Eastbury Flood Control Structure

Monitoring Station Description

Monitoring station Eastbury Flood Control Structure is a Level (Downstream Stage) Gauge. It is located on the River Lambourn near the town of Hungerford.
This gauge is: Active with the last update on: 22-Oct-24 03:00
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Current Status

Current Level: 0.99 m - Within normal range

Last weeks measurements

Monitoring Station Location

The point on the map below indicates the location of the monitoring station.
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Long Term Measurements

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Monitoring Station Statistics

Station Reference 2254TH
Parameter Level
Parameter Type Downstream Stage
River River Lambourn
Catchment Name Vale of White Horse
Status Active
Max Level on Record 2.85 m
Min Level on Record 0.94 m
Typical Level Range High 2.65 m
Typical Level Range Low 0.9 m