access difficult. This message will be updated Saturday 19/09/20, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 10 May 2020 12:44
North Sea
As a result of high spring tides and strong winds, tides will be at their highest this evening at 20:30, 10/05/20. Conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide. We are closely monitoring the situation. We expect flooding to affect Hunstanton seafront. Flooding of properties is not forecast at this point. Coastal conditions should ease for the 11/05/20 high tide at 08:38. Our incident response staff are closing flood gates and checking defences. Please be careful along beaches, promenades, coastal footpaths and roads as large waves and sea spray could be dangerous. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: The predicted astronomical tide level is 3.77mAOD. The forecast surge height is 0.27m. The wind Force is 7 and north-north easterly. The forecast tide level is 4.54mAOD. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 11/05/20, or as the situation changes.

Flood Alert issued on 9 Apr 2020 09:59
North Sea
As a result of high spring tides, tides will be higher than usual between 19:20 and 21:20 today, 09/04/20. Flooding to the Hunstanton promenade/seafront is possible. Conditions may apply two to four hours either side of the high tide at 20:19. Coastal conditions should ease for the 10/04/20 high tide at 08:51. We are closely monitoring the situation. Please be careful along beaches, promenades and coastal footpaths as high sea levels could be dangerous. The Local Authority is closing the flood gates at Hunstanton which will make access to the promenade difficult. This message will be updated tomorrow morning, 10/04/20, or as the situation changes. Detailed tidal information for those who use it: the predicted astronomical tide level is 4.60mAODN. The forecast surge height is -0.08m. The forecast tide level is 4.68mAODN. The forecast wind direction is easterly. The forecast wind strength is Force 5.