Flood Warning Info - Holme Beck at Glusburn

Area Description

Properties in Glusburn including The Hawthorns, Meadow Lea, Manse Way and Boundary Avenue, plus a cluster of properties on Sutton Lane.
This is a Flood Warning Area. For this area, you may receive Flood Warnings or Severe Flood Warnings.
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There are no Flood Warnings currently in force for this area. See below for historical flood warnings.

Area Covered by this Flood Warning

The red highlighted area on the map below outlines the area covered by this Flood Warning.
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Flood Warning History

Number of historic Flood Warnings that have previously been recorded for this area:
We can provide a Flood Insurance Quote for properties in the Keighley area

Historical Flood Warnings for this Area

Flood Warning issued on 17 Oct 2024 00:31
Holme Beck, Eastburn Beck
Following heavy rain showers, rising river levels are expected to cause flooding overnight. Flooding is expected when river levels are at their highest from 01:00 AM on Thursday 17/10/2024. Areas most at risk include North of Holme beck, to include The Hawthorns, Meadow Lea, Manse Way and Boundary Avenue. Weather conditions are expected to improve throughout the morning and no further flooding is expected. We are closely monitoring the situation and monitoring rainfall and river levels. Please take care and avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water and don't put yourself or others at risk. This message will be updated by 8:30 AM on 17/10/2024, or as the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 22 May 2024 23:55
Holme Beck, Eastburn Beck
River levels are rising on the Eastburn Beck due to rainfall combined with some heavier localised showers on already wet catchments. Areas most at risk include North of Holme beck to include The Hawthorns, Meadow Lea, Manse Way and Boundary Avenue.. Flooding of property is expected in the next couple of hours from midnight Thursday 23rd May 2024. Residents are strongly urged to take action now. Remain safe and be aware of your surroundings. This message will be updated by 8:00 AM on 23/05/2024, or as the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 21 Feb 2022 03:23
Holme Beck, Eastburn Beck
River levels are continuing to fall on Holme Beck at Glusburn. No further significant rainfall is forecast in the next 24 hours and we expect to be able to remove this warning later today (21/2/2022). We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the forecast on a 24 hour basis. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 11:25 tomorrow morning, 21/02/2022, or as the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 20 Feb 2022 11:54
Holme Beck, Eastburn Beck
River levels rose as a result of persistent (heavy) rainfall overnight and this morning, 20/02/2022. Areas most at risk are properties in Glusburn including The Hawthorns, Meadow Lea, Manse Way and Boundary Avenue. River levels have now fallen below the flood risk threshold, but further rain is forecast throughout today. Consequently, the risk of flooding remains. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the forecast. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 8pm on 20/02/2022, or as the situation changes.

Flood Warning issued on 20 Feb 2022 03:36
Holme Beck, Eastburn Beck
River levels are rising as a result of persistent (heavy) rainfall. This rain fall is to continue through much of today, Sunday 20th February. Levels at Glusburn bridge are forecast to continue to rise until about 8am this morning. The area of concern is around the football ground and Holme Lane. We are monitoring the situation closely. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers, which may be flooded. Consider taking appropriate steps to prepare for possible flooding, such as moving things upstairs and getting flood protection equipment ready to put in place. This message will be updated at 11:35, 20/02/2022, or as the situation changes.